09.03.2025 |
chimpreports.com |
Doctors: Jailed NUP Activist Yasin Ssekitoleko’s Health Condition ‘Critical’ |
07.03.2025 |
reuters.com |
Pope Francis faces long, fraught fight for recovery, doctors say |
03.03.2025 |
usccb.org |
Archbishop: Pope’s convalescence is a reminder everyone deserves proper care |
28.02.2025 |
jamanetwork.com |
Medical Toxicology Consultations and Mortality Among Patients With Poisonings in the PICU |
27.02.2025 |
advocate.com |
Over 80 House Democrats demand Trump rescind gender-affirming care ban: ‘We want trans kids to live’ |
25.02.2025 |
bmp.com |
Gaza’s health system is “completely eviscerated” – what happens now? |
24.02.2025 |
medscape.com |
Do We Need to Change the ‘Old Ways’ of Dying? |
22.02.2025 |
cureus.com |
Comparative Analysis of Motor Preparation Using Bereitschaftspotential With Two Methods of Wrist Extension |
20.02.2025 |
nature.com |
Independent influence of type 2 diabetes on reduced cardiopulmonary fitness in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: a cross-sectional study |
20.02.2025 |
bmj.com |
Abandoning research participants is an unconscionable betrayal |
20.02.2025 |
kevinmd.com |
Doctors, grounded in our oath, must act now more than ever |
20.02.2025 |
jamanetwork.com |
Evaluation of a Clinical Decision Support System for Imaging Requests |
18.02.2025 |
redaccionmedica.com |
“Los turnos prolongados de los MIR favorecen los errores por fatiga” |
17.02.2025 |
medicosypacientes.com |
Médicos jóvenes de la AMM emiten una declaración de apoyo a los médicos jóvenes españoles |
15.02.2025 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Global Medical Body Condemns Spain’s Proposed Doctor Reforms as “Threat to Workforce Stability” |
15.02.2025 |
pmldaily.com |
Uganda Medical Association sounds alarm on Dr. Besigye’s deteriorating health |
14.02.2025 |
smu.org.uy |
Webinar: Aspectos éticos, legales y regulatorios de la inteligencia artificial an la medicina |
11.02.2025 |
researchgate.net |
Discrimination against patients from Bangladesh: striking at the heart of medical ethics |
11.02.2025 |
healthcarefinancenews.com |
Trump bans gender-affirming care for people younger than 19 |
11.02.2025 |
croakey.org |
Chaos, confusion and uncertainty: a dangerous recipe for global health |
11.02.2025 |
environewsnigeria.com |
Foundation describes lack of amenities as hindrance to social change |
11.02.2025 |
tobaccoreporter.com |
‘Quit Like Sweden’ Global Effort Takes Off |
14.01.2025 |
marie-theres.com |
22nd VIENNA CONGRESS 2025 – Europe of Tomorrow: Setting Directions |
14.01.2025 |
nairaland.com |
Dr Osahon Enabulele: Pushing The Frontiers Of Advocacy In FRCN |
14.01.2025 |
healthcareradius.in |
Key human ethics highlights from the 2024 revised Declaration of Helsinki guidelines |
14.01.2025 |
eu.news-leader.com |
Ozarks physician who devoted his life to rural health care retires after 42 years |
14.01.2025 |
lequotidiendumedecin.fr |
Pour ses 60 ans, la déclaration d’Helsinki fait peau neuve |
14.01.2025 |
bmj.com |
04.01.2025 |
bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com |
02.01.2025 |
journals.lww.com |
02.01.2025 |
independent.ng |
31.12.2025 |
instagram.com |
31.12.2024 |
artsenauto.nl |
30.12.2024 |
facebook.com |
30.12.2024 |
colegiomedico.cl |
27.12.2024 |
laverdad.com.mx |
27.12.2024 |
telisik.id |
27.12.2024 |
intjem.biomedcentral.com |
27.12.2024 |
bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com |
27.12.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
20.12.2024 |
msn.com |
20.12.2024 |
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20.12.2024 |
watermarkonline.com |
19.12.2024 |
journals.lww.com |
18.12.2024 |
researchgate.net |
18.12.2024 |
medicosypacientes.com |
17.12.2024 |
pap.es |
17.12.2024 |
newsghana.com.gh |
16.12.2024 |
wfme.org |
16.12.2024 |
facebook.com |
16.12.2024 |
wma.net |
16.12.2024 |
facebook.com |
16.12.2024 |
currentaffairs.org |
12.12.2024 |
nursingtimes.net |
12.12.2024 |
wma.net |
12.12.2024 |
geneonline.com |
12.12.2024 |
medicosypacientes.com |
11.12.2024 |
biospace.com |
09.12.2024 |
medicosypacientes.com |
09.12.2024 |
koreabiomed.com |
08.12.2024 |
granadahoy.com |
08.12.2024 |
jamaicaobserver.com |
08.12.2024 |
mofa.gov.tw |
08.12.2024 |
cna.com.tw |
08.12.2024 |
money.udn.com |
08.12.2024 |
tw.news.yahoo.com |
08.12.2024 |
taipeitimes.com |
05.12.2024 |
einnews.com |
05.12.2024 |
kenyans.co.ke |
05.12.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
04.12.2024 |
diariosanjose.cl |
04.12.2024 |
bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com |
04.12.2024 |
purwakartaonline.com |
04.12.2024 |
cureus.com |
04.12.2024 |
nature.com |
04.12.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
04.12.2024 |
purwakartaonline.com |
04.12.2024 |
cureus.com |
04.12.2024 |
europeanconservative.com |
04.12.2024 |
bmj.com |
04.12.2024 |
x.com |
04.12.2024 |
wma.net |
04.12.2024 |
unep.org |
28.11.2024 |
yahoo.com |
28.11.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
28.11.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
28.11.2024 |
dovepress.com |
28.11.2024 |
nature.com |
26.11.2024 |
nature.com |
26.11.2024 |
thejc.com |
26.11.2024 |
bmcmedethics.biomedcentral.com |
26.11.2024 |
ophthalmologytimes.com |
25.11.2024 |
purwakartaonline.com |
25.11.2024 |
thehindubusinessline.com |
25.11.2024 |
bworldonline.com |
24.11.2024 |
ethicalpsychology.com |
23.11.2024 |
x.com |
23.11.2024 |
thelancet.com |
23.11.2024 |
thelancet.com |
20.11.2024 |
youtube.com |
20.11.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
20.11.2024 |
nature.com |
19.11.2024 |
wma.net |
19.11.2024 |
wma.net |
19.11.2024 |
youtube.com |
19.11.2024 |
pap.es |
19.11.224 |
medicosypacientes.com |
18.11.2024 |
einpresswire.com |
18.11.2024 |
likein.id |
18.11.2024 |
youtube.com |
18.11.2024 |
gmdpacademy.org |
16.11.2024 |
cnnindonesia.com |
16.11.2024 |
beritasatu.com |
16.11.2024 |
mediaindonesia.com |
16.11.2024 |
nation.africa |
15.11.2024 |
nation.africa |
14.11.2024 |
genethique.org |
14.11.2024 |
indianexpress.com |
14.11.2024 |
medischcontact.nl |
13.11.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
11.11.2024 |
thelancet.com |
11.11.2024 |
youtube.com |
11.11.2024 |
tennews.in |
11.11.2024 |
dagensmedisin.no |
11.11.2024 |
scoop.co.nz |
07.11.2024 |
miragenews.com |
04.11.2024 |
einpresswire.com |
02.11.2024 |
wma.net |
02.11.2024 |
bmcmedethics.biomedcentral.com |
01.11.2024 |
newsen.pku.edu.cn |
01.11.2024 |
bmj.com |
31.10.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
31.10.2024 |
elperiodicodeceuta.es |
31.10.2024 |
lequotidiendumedecin.fr |
30.10.2024 |
medexpress.pl |
30.10.2024 |
elfarodeceuta.es |
30.10.2024 |
legeforeningen.no |
29.10.2024 |
aerztezeitung.de |
29.10.2024 |
kurdistanhumanrights.org |
29.10.204 |
science.org |
29.10.2024 |
mp.pl |
29.10.2024 |
the-star.co.ke |
28.10.2024 |
statnews.com |
28.10.2024 |
observatoriobioetica.org |
28.10.2024 |
wma.net |
27.10.2024 |
infobae.com |
27.10.2024 |
nation.africa |
26.10.2024 |
trialsitenews.com |
25.10.2024 |
mambaonline.com |
25.10.2024 |
kurdistanhumanrights.org |
25.10.2024 |
medicosypacientes.com |
24.10.2024 |
youtube.com |
24.10.2024 |
businessdailyfinland.com |
24.10.2024 |
einpresswire.com |
24.10.2024 |
bmj.com |
24.10.2024 |
theconversation.com |
24.10.2024 |
ama.com.au |
23.10.2024 |
instagram.com |
23.10.2024 |
redactionmedicale.fr |
23.10.2024 |
ugeskriftet.dk |
23.10.2024 |
wma.net |
23.10.2024 |
medboundtimes.com |
23.20.2024 |
medlabportal.de |
23.10.2024 |
x.com |
23.10.2024 |
einpresswire.com |
23.10.2024 |
elmedicointeractivo.com |
23.10.2024 |
diggers.news |
23.10.2024 |
youtube.com |
23.10.2024 |
healthindustrywatch.com |
23.10.2024 |
thekenyatimes.com |
22.10.2024 |
redactionmedicale.fr |
22.10.2024 |
healthcaremea.com |
22.10.2024 |
dailypharmanews.gr |
22.10.2024 |
slf.se |
22.10.2024 |
mwakilishi.com |
22.10.2024 |
medicosypacientes.com |
