WMA Resolution on North Korean Nuclear Testing

Adopted by the 57th WMA General Assembly, Pilanesberg, South Africa, October 2006
and reaffirmed by the 203rd WMA Council Session, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 2016 

and reaffirmed with minor revisions by the 218th Council session (online), London, United Kingdom, October 2021 


Recalling its Statement on Nuclear Weapons, the WMA: 

  • Denounces North Korean nuclear testing conducted at a time of heightened global vigilance on nuclear testing and arsenals; 
  • Calls for the immediate abandonment of the testing of nuclear weapons by any nation;  
  • Requests its constituent members and other representatives of the medical profession across the world to urge their governments to understand the adverse health and environmental consequences of the testing and use of nuclear weapons; and 


Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, CTBT, North Korea, Nuclear Testing, Nuclear weapon, TPNW, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons