
WMA's Policies on Ethical and Social Issues

The Handbook of WMA Policy is issued as a record of the World Medical Association’s stance on a variety of ethical and social issues. The issues are usually important factors in human health and are relevant to physicians worldwide. Some of the Declarations have needed revision in light of new knowledge or to improve the sometimes awkward wording that inevitably occurs when people of different tongues deliberate together. This dynamic process shows that the WMA is a constantly evolving, unique organization, ideal to act as a protector of patients’ best interests, and as advocates for the medical profession.


We distinguish three types of policies*:

A Declaration or Statement reflects WMA policy on an issue considered to be of significance, to be universally applicable and embodying principles that endure over time. A distinction is made between a Declaration, which is broad in scope, and a Statement, which is limited in scope.

A Resolution expresses WMA’s reaction to a specific, usually urgent, situation.

As of October 2024 we have 37 Declarations, 111 Statements and 57 Resolutions. All declarations and statements are reviewed at least every 10 years, and all resolutions are reviewed every 5 years.

In addition, the WMA Council can issue Council Resolutions to react publicly on urgent issues. When adopted by the General Assembly, they become WMA policy.

*According to the Procedures and Operating Policies of the World Medical Association, Chapter 4. Procedures for the Formulation of Declarations, Statements and Resolutions

Policy Handbook English-Version 2024 (printed in November 2024; 10 MB)