climate change

Small Working Groups
Uploaded Mon, 11/02/2019 in Junior Doctors
Physicians encouraged to “go green”
Uploaded Wed, 31/10/2018 in News & Press
WMA Statement on Sustainable Development
Uploaded Sat, 06/10/2018 in Policy
Media Mentions
Uploaded Thu, 19/04/2018 in News & Press
Interventions, WHO Governance
Uploaded Mon, 15/05/2017 in News & Press
H20 International Health Summit
Uploaded Fri, 20/01/2017 in What We Do
Uploaded Tue, 22/11/2016 in Junior Doctors
My Green Doctor
Uploaded Tue, 22/11/2016 in What We Do
Green Health
Uploaded Tue, 22/11/2016 in What We Do
Communicable Diseases
Uploaded Tue, 22/11/2016 in What We Do
WMA Statement on Divestment from Fossil Fuels
Uploaded Mon, 17/10/2016 in Policy
Physicians Urged to Green their Offices
Uploaded Mon, 16/11/2015 in News & Press
WMA Annual General Assembly
Uploaded Thu, 27/08/2015 in News & Press
2013 Global Health Forum, Taipei, Taiwan
Uploaded Tue, 26/11/2013 in News & Press
116th German Medical Assembly
Uploaded Tue, 28/05/2013 in News & Press
WHO Geneva Tuesday
Uploaded Wed, 22/05/2013 in News & Press
IFMSA 62ND General Assembly, Baltimore
Uploaded Tue, 12/03/2013 in News & Press