Archived: WMA Resolution on Reported Violations of Health Related Human Rights in Kosovo

Adopted by the 50th World Medical Assembly Ottawa, Canada, October 1998
and rescinded and archived by the 59th WMA General Assembly, Seoul, Korea, October 2008
The World Medical Association expresses grave concern over the situation in Kosova and urges its member National Medical Associations to call upon their Governments as a matter of urgency:
- to ensure the immediate provision of humanitarian assistance to the thousands of displaced persons;
- to insist that the authorities permit impartial forensic investigations, under the auspices of international forensic experts;
- to insist that steps be taken immediately to:
- monitor human rights violations;
- ensure respect for medical staff and facilities; and
- facilitate unrestricted access of international humanitarian organizations.
- to insist upon an end to discrimination in the provision of health care in Kosova and to any distinction, based on ethnicity, between health care structures.
Human Rights, Kosovo, Violation
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