22.10.2024 |
investigacion.cayetano.edu.pe |
21.10.2024 |
aerzteblatt.de |
21.10.2024 |
redactionmedicale.fr |
21.10.2024 |
wfla.com |
21.10.2024 |
corriere.it |
21.10.2024 |
aacrjournals.org |
21.10.2024 |
cpme.eu |
21.10.2024 |
bioethics.com |
21.10.2024 |
healthindustrywatch.com |
21.10.2024 |
einnews.com |
21.10.2024 |
zorgbestuurders.nl |
21.10.2024 |
instagram.com |
21.10.2024 |
kenyans.co.ke |
21.10.2024 |
aerztezeitung.de |
21.10.2024 |
aerzteblatt.de |
20.10.2024 |
odrimedia.co.ke |
20.10.2024 |
medpagetoday.com |
20.10.2024 |
miragenews.com |
19.10.2024 |
medicaldialogues.in |
19.10.2024 |
panafricannews.blogspot.com |
19.10.2024 |
the-star.co.ke |
19.10.2024 |
wma.net |
19.10.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
19.10.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
19.10.2024 |
medicosypacientes.com |
19.10.2024 |
x.com |
19.10.2024 |
prlog.org |
17.10.2024 |
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
17.10.2024 |
turkishminute.com |
16.10.2024 |
consalud.es |
16.10.2024 |
redaccionmedica.com |
16.10.2024 |
consalud.es |
16.10.2024 |
smu.org.uy |
16.10.2024 |
healthpolicy-watch.news |
16.10.2024 |
ifpma.org |
14.10.2024 |
bertelsmann-stiftung.de |
14.10.2024 |
who.int |
10.10.2024 |
bertelsmann-stiftung.de |
10.10.2024 |
dubrovnikinsider.hr |
08.10.2024 |
lespecialiste.be |
04.10.2024 |
studyx.ai |
04.10.2024 |
abc.net.au |
04.10.2024 |
ilmondo-rivista.it |
30.09.2024 |
impakter.com |
27.09.2024 |
wma.net |
25.09.2024 |
cureus.com |
25.09.2024 |
researchgate.net |
24.09.2024 |
wma.net |
24.09.2024 |
olimpicocol.co |
21.09.2024 |
vanguardngr.com |
18.09.2024 |
infobae.com |
16.09.2024 |
lakartidningen.se |
16.09.2024 |
ifpma.org |
09.09.2024 |
njtoday.news |
09.09.2024 |
clinicalleader.com |
02.09.2024 |
brainly.com |
02.09.2024 |
emro.who.int |
02.09.2024 |
pmlive.com |
28.08.2024 |
thelancet.com |
28.08.2024 |
bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com |
27.08.2024 |
nature.com |
22.08.2024 |
beyondpesticides.org |
20.08.2024 |
wma.net |
20.08.2024 |
human-resources-health.biomedcentral.com |
19.08.2024 |
global.upenn.edu |
19.08.2024 |
zonanortediario.com.ar |
19.08.2024 |
smnoticias.com |
10.08.2024 |
youtube.com |
10.08.2024 |
eju.tv/2024 |
08.08.2024 |
counterpunch.org |
05.08.2024 |
wma.net |
04.08.2024 |
interferencia.cl |
02.08.2024 |
isanidad.com |
29.07.2024 |
dovepress.com |
27.07.2024 |
bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com |
25.07.2024 |
baywindows.com |
24.07.2024 |
smu.org.uy |
22.07.2024 |
bworldonline.com |
15.07.2024 |
youtube.com |
15.07.2024 |
onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
15.07.2024 |
wma.net |
14.07.2024 |
youtube.com |
14.07.2024 |
youtube.com |
14.07.2024 |
youtube.com |
13.07.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
11.07.2024 |
bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com |
10.07.2024 |
wma.net |
05.07.2024 |
bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com |
28.06.2024 |
ji4pe.tokyo |
28.06.2024 |
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28.06.2024 |
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27.06.2024 |
capitalfm.co.ke |
27.06.2024 |
thepoint.gm |
27.06.2024 |
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27.06.2024 |
allafrica.com |
27.06.2024 |
newsghana.com.gh |
26.06.2024 |
thepoint.gm |
WMA urges Gambia to halt repeal of ban on FGM |
26.06.2024 |
kenyans.co.ke |
26.06.2024 |
peopledaily.digital/news |
25.06.2024 |
newsghana.com.gh |
23.06.2024 |
nature.com |
20.06.2024 |
web.cvent.com |
20.06.2024 |
chroniquepalestine.com |
19.06.2024 |
youtube.com |
19.06.2024 |
english.ratopati.com |
18.06.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
18.06.2024 |
aljazeera.com |
17.06.2024 |
slf.se |
15.06.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
14.06.2024 |
religionenlibertad.com |
11.06.2024 |
youtube.com |
11.06.2024 |
nature.com |
04.06.2024 |
youtube.com |
04.06.2024 |
smu.org.uy |
30.05.2024 |
wma.net |
30.05.2024 |
youtube.com |
30.05.2024 |
taiwannews.com.tw |
29.05.2024 |
es.finance.yahoo.com |
28.05.2024 |
kuna.net.kw |
28.05.2024 |
sciencedirect.com |
27.05.2024 |
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27.05.2024 |
smu.org.uy |
27.05.2024 |
noticias.nat.gov.tw |
27.05.2024 |
rynekzdrowia.pl |
23.05.2024 |
croakey.org |
21.05.2024 |
thenation.com |
The US Medical Establishment Is Making One of Its Worst Mistakes—Again
20.05.2024 |
colegiomedico.cl |
El H. Consejo nacional del Colegio Médico de Chile adscribe a: Resolución del Consejo de la Asociación Médica Mundial |
19.05.2024 |
lanacion.com.py |
Taiwaneses de CDE y becarios locales pidieron inclusión en la OMS |
18.05.2024 |
au.sports.yahoo.com |
16.05.2024 |
nature.com |
Catching the next wave? The relationship between UNESCO and developments in genomics
16.05.2024 |
ama.com.au |
AMA urges government to support WMA recommendations |
15.05.2024 |
focustaiwan.tw |
Local medical associations urge WHO to include Taiwan in WHA |
15.05.2024 |
ifpma.org |
IFPMA statement on research with vulnerable populations within the scope of the World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki revision |
15.05.2024 |
tell.ng |
Enabulele, ex WMA President, inducted honorary member Turkish Medical Association
13.05.2024 |
smu.org.uy |
Asociación Médica Mundial realiza un encuentro interdisciplinario sobre investigación en poblaciones vulnerables
09.05.2024 |
freshangleng.com |
All Eyes On NMA President, Ex WMA Boss To Guide A Peaceful Transition- Kogi NMA Chairman Baoku
08.05.2024 |
aerzteblatt.de |
Kriege, Krisen und Repressionen erschweren Arbeit von Ärzteverbänden weltweit |
06.05.2024 |
haaretz.com |
Having an Ethics Code Didn’t Stop Nazi Doctors From Committing War Crimes
30.04.2024 |
policymed.com |
Forging the Future of Healthcare: The US Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration
30.04.2024 |
chronicle.ng |
Enabulele bags ‘Labour Hero’ award for exceptional leadership
29.04.2024 |
idw-online.de |
Framework conditions for clinical studies involving vulnerable groups – conference on the Declaration of Helsinki |
26.04.2024 |
bmj.com |
Medscape caves in on courses funded by tobacco giant Philip Morris, while medics fear global push into medical education
26.04.2024 |
koreajoongangdaily.joins.com |
Police launch raid against new KMA chief for allegedly instigating walkout
25.04.2024 |
cpme.eu |
CPME endorses World Medical Association resolution on protection of healthcare in Israel and Gaza |
25.04.2024 |
croakey.org |
World medical leaders call for Gaza ceasefire amid mass graves horror
24.04.2024 |
bmj.com |
Gaza-Israel conflict: World Medical Association backs BMA’s call for sustainable ceasefire
22.04.2024 |
medicalworldnews.co.kr |
World Medical Association (WMA) Seoul Council Adopts Four Emergency Resolutions
22.04.2024 |
healthinnews.co.kr |
WMA Board of Directors in Seoul Urgently Adopts 4 Resolutions, Including ‘Gaza Medical Protection Resolution
22.04.2024 |
togolais.info |
22.04.2024 |
insightplus.mja.com.au |
Sustained ceasefire in Gaza the ‘only way’ to help the injured and displaced
19.04.2024 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Don’t Lift Ban On Female Genital Mutilation – WMA Urges Gambia
19.04.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
WMA Stands Against Oppressive Anti-LGBTQ Laws In Uganda
07.04.2024 |
nation.africa |
Athletes a national treasure, and they must be protected
07.04.2024 |
thepost.co.nz |
The Post letters to the editor: April 8 |
05.04.2024 |
ctvnews.ca |
South Korea’s president meets leader of doctors’ strike as he seeks to end their walkouts
05.04.2024 |
ama-assn.org |
7 ways telehealth is reshaping medicine for the better
04.04.2024 |
businesslive.co.za |
Battle for the ‘soul’ of SA’s medics
04.04.2024 |
bioedge.org |
Is there a case for ’institutional conscientious objection’ to abortion and euthanasia?
