WMA Statement on Sex Selection Abortion and Female Foeticide

Adopted by the 53rd WMA General Assembly, Washington, DC, USA, October 2002,
reaffirmed by the 191st WMA Council Session, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2012
and revised by the 70th WMA General Assembly, Tbilisi, Georgia, October 2019
The WMA is gravely concerned that female foeticide and sex selection abortion is commonly practiced in certain countries.
The WMA denounces female foeticide and sex selection abortion as a totally unacceptable example form of gender discrimination.
The WMA holds that sex selection abortion for reasons of gender preference is discriminatory, where it is solely due to parental preference and where there are no health implications for the foetus or the woman.
The World Medical Association calls on National Medical Associations:
- To denounce the practice of female foeticide and the use of sex selection abortion for gender preference and;
- To advise their governments accordingly.