WMA Statement on Workplace Violence in the Health Sector

Adopted by the 63rd WMA General Assembly, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2012
and revised by the 73rd WMA General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, October 2022
Violence in the health sector has increased substantially in the new millennium, especially in time of COVID-19 pandemic. All persons have the right to work in a safe environment without the threat of violence. Workplace violence includes both physical and non-physical, such as (psychological) violence, intimidation and cyber harassment, among others.
Cyber and social media harassment particularly includes online threats and intimidation towards physicians who take part in a public debate in order to give adequate information and fight disinformation. These physicians are increasingly confronted with, amongst others, malicious messages on social media, death threats and intimidating home visits.
For the purposes of this document, the broad WHO definition of workplace violence will be used: “The intentional use of power, threatened or actual, against another person or against a group, in work-related circumstances, that either results in or has a high degree of likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development, or deprivation”.
In addition to the numerous consequences on victims’ health, violence against health personnel has potentially destructive social effects. It affects the entire healthcare system and undermines the quality of the working environment, ultimately impacting the quality of patient care. Furthermore, violence can affect the availability of health care, particularly in impoverished areas.
While workplace violence is indisputably a global issue, various cultural differences among countries must be taken into consideration in order to accurately understand the concept of violence on a universal level. Significant differences exist in terms of what defines various levels of violence and what specific forms of workplace violence are most likely to occur. This may create tolerance for some levels of violence in those places. However, threats and other forms of psychological violence are widely recognized to be more prevalent than physical violence.
Causes of violence in the healthcare setting are extremely complex. Several studies have identified common triggers for acts of violence by patients and relatives to be delays in receiving treatment, dissatisfaction with the treatment provided, aggressive patient behavior caused by the patient’s medical condition, the medication they take or the use of alcohol and other drugs. Additionally, individuals may threaten or perpetrate violence against health personnel because they oppose a specific area of medical practice, based on their social, political or religious beliefs. Cases of violence from the bystanders are reported as well. Co-worker violence, such as bullying, including initiation ceremonies and practical jokes, or harassment, constitutes another important pattern of workplace violence in the health sector.
Collaboration among various stakeholders (including governments, medical associations, hospitals, general health services, management, insurance companies, trainers, preceptors, researchers, media, police and legal authorities) together with a multi-faceted approach encompassing the areas of legislation, security, data collection, training/education, environmental factors, public awareness and financial incentives is required in order to successfully address this issue. As the representatives of physicians, medical associations should take a proactive role in combating violence in the health sector and also encourage other key stakeholders to act, thus further protecting the quality of the working environment for health personnel and the quality of patient care.
The WMA condemns in the strongest terms any forms of violence against healthcare personnel and facilities, which may include coworker violence, aggressive behavior exhibited by patients or family members, as well as acts of malicious intent from individuals in the general public, and calls on its constituent members, the health authorities and other relevant stakeholders to act through a collaborative, coordinated and effective strategy approach:
- The state has obligations to ensure the safety and security of patients, physicians, and other health personnel. This includes providing an appropriate physical environment.
- Governments should provide the necessary framework so that the prevention and elimination of workplace violence in the health sector be an essential part of national/regional/local policies on occupational health and safety, human rights protection, healthcare-facility management standards and gender equality.
- Governments should allocate appropriate and sustainable funds in order to effectively tackle violence in the health sector.
Protocols for situation of violence in healthcare facilities
- Healthcare facilities should adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards workplace violence eliminating its “normalization” through the development and implementation of adequate protocols including the following:
- A predetermined plan for maintaining security in the workplace; including recognition of non-physical abuse as a risk factor for physical abuse.
- A designated plan of action for health personnel when violence takes place.
- A strengthened internal communication strategy, involving the staff in decisions concerning their security.
- A system for reporting and recording acts of violence, which may include reporting to legal and/or police authorities.
- A means to ensure that employees who report violence do not face reprisals.
- In order for these protocols to be effective, the management and administration of healthcare facilities should communicate and take the necessary steps to ensure that all staff are aware of the protocols. Managers should be urged to verbalize a no-tolerance policy towards violence in healthcare settings.
- Patients with acute, chronic or illness-induced mental health disturbances or other underlying medical conditions may act violently toward health personnel; those taking care of these patients must be adequately protected. Except in emergency cases, physicians might have the right to refuse to treat and, in such situations, they must ensure that adequate alternative arrangements are made by the relevant authorities in order to safeguard the patient’s health and treatment.
- A well-trained and vigilant staff supported by management can be a key deterrent of violent acts. Constituent members should work with undergraduate and postgraduate education providers to ensure that health personnel are trained in the following areas: communication skills, empathy as well as recognising and handling potentially violent persons and high-risk situations in order to prevent incidents of violence.
- Continuous education should include ethical principles of healthcare and the cultivation of the patient-physician relationships based on respect and mutual trust. This not only improves the quality of patient care but also fosters feelings of security resulting in a reduced risk of violence.
Communication and Social Awareness
- Medical associations, health authorities and other stakeholders should work together to increase awareness of violence in the health sector, creating networks of information and expertise in this area. When appropriate, health personnel and the public should be informed of acts of violence.
- Broadcasting agencies, newspapers, and other news outlets are encouraged to thoroughly verify their sources in order to keep the information shared to the highest standard of professional reporting. Social media companies and associated stakeholders should also take active steps to create a cyber-violence-free environment for its users. This includes strengthening policies to protect user data, making reporting and flagging such violence easy and accessible, and engaging law enforcement for proper legal action when warranted.
- Appropriate security measures should be in place in all healthcare facilities and acts of violence should be given a high priority by law-enforcement authorities. A routine violence risk audit, including a risk assessment, should be implemented in order to identify which jobs and locations are at highest risk for violence, especially in places where violence has already occurred, and to determine weaknesses in facilities’ security. Examples of high-risk areas include general practice premises, mental health treatment facilities and high traffic areas of hospitals including the emergency department.
- The risk of violence may be ameliorated by a variety of means which include placing security personnel in high-risk areas and at the entrance of buildings, the installation of security cameras and alarm devices for use by health personnel, the use distinguishable items to identify the staff and by maintaining sufficient lighting in work areas, contributing to an environment conducive to vigilance and safety. The implementation of a system to screen patients and visitors for weapons upon entering certain areas, especially the high-risk ones, should be considered.
Support to victims
- Adequate medical, psychological and legal support should be provided to victims of violence. Such support should be free of access for all the health personnel.
- In all cases of violence there should be investigation to better understand the causes and to aid in prevention of future violence. The investigation may lead to prosecution of perpetrators under civil or criminal codes. The procedure should be led by relevant officials in law enforcement and should not expose the victim to further physical or psychological harm.
Data Collection
- Appropriate reporting systems should be established to enable health personnel to report anonymously and without reprisal, any threats or incidents of violence. Such a system should assess in terms of number, type and severity, incidents of violence within an institution and resulting injuries. The system should be used to analyse the effectiveness of preventative strategies. Aggregated data and analyses should be made available to health professional organizations and other relevant stakeholders.