01.04.2024 |
cureus.com |
CRABEL Score Assessment for Oral Surgery Excision Biopsy Case Notes of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
01.04.2024 |
amb.org.br |
Prestação de contas de 2023 AMB é aprovada pela Assembleia Ordinária de Delegados e Geral
01.04.2024 |
advocate.com |
Elliot Page, Allison Russell & Mae Martin among 400+ artists bashing ‘destructive’ anti-trans laws |
01.04.2024 |
bioethicsbrasilia2024 |
16th World Conference Bioethics, medical ethics and health law |
01.04.2024 |
radiohc.cu |
Mass protests in Israel call for ceasefire and removal of Benjamin Netanyahu |
01.04.2024 |
cureus.com |
CRABEL Score Assessment for Oral Surgery Excision Biopsy Case Notes of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
30.03.2024 |
msn.com |
30.03.2024 |
thelancet.com |
The Gambia seeks to overturn FGM ban
29.03.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
Culprit Lesion Coronary Intervention Before Complete Angiography in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
29.03.2024 |
nature.com |
The longitudinal volumetric and shape changes of subcortical nuclei in Parkinson’s disease
28.03.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
Reduced Alcohol Consumption and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events Among Individuals With Previously High Alcohol Consumption
28.03.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
Anti–Helicobacter pylori Treatment in Patients With Gastric Cancer After Radical Gastrectomy
28.03.2024 |
dovepress.com |
Nationwide Epidemiological Study Utilizing Secondary Collected Data |
28.03.2024 |
croakey.org |
Sharing some expert advice on working with minority governments to advance public health |
25.03.2024 |
academic.oup.com |
Governing with public engagement: an anticipatory approach to human genome editing
25.03.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
WMA President Expresses Solidarity Over Terror Attack In Moscow
22.03.2024 |
cureus.com |
The Safety and Effectiveness of Bevacizumab in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer With Unresectable Metastases: A Real-Life Study From the South of Morocco
21.03.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
Clinical Features and Treatment Outcomes of Carbapenem-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Keratitis
20.03.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
Morbidity After Mechanical Bowel Preparation and Oral Antibiotics Prior to Rectal Resection
20.03.2024 |
publicservices.international |
WHO INB9 – PSI Joint Statement with Civil Society Allies
19.03.2024 |
bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com |
Team players and helpers – describing professional identity among finnish physicians in a cross-sectional study
18.03.2024 |
cureus.com |
The Mysterious Risk of Arterial Thrombosis With COVID-19: A Case Series of Acute Limb Ischaemia in Vaccinated Patients
18.03.2024 |
cureus.com |
Factors Associated With Anxiety and Depression in Persons With Epilepsy (PWE)
18.03.2024 |
asianews.network |
Florida law barring hiring of Chinese talent sparks criticism
16.03.2024 |
nature.com |
The association between variability of risk factors and complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective study
15.03.2024 |
cureus.com |
Attitudes and Practices of Female University Students in Saudi Arabia Regarding the Cosmetic Use of Careprost (Bimatoprost) Eye Drops
14.03.2024 |
ama.com.au |
Call for humanitarian pause in Gaza conflict |
13.03.2024 |
asianews.network |
Medical school expansion won’t solve health care shortage: World Medical Association president
12.03.2024 |
actionsa.org.za |
Introducing Dr. Kgosi Letlape
12.03.2024 |
m.koreaherald.com |
Med school expansion won’t solve health care shortage: WMA president
11.03.2024 |
actionsa.org.za |
Presenting ActionSA’s Team Fix South Africa
08.03.2024 |
joghr.org |
Water as a social determinant of health: bringing policies into action
08.03.2024 |
koreaherald.com |
Medical professors quit in droves over expansion plan
07.03.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With New-Onset Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
07.03.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
Immunotherapy or Chemoimmunotherapy in Older Adults With Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
07.03.2024 |
bmj.com |
Seven days in medicine: 28 February to 5 March 2024
06.03.2024 |
bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com |
Development and validation of self-assessment instrument to measure the digital professionalism of healthcare professionals using social media
06.03.2024 |
wionews.com |
South Korea threatens legal action against doctors protesting medical reforms |
05.03.2024 |
wsws.org |
South Korean doctors oppose government plans to expand medical school enrollment
05.03.2024 |
timeshighereducation.com |
South Korean doctors oppose expansion of medical school places |
05.03.2024 |
scmp.com |
South Korea senior doctors quit, escalating crisis as officials threaten to revoke trainee licences
04.03.2024 |
arise.tv |
South Korea Health Ministry Set To Take Legal Action Against Doctors Over Strike
04.03.2024 |
asianews.network |
Tensions hit fever pitch as South Korea’s doctors hold mass street rally
04.03.2024 |
reuters.com |
South Korea says to start legal action against doctors over walkout
04.03.2024 |
straitstimes.com |
South Korea to start legal action against doctors over walkout
04.03.2024 |
koreatimes.co.kr |
Disruptions to medical services feared to worsen
04.03.2024 |
stratnewsglobal.com |
South Korea To Start Legal Action Against Striking Doctors
04.03.2024 |
m.koreaherald.com |
Seoul starts to suspend license of 7,000 unreturned doctors
03.03.2024 |
jurist.org |
South Korea police raid medical association as doctors strike over government move to increase medical student numbers
03.03.2024 |
breakingnews.ie |
Doctors stage massive demo in Seoul against medical school admissions policy
03.03.2024 |
inform.kz |
Tensions loom as South Korean doctors plan mass rally in deepening clash over med school quota
03.03.2024 |
shropshirestar.com |
Doctors stage massive demo in Seoul against medical school admissions policy
03.03.2024 |
koreaherald.com |
Tensions hit fever pitch as doctors hold mass street rally |
03.03.2024 |
koreaherald.com |
Day of Rage: Doctors resist pressure to bend
02.03.2024 |
straitstimes.com |
South Korean doctors continue walkout as global body weighs in
02.03.2024 |
bloomberg.com |
South Korean Doctors Continue Walkout as Global Body Weighs In
02.03.2024 |
thestar.com.my |
S. Korea police raid medical association office over walkout |
01.03.2024 |
academic.oup.com |
Health literacy and its association with mental and spiritual well-being among women experiencing homelessness
01.03.2024 |
bnnbreaking.com |
South Korea Police Raid Medical Association Amidst Nationwide Doctors’ Strike
01.03.2024 |
leopoldina.org |
New issue of the Leopoldina newsletter
01.03.2024 |
aljazeera.com |
Israel’s war on Gaza is a health justice issue, too |
01.03.2024 |
digitaljournal.com |
S. Korea police raid medical association office over walkout
01.03.2024 |
timesofindia.indiatimes.com |
South Korea police raid medical association office over walk
01.03.2024 |
republicanherald.com |
29.02.2024 |
sciencedirect.com |
29.02.2024 |
cureus.com |
29.02.2024 |
nytimes.com |
29.02.2024 |
nature.com |
28.02.2024 |
dermatologytimes.com |
28.02.2024 |
medicalbrief.co.za |
27.02.2024 |
cureus.com |
27.02.2024 |
bnnbreaking.com |
27.02.2024 |
dentistryiq.com |
27.02.2024 |
bmj.com |
26.02.2024 |
edition.cnn.com |
26.02.2024 |
cureus.com |
26.02.2024 |
raillynews.com |
26.02.2024 |
bwhealthcareworld.businessworld.in |
26.02.2024 |
idw-online.de |
23.02.2024 |
friendsoftheearth.uk |
22.02.2024 |
cureus.com |
21.02.2024 |
nytimes.com |
21.02.2024 |
vanguardngr.com |
20.02.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
20.02.2024 |
guardian.ng |
20.02.2024 |
medriva.com |
19.02.2024 |
eureporter.co |
15.02.2024 |
bioedge.org |
12.02.2024 |
insightplus.mja.com.au |
07.02.2024 |
bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com |
05.02.2024 |
thelancet.com |
05.02.2024 |
ecns.cn |
04.02.2024 |
globalnews.ca |
01.02.2024 |
prnewswire.com |
27.01.2024 |
anfenglish.com |
27.01.2024 |
eeparchy.com |
26.01.2024 |
news.yahoo.com |
26.01.2024 |
osservatoreromano.va |
25.01.2024 |
richmond.com |
24.01.2024 |
thepinknews.com |
24.01.2024 |
bianet.org |
23.01.2024 |
jamanetwork.com |
20.01.2024 |
radionigeria.gov.ng |
20.01.2024 |
bnnbreaking.com |
20.01.2024 |
ucanews.com |
19.01.2024 |
vaticannews.va |
19.01.2024 |
aleteia.org |
19.01.2024 |
thepinknews.com |
18.01.2024 |
cureus.com |
17.01.2024 |
chronicle.ng |
17.01.2024 |
avvenire.it |
17.01.2024 |
vanguardngr.com |
17.01.2024 |
newtelegraphng.com |
17.01.2024 |
helsinkitimes.fi |
17.01.2024 |
independent.ng |
16.01.2024 |
wsws.org |
