Current Policies

WMA's policies on ethical and social issues

Title Tags Year Type
WMA Statement on Body Searches of Prisoners Body Cavity Search, Correctional Institutions, Detention, Physical Examination, Prison 2005 Statement
WMA Statement on Boxing Accident Prevention, Boxing, Brain Injury, Sport, Trauma 2005 Statement
WMA Statement on Female Genital Mutilation Circumcision, FGM, Genital Mutilation, Human Rights, Medicalisation, Mutilation, Violence against Women 2005 Statement
WMA Resolution on WFME Global Standards for Quality Improvement of Medical Education Basic Medical Education (Undergraduate medical education), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Education, Medical Education (Medical training), Postgraduate Medical Education (Specialisation, Quality, Residency), Standards, World Federation for Medical Education 2004 Resolution
WMA Statement on Water and Health Emergency, Environment, Health, Water 2004 Statement
WMA Resolution on the Designation of an Annual Medical Ethics Day Medical Ethics Day 2003 Resolution
WMA Statement on the Responsibility of Physicians in the Documentation and Denunciation of Acts of Torture or Cruel or Inhuman or Degrading Treatment Degrading Treatment, Ethics, Human Rights, Inhuman Treatment, Istanbul Protocol, Torture 2003 Resolution, Statement
WMA Resolution on the Non-Commercialisation of Human Reproductive Material Embryo Transfer, Ethics, Gametes, Reproductive Technology 2003 Resolution
WMA Statement on Advance Directives (Living Wills) Advance Directive, End-of-Life Care, Living Will, Patient Autonomy, Self-Determination 2003 Statement
WMA Statement on Forensic Investigation of the Missing Ethics, Forensic Medicine, ICRC, Military Personnel, Missing Persons, Standards, War 2003 Statement
WMA Statement on Violence and Health Advocacy, Data Collection, Medical Training, Prevention, Violence 2003 Statement
WMA Declaration of Washington on Biological Weapons Biological Weapon, Conflicts, Disaster, Preparedness, Public Health, Resistance, Surveillance, Washington 2003 Declaration
WMA Statement on Women’s rights to Health Care and How that relates to the Prevention of Mother-to-child HIV infection Gender Inequality, Health Care, HIV, Human Rights, Mother-to-Child Infection, Pregnancy, Prevention, Woman’s Rights 2002 Statement
WMA Resolution on the Abuse of Psychiatry Abuse, Detention, Dissident, Political Prisoner, Psychiatry 2002 Resolution
WMA Statement on Sex Selection Abortion and Female Foeticide Discrimination, Female Foeticide, Gender Selection 2002 Statement