WMA Resolution in support of the Turkish Medical Association

Adopted by the 71st WMA General Assembly (online), Cordoba, Spain, October 2020
and reaffirmed with minor revisions by the 227th WMA Council, Helsinki, Finland, October 2024
The WMA and its members are deeply concerned about the continuing coercion of the Turkish Medical Association by the Turkish authorities.
The Turkish Medical Association is a dedicated member of the WMA, recognised for its commitment to serve public health interests and to protect patients and physicians with respect for the ethical values of the profession.
Recalling its Resolution on the Independence of National Medical Associations, the WMA opposes such governmental interference with the independent functioning of a medical association and urges the government of Turkey and the members of the parliament to:
- Protect the establishment of the Turkish Medical Association as a national independent association and main representative of all physicians in the country, and prevent any legal regulation that will harm its professional autonomy;
- Respect the universal professional values of medicine, which were built upon thousands of years of experience and aim to prioritise patient and public health;
- Comply fully with international human rights instruments that Turkey is a State Party to.