15.01.2024 |
newsghana.com.gh |
11.01.2024 |
miragenews.com |
11.01.2024 |
cureus.com |
10.01.2024 |
speakingofmedicine.plos.org |
09.01.2024 |
thepinknews.com |
09.01.2024 |
cureus.com |
08.01.2024 |
indiaeducationdiary.in |
08.01.2024 |
bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com |
27.12.2023 |
chinadaily.com |
25.12.2023 |
thejc.com |
24.12.2023 |
cureus.com |
24.12.2023 |
independent.ng |
18.12.2023 |
cureus.com/ |
17.12.2023 |
cureus.com |
16.12.2023 |
helsinkitimes.fi |
15.12.2023 |
hir.harvard.edu |
14.12.2023 |
thepinknews.com |
14.12.2023 |
taiwantoday.tw |
13.12.2023 |
antiguaobserver.com |
12.12.2023 |
scoop.co.nz |
12.12.2023 |
einnews.com |
11.12.2023 |
einnews.com |
10.12.2023 |
guardian.ng |
08.12.2023 |
jamanetwork.com |
07.12.2023 |
scroll.in |
07.12.2023 |
punchng.com |
06.12.2023 |
bmj.com |
06.12.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
05.12.2023 |
japannews.yomiuri.co.jp |
05.12.2023 |
eco-business.com |
04.12.2023 |
sbs.com.au |
04.12.2023 |
reclaimthenet.org |
EU Committees Vote in Favor of Mandatory Interconnected Digital Patient Health Records … |
04.12.2023 |
news.yahoo.com |
03.12.2023 |
ens-newswire.com |
03.12.2023 |
leadership.ng |
03.12.2023 |
npr.org |
02.12.2023 |
who.int |
01.12.2023 |
balkaninsight.com |
29.11.2023 |
thelancet.com |
28.11.2023 |
edition.cnn.com |
28.11.2023 |
the-star.co.ke |
28.11.2023 |
leadership.ng |
28.11.2023 |
adfinternational.org |
27.11.2023 |
insightplus.mja.com.au |
22.11.2023 |
ifpma.org |
21.11.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
20.11.2023 |
cureus.com |
20.11.2023 |
independent.ng |
16.11.2023 |
tribuneonlineng.com |
15.11.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA commends Lancet report on medicine, Nazism and holocaust – Vanguard News
07.11.2023 |
taiwantoday.tw |
Global Health and Welfare Forum in Taiwan launches in Taipei
06.11.2023 |
worldcoalition.org |
Highlights: Discussion on torture and the death penalty with UN experts and exonerees
05.11.2023 |
thisdaylive.com |
Ex-NMA President Asks FG to Declare Attack on Healthcare Workers as National Emergency
05.11.2023 |
thisdaylive.com |
Former World Medical Association President, Asks FG to Declare Attack on Healthcare
04.11.2023 |
the-star.co.ke |
Global Health Community demand end of fossil fuel dependency at COP28
04.11.2023 |
leadership.ng |
Declare Attacks On Healthcare Workers National Emergency –Enabulele
04.11.2023 |
modernghana.com |
Dialysis Crisis and Right to Health: The legal implication? |
03.11.2023 |
bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com |
Knowledge of and attitudes towards medical research ethics among first year doctoral students in Slovenia at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
02.11.2023 |
indianexpress.com |
Ahead of COP28, over 46 million health professionals call for pledge to phase out fossil fuels
01.11.2023 |
nation.africa |
Health professionals demand rapid phase-out of fossil fuels
01.11.2023 |
energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com |
Healthcare professionals call for accelerated fossil fuel phase-out for global health |
01.11.2023 |
scoop.co.nz |
Global Health and Medical Community Unite To Demand End Fossil Fuel Dependency at COP28 |
31.10.2023 |
iomtoday.co.im |
31.10.2023 |
ama.com.au |
AMA statement on the conflict in Israel and Gaza |
31.10.2023 |
inews.co.uk |
The Race to Be Myself, by Caster Semenya, review: Runner’s story made me gasp at how she has been treated
30.10.2023 |
thelancet.com |
Diagnostic accuracy of a three-gene Mycobacterium tuberculosis host response cartridge using fingerstick blood for childhood tuberculosis: a multicentre prospective study in low-income and middle-income countries
27.10.2023 |
dawn.com |
World Medical Association demands justice for Yasmin Rashid
27.10.2023 |
thenews.com.pk |
WMA voices concern over Dr Yasmin’s detention |
26.10.2023 |
jamanetwork.com |
Sustained Survival Benefit in Recurrent Medulloblastoma by a Metronomic Antiangiogenic Regimen
26.10.2023 |
medicaleconomics.com |
AMA president shares perspectives on burnout, trust, hope in medicine
25.10.2023 |
nyasatimes.com |
Poor countries at risk of being dumping ground for combustible cigarettes
19.10.2023 |
eureporter.co |
‘The level of anti-semitism in Europe increased by 1,200 percent,’ says leader of European Jewish group
19.10.2023 |
jamanetwork.com |
Deep Learning Performance of Ultra-Widefield Fundus Imaging for Screening Retinal Lesions in Rural Locales
19.10.2023 |
eureporter.co |
EU leaders hold extraordinary meeting on the Israel-Hamas war as differences appeared in their messaging
19.10.2023 |
bmj.com |
Seven days in medicine: 11-17 October
19.10.2023 |
eureporter.co |
EU leaders hold extraordinary meeting on the Israel-Hamas war as differences appeared in their messaging
19.10.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
WMA Demands Immediate Liberation of Pakistani Physician
19.10.2023 |
tribune.com.pk |
Doctors observe black day against Israeli atrocities in Gaza |
17.10.2023 |
eureporter.co |
World Medical Association stands firmly for principles of medical neutrality as defined by the Geneva Convention
16.10.2023 |
aerzteblatt.de |
AlQodmani neue Präsidentin des Weltärztebunds |
16.10.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
WMA calls on all parties to respect international law and civilian populations
15.10.2023 |
aerztezeitung.de |
Kuwaiterin Alqodmani ist neue Präsidentin des Weltärztebundes
14.10.2023 |
youtube.com |
Edo NUJ Hosts Dr. Osahon Enabulele To A Warm Reception After Successful Tenure As President, WMA
14.10.2023 |
independent.ng |
Israel Orders Evacuation Of 1.1m People To Southern Gaza As Ground Attack Looms
13.10.2023 |
newtelegraphng.com |
WMA Strongly Condemns Attack Of Hamas On Israel
12.10.2023 |
guardian.ng |
WMA moves to counter biological weapons threat, as Enabulele bows out
12.10.2023 |
bmj.com |
Uyghurs: World Medical Association calls on Chinese association to acknowledge abuse
11.10.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
World Physicians Reiterate Need For Ethical Use of Medical Technology
11.10.2023 |
independent.ng |
Nigeria, Other African Countries Must Build More Resilient Healthcare System — Enabulele
09.10.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
Nigerian Dr Osahon Enabulele completes tenure as WMA President
09.10.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
World Medical Association To Counter Biological Weapons Threat
08.10.2023 |
kuwaittimes.com |
KMA assumes presidency of WMA
08.10.2023 |
kuna.net.kw |
Today in Kuwait’s history
07.10.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Leadership Physicians Condemn Attacks on Physicians in Nepal
06.10.2023 |
youtube.com |
Dr. Enabulele bids farewell, and expresses gratitude after a successful tenure
05.10.2023 |
chronicle.ng |
WMA President Enabulele Urges govts to secure Global Health beyond political declaration
05.10.2023 |
madinamerica.com |
Global Psychiatry’s Attempt to Excommunicate the Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health
05.10.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
Bridging inequality gaps panacea in attaining global health security – Enabulele
05.10.2023 |
jamanetwork.com |
Tislelizumab vs Sorafenib as First-Line Treatment for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma
05.10.2023 |
independent.ng |
Secure Global Health Security Beyond Declarations, WMA President, Enabulele Urges Governments
05.10.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA urges govts to move beyond political declarations to secure global health security
04.10.2023 |
kathmandupost.com |
Talk to us, Doc
30.09.2023 |
leadership.ng |
Bridging Inequality Gaps Panacea To Attaining Global Health Security — Enabulele
30.09.2023 |
cureus.com |
Enhancing Skeletal Muscle Rehabilitation: The Effects of Diclofenac Phonophoresis and Shock Wave Therapy on Serum Creatine Kinase in Athletes With Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness
29.09.2023 |
icirnigeria.org |
Only 50,000 doctors practise in Nigeria – World Medical Association
29.09.2023 |
cureus.com |
Proportion and Risk Factors of Silent Vertebral Fractures Among Egyptian Females With Fragility Hip Fracture Presenting to the Emergency Room of Ain Shams University Hospitals
29.09.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
4.6b people at risk of rabies infection – WMA
29.09.2023 |
ntm.ng |
Nigeria needs 250,000 doctors |
29.09.2023 |
pressenza.com |
Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War — The Role of Health Professionals
28.09.2023 |
cryptopolitan.com |
28.09.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Educating for a Rabies-Free World: ‘All for 1, One Health for all’
28.09.2023 |
bmj.com |
Seven days in medicine: 20-26 September 2023
27.09.2023 |
the-independent.com |
What did Ron DeSantis do in Guantanamo?
