WMA Resolution on Human Rights Demonstrations in Iran

Adopted by the 222nd WMA Council Session, Berlin, Germany, October 2022
and revised and adopted by the 74th WMA General Assembly, Kigali, Rwanda, October 2023
The WMA is deeply concerned by the violent repression of protesters against the Iranian regime.
In its report to the 52nd Human Rights Council (March 2023), the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, denounces the persistent violent response by the Iranian security forces leading to deaths of protesters, severe injuries and thousands arrestations and detentions, with life-imprisonment and death sentences. The report documents cases of solitary confinement, ill-treatments and inhumane conditions of detention, as well as denial of access to healthcare [1].
The WMA reaffirms its Resolution supporting the Rights of Patients and Physicians in the Islamic Republic of Iran, its statements on solitary confinement and in support of a moratorium on the use of the death penalty.
- The WMA condemns the persistent use of brutal and lethal force against protesters and calls on the Iranian authorities to:
- immediately end all forms of violence, torture and ill-treatment of protesters and ensure that all perpetrators responsible for violence, torture and ill-treatment are held accountable;
- fully adhere to its human rights obligations, including the right to peaceful demonstration and to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health;
- respect the autonomy of physicians and in particular their ethical duty to provide care to anyone on the basis of medical need alone, and
- ensure that healthcare equipment and facilities are used for health care purposes only.
- The WMA urges the international community to support efforts to promote accountability for recent and long-standing violations carried out with impunity in Iran.
[1] Report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, March 2023