My Green Doctor

Sustainable practices save money and help the global climate

My Green Doctor is the free environmental sustainability and climate change program offered by the World Medical Association. Offices and clinics learn to make gradual improvements in their uses of energy, water, chemicals, paper, and other resources. The program is easy to use, adding only five minutes of Green Team business to each regular staff meeting.

Why go green?

  • Leads to wiser and more responsible uses of resources.
  • Going green saves money by lowering office expenses.
  • Creates a healthier work environment.
  • Encourages office team-work and finding better ways to do things.
  • Teaches patients sensible choices that they can make for their families.
  • Improves job satisfaction.
  • Enhances the office’s public image and the trust of patients.
  • Decreases air pollution, water consumption, and waste.
  • Builds a healthier community.
  • Helps to make environmental sustainability part of everyone’s life!

My Green Doctor

Most clinics save money in their first month using My Green Doctor. It works for healthcare clinics, offices, and outpatient centers. One five-office practice in the United States is saving $1,500 per doctor every year and reducing its greenhouse gases, with no financial investment.

Begin by the clinic manager and an interested physician registering at Everyone in the clinic can register. Next, the clinic commits to the goal of environmental sustainability and to adding Green Team business to each clinic meeting agenda. Each meeting is fully scripted in the “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” so that there is nothing for the manager or director to study or prepare. Clinics can qualify for the Green Doctor Office Certificate from the World Medical Association within a few months.

My Green Doctor provides free brochures, posters, and other teaching tools to help helps share wise choices with patients and families. This can mean less energy and water used, cleaner air, fewer greenhouse gases, and better health outcomes.

For more details or suggestions, please contact Dr. Todd L Sack, MD FACP, Editor, My Green Doctor, or complete the contact form here. Please also read the WMA press release on this issue.

Register today at My Green Doctor to start saving money and improving health!