27.09.2023 |
bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com |
The prevalence of Carbapenem Resistance Gram negative pathogens in a Tertiary Teaching Hospital in Jordan
21.09.2023 |
timesofindia.indiatimes.com |
NMC global recognition a boost for Indian students
20.09.2023 |
news.careers360.com |
NMC gets WFME recognition status for 10 years; students can practise PG in the US
19.09.2023 |
news24.com |
Standing against discrimination in athletics: Human rights battle behind Semenya victory
16.09.2023 |
youtube.com |
President, WMA eulogises sterling leadership qualities of Esama of Benin
15.09.2023 |
bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com |
Addressing Domestic Violence in Antenatal Care Environments in Nepal (ADVANCE) – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating a video intervention on domestic violence among pregnant women
14.09.2023 |
bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com |
Is neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) a potential blood biomarker linking depression to obesity? A case-control study
12.09.2023 |
paisano-online.com |
Stop Texas’ new age of oppression
09.09.2023 |
cureus.com |
The Influence of Gender on Choosing Ophthalmology as a Career Among Medical Students and Interns in Madinah, Saudi Arabia
07.09.2023 |
wattagnet.com |
World Veterinary Association honors Japanese veterinarian
07.09.2023 |
thelancet.com |
The costs of climate activism for medical professionals: a case study of the USA, the UK, and Germany
06.09.2023 |
clinicalleader.com |
06.09.2023 |
daily-mail.co.zm |
Journalists urged to advocate for harm reduction, smoke free products
06.09.2023 |
clinicalleader.com |
06.09.2023 |
thelancet.com |
The costs of climate activism for medical professionals: a case study of the USA, the UK, and Germany
05.09.2023 |
youtube.com |
World leaders should develop a more robust physician-led PHS – WMA President
05.09.2023 |
itvradiong.com |
Doctor Osahon Enabulele has urged World Leaders to develop a more robust Physician-led Primary Health System |
05.09.2023 |
itvradiong.com |
President of the World Medical Association (WMA), Dr.Osahon Enabulele, has arrived in Dhaka, Bangladesh |
03.09.2023 |
medyanews.net |
Society’s silence on peace is preventing a lasting solution: Turkish Medical Association chief
02.09.2023 |
cureus.com |
Foveal Hypoplasia in a Child With Tyrosinase-Positive Albinism
28.08.2023 |
medscape.com |
Global Health Professionals Must Continue to Prevent Nuclear War
24.08.2023 |
leadership.ng |
Professional Bodies Key To Nation’s Quest For Development – Enabulele
24.08.2023 |
ama.com.au |
World Medical Association asks for your input |
23.08.2023 |
cureus.com |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Loneliness Among University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study in Jordan
23.08.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
UNIBEN SUG president organizes academic competition with N1m cash prizes
23.08.2023 |
cureus.com |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Loneliness Among University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study in Jordan
18.08.2023 |
cureus.com |
Wilson’s Disease: A Prevalence Study in a Portuguese Population
18.08.2023 |
runnersworld.com |
How Hormone Therapy Might Affect Athletes Like Caster Semenya
17.08.2023 |
cureus.com |
Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Families Attending the Epilepsy, Neuromuscular, and Child Wellbeing Clinics
14.08.2023 |
cureus.com |
Comparison of Tracheal Intubation Using King Vision (Non-channeled Blade) and Tuoren Video Laryngoscopes in Patients With Cervical Spine Immobilization by Manual In-Line Stabilization: A Randomized Clinical Trial
14.08.2023 |
nature.com |
The VolREthics initiative to protect the well-being of healthy volunteers in biomedical research
13.08.2023 |
newsdiaryonline.com |
Leadership recruitment process and national development in Nigeria
12.08.2023 |
goodmenproject.com |
Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War—the Role of Health Professionals
12.08.2023 |
lanuovabq.it |
La “Medicina unica” muove guerra ai medici obiettori
11.08.2023 |
nature.com |
Effect of liraglutide on cardiometabolic profile and on bioelectrical impedance analysis in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome |
08.08.2023 |
bmj.com |
Anthea Mowat: anaesthetist, medical politician, and campaigner for equality
08.08.2023 |
bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com |
Incidence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among healthcare workers during the first and second wave in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a descriptive study
08.08.2023 |
jamanetwork.com |
Atorvastatin for Anthracycline-Associated Cardiac Dysfunction
07.08.2023 |
ksmu.org |
Mountain Grove physician marks 40 years in practice
07.08.2023 |
mja.com.au |
Reducing the risks of nuclear war — the role of health professionals
02.08.2023 |
ntvg.nl |
Medische wereld waarschuwt voor atoomdreiging
30.07.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
WMA Welcomes European Court of Human Rights
27.07.2023 |
bmj.com |
In praise of civility among clinicians |
27.07.2023 |
nationalreview.com |
The World Medical Association Subtly Eviscerates Conscience Rights
26.07.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA seeks better deal for health workers
22.07.2023 |
chronicle.ng |
WMA President visits Gov. Obaseki, calls for improvement in healthcare, workers welfare
22.07.2023 |
independent.ng |
WMA President Visits Obaseki, Reiterates Calls For Strong Health System, Workforce
21.07.2023 |
ens-newswire.com |
Divesting Fossil Fuels = High Profits, Low Carbon Footprints
20.07.2023 |
thepinknews.com |
Medical expert explains how trans healthcare bans hurt us all: ‘Nobody seems interested in reality’ |
19.07.2023 |
ozarkradionews.com |
Mercy Celebrates Milestones at Mountain Grove Family Medicine Clinic
17.07.2023 |
bmj.com |
Iranian healthcare caught in political crossfire: a global call to action
16.07.2023 |
news24.com |
Salute Caster, on your fight for future stars
13.07.2023 |
tell.ng |
FG failed to heed NMAs advise to tie workers’ wages to inflationary trends to avoid frequent industrial action
10.07.2023 |
reliefweb.int |
Joint letter on the health consequences of the Illegal Migration Bill
10.07.2023 |
theprint.in |
QCI rankings for public & pvt medical colleges must from next yr. ‘Will help students weigh options’
10.07.2023 |
bma.org.uk |
Fair’s fair
07.07.2023 |
independent.ng |
Enabulele Congratulates BMA New President, Urges Britain To Embrace BMA Arm 2023 Resolutions
07.07.2023 |
tell.ng |
Enabulele, WMA’s President urges British govt. to embrace resolutions of local bodies on doctors’ welfare, healthcare delivery
07.07.2023 |
link.springer.com |
Duties and Rights of Health Professionals During a Pandemic
07.07.2023 |
bitterwinter.org |
What I Learned in Tai Ji Men as a Medical Student
05.07.2023 |
independent.ng/ |
Violence Against Doctors Undermines Attempts To Advance Patient-Centered Care — WMA President
03.07.2023 |
newtelegraphng.com |
Bring Back Our Doctors
02.07.2023 |
tennews.in |
IMA President Urges Society To Respect Doctors And Promote Organ Donation On Doctor’s Day
02.07.2023 |
community.scoop.co.nz |
Let’s call transphobia by its real name – sickening bigotry |
26.06.2023 |
tell.ng |
26.06.2023 |
chronicle.ng |
24.06.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
24.06.2023 |
independent.ng |
24.06.2023 |
turkey.postsen.com |
21.06.2023 |
inergency.com |
21.06.2023 |
duvarenglish.com |
20.06.2023 |
theprint.in |
19.06.2023 |
bitterwinter.org |
19.06.2023 |
aydinlik.com.tr |
16.06.2023 |
thelancet.com |
13.06.2023 |
whyevolutionistrue.com |
13.06.2023 |
cpme.eu |
13.06.2023 |
law.kuleuven.be |
12.06.2023 |
christian.org.uk |
10.06.2023 |
indcatholicnews.com |
09.06.2023 |
thenation.com |
07.06.2023 |
newtelegraphng.com |
06.06.2023 |
mednexus.org |
06.06.2023 |
healthcare-digital.com |
04.06.2023 |
thedailystar.net |
04.06.2023 |
euro.eseuro.com |
02.06.2023 |
thelancet.com |
31.05.2023 |
kevinmd.com |
31.05.2023 |
newlinesmag.com |
29.05.2023 |
youtube.com |
24.05.2023 |
en.rti.org.tw |
Taiwan holds joint forum with World Medical Association in Geneva |
23.05.2023 |
bmj.com |
Building an interdisciplinary workforce for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: the role of e-learning
23.05.2023 |
deathpenaltyinfo.org |
The Lancet Editorial: Physician Involvement in Executions Violates Medical Ethics
21.05.2023 |
leadership.ng |
NARD Warning Strike: Doctors Address Dilemma In Abandoning Dying Patients |
21.05.2023 |
independent.ng |
Patient Care: Humanise The Whole Healthcare Value Chain, WMA President, Enjoins Governments |
21.05.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA President advocates humanizing whole healthcare value chain |
20.05.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
World doctors condemn global violence against physicians |
20.05.2023 |
thelancet.com |
The death penalty: a breach of human rights and ethics of care |
18.05.2023 |
time.news |
“Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO raises questions about the organization’s independence from Beijing” |
18.05.2023 |
cambridge.org |
The Right to Hunger Strike |
