Archived: WMA Resolution in Support of the Brazilian Medical Association

Adopted by the 64th General Assembly, Fortaleza, Brazil, October 2013
and rescinded and archived by the 75th WMA General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, October 2024
There are credible reports that the Brazilian Government program “Mais Médicos” to create more medical schools, extend the duration of the medical course, compulsorily place last years medical students to work in public services and attract foreign physicians to work in remote areas of the country and in the poorest outskirts of big cities, was proposed without the appropriate consultation to the medical community and medical schools, and departs from a wrong diagnosis about the causes of the insufficient health care provided to the Brazilian population. The program as proposed bypass systems established to verify physicians’ credentials, medical competence and language skills in order to protect patients.
The World Medical Association is concerned that patients are put at risk by unregulated medical license, inadequate medical competence and potential misunderstanding of patient communication and of drugs and medical supplies labels.
Therefore, the WMA:
- Condemns any policy and practice that disrupt the accepted standards of medical credentialing and medical care;
- Calls upon the Brazilian government to work with the medical community and medical schools on all matters related to medical education, physician certification and the practice of medicine, and to respect the role of the Brazilian Medical Association on behalf of the Brazilian physicians and population;
- Urges, as a matter of utmost concern, that the Brazilian government respect the WMA International Code of Medical Ethics that guides the medical practice of physicians all over the world.