16.05.2023 |
aerzteblatt.de |
Jung Yul Park: Koreaner übernimmt Vorsitz des Weltärztebundes |
16.05.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Global Violence Against Physicians Condemned by WMA President |
15.05.2023 |
newsinlevels.com |
Transgender athletes cannot compete |
12.05.2023 |
taiwannews.com.tw |
Taiwan medical groups back nation’s membership of WHA |
12.05.2023 |
aol.com |
Elliot Page, in shirtless photo, celebrates the ‘joy’ he feels in his trans body, and the end of ‘dysphoria.’ Here’s what it all means |
11.05.2023 |
drexel.edu |
Cancer Research Pioneer to Address Graduates at Drexel College of Medicine Commencement |
11.05.2023 |
uhc2030.org |
Time for action: Multi-stakeholder hearing in preparation for the UN high-level meeting on UHC |
10.05.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
Violence against healthcare workers is emergency, WMA tells FG |
10.05.2023 |
msf.org.uk |
Joint letter on the health consequences of the Illegal Migration Bill |
10.05.2023 |
medium.com |
Ethical And Methodological Issues Concerning Researching ‘Vulnerable’ Groups
10.05.2023 |
uk.news.yahoo.com |
A sprinter fights for trans rights at Paris 2024
10.05.2023 |
jpost.com |
Khader Adnan’s death in prison: A preventable crisis |
08.05.2023 |
newsweek.com |
We Need a New Hippocratic Oath That Puts Patient Autonomy First |
05.05.2023 |
bmj.com |
BMA pushes for Chinese Medical Association to condemn medical abuse of Uyghurs
05.05.2023 |
punchng.com |
Declare emergency on violence against healthcare workers, WMA urges FG |
04.05.2023 |
ngo-monitor.org |
NGOs Laud Islamic Jihad’s Khader Adnan, Blame Israel for Hunger Strike Death |
03.05.2023 |
aol.co.uk |
What is hormone therapy for transgender people? Experts explain this decades-old treatment |
03.05.2023 |
independent.ie |
Wexford consultant brands health system ‘utterly inhumane’ after spending three days on a trolley in A&E |
03.05.2023 |
youtube.com |
DN Pre-WHA 2022 – Social Media and Global Health Advocacy |
02.05.2023 |
nytimes.com |
What to know about hunger strikes |
01.05.2023 |
icrt.com.tw |
Health Minister Shies Away from Euthanasia Stance |
01.05.2023 |
newsingermany.com |
Health: World Medical Association boss calls for EU-wide drug reserve |
o1.05.2023 |
wma.net |
World Medical Association Boss Calls For EU-Wide Drug Reserve |
28.04.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
World Medical Association Council Meeting |
28.04.2023 |
riverfronttimes.com |
ACLU, Lambda Legal Sue to Block Missouri Trans Health Care Order |
28.04.2023 |
thisdaylive.com |
House and Its Obnoxious Doctors Migration Bill |
26.04.2023 |
focustaiwan.tw |
‘Improper’ for government to lead on euthanasia legalization: Minister |
25.04.2023 |
bma.org.uk |
BMA welcomes World Medical Association council resolution on human rights violations against Uyghur people in China |
25.04.2023 |
bmj.com |
Medics warn of “catastrophic” health effects of UK policy to send asylum seekers to Rwanda
23.04.2023 |
theeastafrican.co.ke |
Global doctors’ association worried over safety of medics in Sudan |
23.04.2023 |
punchng.com |
Sudan conflict: FG raises evacuation panel as trapped Nigerians knock govt |
22.04.2023 |
youtube.com |
Kenya hosts the 23rd World Medical Association Council |
22.04.2023 |
nation.africa |
Three Kenyan doctors appointed to WMA committees |
21.04.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Physician Leaders Call for an Effective Ceasefire in Sudan |
21.04.2023 |
standardmedia.co.ke |
World Medical Association calls for immediate ceasefire in Sudan |
21.04.2023 |
dailypost.ng |
World Medical Association condemns proposed death penalty for Homosexuals in Uganda |
21.04.2023 |
thetimes.com.ng |
World Medical Association condemns proposed death penalty for Homosexuals in Uganda |
21.04.2023 |
eureporter.co |
Korean professor elected chairman of World Medical Association |
21.04.2023 |
koreabiomed.com |
Professor Park Jung-yul becomes 1st Korean to chair WMA |
17.04.2023 |
thailand.postsen.com |
Korean professor elected president of World Medical Association – EU Reporter |
17.04.2023 |
korea.postsen.com |
Republic of Korea, following culture, ‘medical care’ also stands tall in the global market: Welfare Shinbo |
17.04.2023 |
bitemagazine.com.au |
Report reveals extent of damage caused to healthcare professionals during pandemic |
17.04.2023 |
lifenews.com |
Netherlands Will Start Euthanizing Children Under 12 |
12.04.2023 |
who.int |
WHO Youth Council |
12.04.2023 |
thisdaylive.com |
World Medical Association Attacks Lawmakers over Bill Restricting Doctors to Nigeria |
12.04.2023 |
independent.ng |
Hon. Johnson’s Bill Will Aggravate Nigeria’s Brain Drain Crisis – Dr. Enabulele, WMA President |
10.04.2023 |
independent.ng |
Quickly Address Mental Health, Psycho-Social Challenges Among Workforce Worldwide, WMA President Urges Govts |
10.04.2023 |
punchng.com |
WMA seeks expedite action on mental health challenges |
10.04.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
Health Workforce: WMA seeks quick address of mental health, burn out, psycho-social challenges |
10.04.2023 |
von.gov.ng |
Group Seeks Better Mental Health Care For Doctors |
10.04.2023 |
punchng.com |
Five-year compulsory service for doctors will create crisis – WMA |
10.04.2023 |
guardian.ng |
UK revises foreign health workers’ recruitment, returns Nigeria to red list countries |
04.04.2023 |
youtube.com |
Message at the 75th anniversary of the World Health Organization |
04.04.2023 |
guardian.ng |
How COVID-19 strained healthcare professionals, by report
03.04.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Report: Damage caused to healthcare professionals during Covid-19 pandemic |
03.04.2023 |
iol.co.za |
Report shows how the Covid-19 pandemic caused physical and psychological damage to healthcare professionals |
31.03.2023 |
iol.co.za |
Caster Semenya’s career in danger due to new World Athletics regulation |
31.03.2023 |
news24.com |
Caster Semenya: Athletics SA taking legal advice on ‘highly discriminatory’ new World Athletics rules |
31.03.2023 |
coloradopolitics.com |
Colorado Democrats move to shield abortion, transgender care from out-of-state penalties |
30.03.2023 |
dealmakerz.co.uk |
Encouraging climate-friendly trips to the association’s recreational facilities |
27.03.2023 |
ovimagazine.com |
World Medical Association condemns death penalty for Gay offenders |
24.03.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
World Medical Association Condemns Death Penalty For Gay Offenders |
24.03.2023 |
newsingermany.com |
Lack of transparency in medical study results |
24.03.2023 |
texastribune.org |
What transition-related health care is available to transgender kids in Texas? Here’s what you should know |
24.03.2023 |
texastribune.org |
What transition-related health care is available to transgender kids in Texas? Here’s what you should know |
17.03.2023 |
bmj.com |
TikTok surgery reignites worries over doctors and social media
15.03.2023 |
nzdoctor.co.nz |
The New Zealand Medical Association calls for an immediate ban on boxing |
12.03.2023 |
post-gazette.com |
‘Very intimate knowledge’: What Ron DeSantis saw while serving at Guantánamo |
10.03.2023 |
journals.lww.com/ijsgh |
Devastating earthquake in Turkey: a call for global action |
09.03.2023 |
youtube.com |
O. Kloiber, « Bioethics: the Backbone of the World Medical Association for 75 Years » |
09.03.2023 |
blogs.timesofisrael.com |
How Israel Has Its Sights Set on Becoming a Global Pioneer in Medtech |
08.03.2023 |
typeinvestigations.org |
When Force-Feeding Is Torture |
08.03.2023 |
star-telegram.com |
‘Very intimate knowledge’: What Ron DeSantis saw while serving at Guantánamo |
08.03.2023 |
newsweek.com |
Ron DeSantis’ Superior Speaks Out Amid Guantanamo Torture Accusations |
08.03.2023 |
trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com |
Barriers and facilitators to the recruitment of disabled people to clinical trials: a scoping review
07.03.2023 |
neverbounce.com |
07.03.2023 |
psychiatrictimes.com |
Autonomy Alone Does Not Validate Physician Assisted Suicide |
04.03.2023 |
menafn.com |
Global Medical And Human Rights Groups Call On Turkey To End Persecution Of Doctors |
02.03.2023 |
historyofyesterday.com |
Secret CIA Method To Make “Any Sort of Pain Disappear” |
01.03.2023 |
sowetanlive.co.za |
Bongani Mayosi nurtured from home to do what was right |
28.02.2023 |
wfme.org |
WFME and the International Chair in Bioethics |
28.02.2023 |
noharm-asia.org |
Mercury Phase-Out |
28.02.2023 |
stockholmcf.org |
Medical groups, rights organizations call on Turkey to end persecution of doctors |
27.02.2023 |
reliefweb.int |
Global Medical and Human Rights Groups Call on Türkiye to End Persecution of Doctors |
25.02.2023 |
chronicle.ng |
WMA President votes in Nigeria, urges peaceful polls |
22.02.2023 |
ima.org.il |
World Medical Association Meeting on the International Code of Medical Ethics in Indonesia |
13.02.2023 |
iranhumanrights.org |
Iran Protests: More Doctors Treating Protesters Killed, Tortured and Detained |
30.01.2023 |
watermark.silverchair.com |
The World Medical Association needs you |
30.01.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
WMA Calls For Charges Against Medical Association Members to be Dropped |
28.01.2023 |
thelancet.com |
Medicine should be learned in a conducive environment |
27.01.2023 |
bmcmedresmethodol.biomedcentral.com |
Towards full clinical trial registration and results publication: longitudinal meta-research study in Northwestern and Central Switzerland
26.01.2023 |
typeset.io |
World Medical Association |
26.01.2023 |
ovimagazine.com |
Medical Bodies Send Further Help to Besieged People of Ukraine |
26.01.2023 |
amb.org.br |
25.01.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Medical Bodies Send Further Help to Besieged People of Ukraine |
24.01.2023 |
cannabishealthnews.co.uk |
Could medical cannabis play a role in treating substance misuse? |
24.01.2023 |
studocu.com |
Declaration of Helsinki |
23.01.2023 |
cambridge.org |
Eating in Isolation: A Normative Comparison of Force Feeding and Solitary Confinement |
23.01.2023 |
fiercehealthcare.com |
The Hippocratic Oath gets an update with new language about physician well-being, respect and patient autonomy |
17.01.2023 |
AP Archive |
Demo as Turkey Medical Assoc. chief trial to resume |
16.01.2023 |
rfi.fr |
Leading Turkish doctor convicted over call for chemical weapons inquiry |
11.01.2023 |
timesofisrael.com |
Turkish Medical Association chief convicted of terrorism over media interview |
11.01.2023 |
aljazeera.com |
Turkish Medical Association chief convicted on ‘terror’ charge |
11.01.2023 |
evrensel.net |
The court sentenced Turkish Medical Association President Şebnem Korur Fincancı to prison and released her |
11.01.2023 |
fredericksburg.com |
Turkish Medical Association chief convicted of terror charge |
11.01.2023 |
amnistia.org |
11.01.2023 |
turkishminute.com |
Turkey’s top doctor convicted in chemical weapons trial |
10.01.2023 |
vanguardngr.com |
Physician leaders warn of threat to autonomy of Turkish medical association |
10.01.2023 |
amnesty.org |
Türkiye: Leading Turkish human rights defender must be acquitted
09.01.2023 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Physician Leaders Warn of Threat to Autonomy of Turkish Medical Association |
09.01.2023 |
thegermanyeye.com |
Europe-wide mandatory PCR testing for China flights |
05.01.2023 |
sunnewsonline.com |
Mental health: Firm emphasises need for specialised care |
04.01.2023 |
indonewyork.com |
Questions and answers: Concerns about the corona wave in China: does Europe have to react? |
04.01.2023 |
globeecho.com |
Split Opinions On The Corona Test Requirement For Travelers To China |
03.01.2023 |
ground.news |
World Medical Association: Montgomery calls for PCR tests across Europe for arrivals from China
31.12.2022 |
wnd.com |
World Medical Association affirms conscientious objections |
30.12.2022 |
instituteofhealthequity.org |
Professor Sir Michael Marmot conferred prestigious Companion of Honour for major achievement in public health |
29.12.2022 |
germany.detailzero.com |
Drosten statement on Corona: World Medical Association warns |
29.12.2022 |
indonewyork.com |
Pandemic: No mandatory test for entry from China |
29.12.2022 |
indonewyork.com |
Pandemic: Covid test when entering from China: how does Germany proceed? |
27.12.2022 |
liveaction.org |
World Medical Association votes to protect conscientious objection |
23.12.2022 |
turkishminute.com |
‘My medical opinion has been criminalized,’ says prominent doctor at first trial hearing |
23.12.2022 |
france24.com |
Turkish doctor on ‘terror’ trial over chemical arms comment |
23.12.2022 |
globalnews.ca |
Canadian doctors raise alarm as Iranian healthcare workers targeted by regime |
22.12.2022 |
hrw.org |
Turkey: Free Rights Defender
22.12.2022 |
amnesty.org |
International human rights groups call for release of leading Turkish human rights defender and physician
22.12.2022 |
link.springer.com |
Ethics teaching in medical school: the perception of medical students
22.12.2022 |
newsghana.com.gh |
WMA Urges Immediate Action to End Humanitarian Crisis |
22.12.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
Medical organisations unite to free physician leader |
22.12.2022 |
redress.org |
International Human Rights Groups Call for Release of Leading Turkish Human Rights Defender and Physician |
20.12.2022 |
globeecho.com |
Lauterbach Wants To Change Price Rules For Children’s Medicines |
20.12.2022 |
iranintl.com |
German Medical Groups Urge Govt. To End Human ‘Catastrophe In Iran’ |
20.12.2022 |
dagensmedisin-no.translate.goog |
The World Medical Association asks Iran to stop executions: – We support the demand |
14.12.2022 |
acsh.org |
ACSH Explains Institutional Review Boards (IRB) |
14.12.2022 |
bma.org.uk |
Turkish doctors vow to defend integrity of arrested TMA president |
14.12.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
UHC: WMA calls for equitable deployment of health technological innovations |
13.12.2022 |
youtube.com |
International Code of Medical Ethics |
13.12.2022 |
bma.org.uk |
BMA Information Fund opens to applications |
13.12.2022 |
menafn.com |
World Physicians Call For Death Penalty Moratorium |
13.12.2022 |
medicalbuyer.co.in |
How AI plays its role in medical innovation |
13.12.2022 |
thegermanyeye.com |
World Medical Director demands that lockdowns not be categorically ruled out |
11.12.2022 |
calcalistech.com |
How AI plays its role in medical innovation |
08.12.2022 |
saharareporters.com |
World Medical Association Condemns, Calls For Prohibition Of Death Penalty In Iran |
07.12.2022 |
onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
The second opinion |
07.12.2022 |
change.org |
Stop Murder and Imprisonment of Healthcare Professionals in Iran
07.12.2022 |
spectator.com.au |
Courage is the cure |
07.12.2022 |
icrt.com.tw |
WMA Calls on WHO to End Taiwan’s Exclusion |
06.12.2022 |
taipeitimes.com |
Chief of WMA calls for WHO to include Taiwan |
06.12.2022 |
youtube.com |
World Medical Association Head Calls for End to Taiwan’s WHO Exclusion |
06.12.2022 |
taipeitimes.com |
Chief of WMA calls for WHO to include Taiwan |
06.12.2022 |
news.trenddetail.com |
World Medical Association: WHO should stop excluding Taiwan |
06.12.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA seeks Taiwanese Govt for health system strengthening |
01.12.2022 |
punchng.com |
Govt must address doctors’ poor wages, working conditions – WMA president |
30.11.2022 |
anfenglish.com |
Norway’s Foreign Minister says her country “concerned about increased military activity in N. Iraq” |
29.11.2022 |
healthcareinsights.md |
28.11.2022 |
bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com |
Workplace violence at emergency departments, Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt
28.11.2022 |
sunnewsonline.com |
Violence at workplace, others, bane of brain drain in medical sector, Dr. Osahon, President, World Medical Association |
24.11.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
Vanguard Mental Health Summit: We must end stigmatization of people with mental health issues – Dr. Enabulele |
23.11.2022 |
medyanews.net |
International physicians call on Turkey to release top medical association chief from prison |
22.11.2022 |
bianet.org |
American Medical Association calls for action for Prof. Korur-Fincancı |
22.11.2022 |
globalfamilydoctor.com |
Astana Declaration Anniversary 2022 |
21.11.2022 |
english.almayadeen.net |
“I was screaming and he was smiling”: DeSantis ran Guantanamo torture |
17.11.2022 |
age-platform.eu |
The World Medical Association calls for ending age discrimination in health care |
17.11.2022 |
thelancet.com |
Free Şebnem Korur Fincancı and end systematic silencing of health professionals |
17.11.2022 |
newtelegraphng.com |
WMA Boss Solicits Japanese Govt’s Support To Achieve UHC |
15.11.2022 |
commondreams.org |
‘Chilling’ Video Footage Shows Asylum-Seeker Being Force-Fed in ICE Detention
14.11.2022 |
bellacaledonia.org.uk |
Turkey and chemical weapons: the accusations no one wants to investigate |
14.11.2022 |
trendsmap.com |
An immediate and unconditional end to violence against health personnel in Iran has been called for by the World Medical Association |
14.11.2022 |
chronicle.ng |
WMA President Enabulele visits Japanese Health Minister, seeks support for universal health coverage |
12.11.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA urges physicians to report inappropriate working conditions, violence |
10.11.2022 |
reliefweb.int |
ICRC and World Medical Association to work together for safer health-care delivery |
10.11.2022 |
nationaldailyng.com |
WMA decries violence against health personnel in Iran |
10.11.2022 |
bma.org.uk |
BMA calls for release of the President of the Turkish Medical Association |
10.11.2022 |
ovimagazine.com |
Junior Doctors Burned Out Warns Physician Leader |
10.11.2022 |
lshtm.ac.uk |
Save millions of lives through healthy sustainable solutions to tackle the climate crisis |
10.11.2022 |
punchng.com |
Pay attention to your well-being, Enabulele tells physicians |
10.11.2022 |
newtelegraphng.com |
Junior Doctors Burn-Out Worries WMA Boss, Dr Enabulele |
10.11.2022 |
itvradiong.com |
World Medical Association signs MOU with World Health Organisation |
10.11.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
Enabulele tasks doctors on working conditions, swears in new CMA president |
10.11.2022 |
youtube.com |
World Medical Association signs MOU with World Health Organisation |
07.11.2022 |
newsghana.com.gh |
Junior Doctors Burned Out Warns Physician Leader |
07.11.2022 |
ama-assn.org |
Physicians worldwide issue clarion call on racism’s impact in medicine |
07.11.2022 |
nationallightngr.com |
WMA President calls for empowerment of junior doctors |
07.11.2022 |
federalcharacter.com |
Dr. Enabulele warns of young doctors’ overwork |
04.11.2022 |
thegermanyeye.com |
World Medical Director demands that lockdowns not be categorically ruled out |
03.11.2022 |
medindia.net |
Health Ministry Refuses to Pass a Bill Protecting Doctors Against Violence |
27.10.2022 |
hawarnews.com |
WMA: Use of chemical gases should be investigated
27.10.2022 |
newtelegraphng.com |
WMA Condemns Arrest Of Turkish Physician Leader |
27.10.2022 |
anfenglish.com |
WMA calls for an independent investigation into use of chemical gases against the PKK |
27.10.2022 |
panorama.am |
WMA condemns Turkish physician leader’s arrest |
27.10.2022 |
balkaninsight.com |
Turkey Detains 57 Protesting Arrest of Renowned Medical Leader |
27.10.2022 |
cpme.eu |
European Doctors condemn the arrest of Şebnem Korur Fincanci and call for her immediate release |
27.10.2022 |
medischcontact.nl |
KNMG op de WMA-vergadering in Berlijn |
21.10.2022 |
vanguardngr |
World Medical Association committed to universal health coverage, human resources – Enabulele |
21.10.2022 |
ground.news |
The World Medical Association urges not to discriminate on the basis of health or age
21.10.2022 |
guardian.ng |
How to build resilient health systems, by Enabulele |
20.10.2022 |
lagospost.ng |
World Medical Association seeks for elimination of healthcare discrimination against the elderly |
24.10.2022 |
researchgate.net |
WMA Declaration of Berlin on racism in medicine 10 October 2022 |
24.10.2022 |
mercatornet.com |
Conscience remains the soul of the medical profession |
20.10.2022 |
academic.oup.com |
High time to stop workplace violence against health professionals in the context of COVID-19 |
19.10.2022 |
urimuri.com |
Berlin: ‘Violence Against Doctors’ resolution unanimously passed in WMA General Assembly |
13.10.2022 |
premierchristian.news |
Christian professor welcomes World Medical Association’s decision to protect conscientious objection |
12.10.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA declares racism in medicine a public health threat |
11.10.2022 |
newsghana.com.gh |
WMA Berlin Assembly Decisions |
29.09.2022 |
newtelegraphng.com |
Study: New Treatment Needed To Control Rabies Underway |
19.09.2022 |
guardian.ng |
Obaseki seeks World Medical Association collaboration |
15.09.2022 |
asbmr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
Declaration of Helsinki: Recommendations for Conduct of Clinical Research |
23.08.2022 |
blogs.bmj.com |
Doctors should not be forced to refer patients for controversial procedures |
22.082022 |
thelancet.com |
Iranian cases throw spotlight on use of punitive amputation |
22.08.2022 |
kogireports.com |
World Medical Association President Tasks Nigerian Doctors On Active Participation In Politics |
15.08.2022 |
bioedge.org |
World Medical Association protects conscientious objection by rejecting mandatory referral |
05.08.2022 |
newtelegraphng.com |
WMA Implores UN To End Amputation Punishment In Iranian Prisons |
04.08.2022 |
monash.edu |
Execution by organ removal: the role of transplant surgeons in China’s execution of prisoners |
03.08.2022 |
alreadyviral.com |
World Physician Leaders Express Horror at Latest Amputation News |
02.08.2022 |
globeecho.com |
World Medical Association Calls For Better Monkeypox Education |
02.08.2022 |
bmj.com |
Aquatic Federation’s new eligibility policy—an unacceptable erosion of bodily autonomy for women and girls |
02.08.2022 |
nytimes.com |
The M.M.A. Doctor’s Dilemma: To Stop or Not to Stop the Fight |
31.07.2022 |
wsms.org |
Coronavirus in Germany: Infection and death rates explode during summer months |
30.07.2022 |
thelancet.com |
Violence against health workers rises during COVID-19 |
26.07.2022 |
thehindubusinessline.com |
Drugmakers, doctors and the ethical code to keep a nexus at bay |
21.07.2022 |
hindustantimes.com |
IMA creates spiritual sub-committee for Doctors |
20.07.2022 |
thespec.com |
World Athletics has Caster Semenya running in circles, again and again and again |
20.07.2022 |
nytimes.com |
Caster Semenya, Barred From Her Signature Event, Races the 5,000 Meters |
20.07.2022 |
thelocal.de |
Covid lockdowns in Germany shouldn’t be ruled out, says expert |
20.07.2022 |
helsinkitimes.fi |
Impact of COVID on violence against healthcare |
20.07.2022 |
themunicheye.com |
World Medical Director demands that lockdowns not be categorically ruled out |
19.07.2022 |
apexnewsexclusive.com |
ICN, ICRC, IHF, WMA Report Shows Increased Impact Of COVID On Violence Against Healthcare |
19.07.2022 |
geopoliticalmonitor.com |
Torture Methods in Russia’s Prison Complex |
17.07.2022 |
fimela.com |
IDI Bersama World Medical Association Ulas Tuntas Etik Kedokteran Masa Kini |
12.07.2022 |
mdpi.com |
Malpractice Claims and Ethical Issues in Prison Health Care Related to Consent and Confidentiality |
08.07.2022 |
link.springer.com |
The Role of Professions in a State: The Effects of the Nazi Experience on Health Care Professionalism |
08.07.2022 |
link.springer.com |
The Holocaust as an Inflection Point in the Development of Research Ethics |
06.07.2022 |
voi.id |
World Medical Association Acknowledges IDI As The Sole Organization Representing Indonesia |
06.07.2022 |
icome2022.id |
ICoME Welcome Messages |
03.07.2022 |
realita.co |
IDI dan Asosiasi Dokter Medis Sedunia (WMA) Gelar Simposium |
03.07.2022 |
mediaindonesia.com |
IDI dan WMA Gelar Simposium Soal Standarisasi Etik Kedokteran Dunia |
03.07.2022 |
newsdelivers.com |
PB IDI Holds International Symposium Regarding Revision of the World Medical Code of Ethics |
25.06.2022 |
thelancet.com |
Strengthening health systems in crisis due to COVID-19 requires ending violence against female healthcare workers |
22.06.2022 |
france24.com |
Covid subvariants cast shadow over European summer |
21.06.2022 |
tandfonline.com |
How can we get more open access to medical studies? Simple, let’s take the green road |
20.06.2022 |
247newsbulletin.com |
TTB’s proposal was realized: Covid-19 vaccine patent removed |
15.06.2022 |
thelancet.com |
Fears for Iranian-Swedish doctor held on espionage charges |
14.06.2022 |
pointblanknews.com |
Breaking: Abia Medical Doctors Embark on Strike Over Kidnapped College |
14.06.2022 |
nature.com |
Research must do no harm: new guidance addresses all studies relating to people |
09.06.2022 |
edition.cnn.com |
Boxer Simiso Buthelezi dies after collapsing at end of fight in South Africa |
09.06.2022 |
kake.com |
Boxer Simiso Buthelezi dies after collapsing at end of fight in South Africa |
08.06.2022 |
testbook.com |
New draft code of ethics for doctors |
08.06.2022 |
indianexpress.com |
The ‘Physician’s Pledge’ in new draft code of ethics for doctors, and how it differs from Charak, Hippocratic oaths |
08.06.2022 |
firstpost.com |
What is the ‘Physician’s Pledge’ in the new draft regulation for doctors? How’s it different from Hippocratic Oath?
08.06.2022 |
antaranews.com |
IDI to represent Indonesia in International Medical Ethics formulation |
07.06.2022 |
thefederal.com |
Not Charak Shapath or Hippocratic Oath but the ‘Physicians Pledge’ now |
06.06.2022 |
standardmedia.co.ke |
Dealing with death, pain takes heavy toll on doctors as well |
06.06.2022 |
iranwire.com |
Four Men Convicted of Stealing Face Amputation in Tehran |
03.06.2022 |
osundefender.com |
PERSPECTIVE: If We Don’t Feed People, We Feed Conflict
03.06.2022 |
theguardian.com |
Omicron subvariant drives spike in cases and deaths in Portugal |
31.05.2022 |
kxan36news.com |
News about the corona pandemic: World Medical Director Montgomery warns of the spread of the omicron variant BA.5 in Germany |
30.05.2022 |
thespinoff.co.nz |
The NZ Medical Association has breathed its last. So who killed it? |
30.05.2022 |
live-feeds.com |
World Medical President calls for “anti-corona plan” for autumn |
30.05.2022 |
taiwantoday.tw |
MOFA grateful for WHO backing from Taiwan’s allies, partners |
30.05.2022 |
stuff.co.nz |
Covid-19 hastened demise of Medical Association before members voted to liquidate |
30.05.2022 |
nzdoctor.co.nz |
NZ Medical Association votes to liquidate |
28.05.2022 |
dailynewsen.com |
“Topic will soon be settled”: World Medical Director gives monkeypox all-clear |
28.05.2022 |
live-feeds.com |
World medical chief gives monkeypox all-clear |
28.05.2022 |
pledgetimes.com |
World Medical Director: “The subject of monkeypox will soon be settled” |
26.05.2022 |
california18.com |
Lauterbach considers the return of the mask requirement to be conceivable |
25.05.2022 |
globaltimes.cn |
Semenya offered to show her body to officials to prove she was female |
24.05.2022 |
reuters.com |
Semenya offered to show her body to officials to prove she was female
24.05.2022 |
theprobe.in |
Violence against doctors: Urgent need for central law to protect healthcare workers |
24.05.2022 |
philpapers.org |
Is the international regulation of medical complicity with torture largely window dressing? The case of Israel and the lessons of a 12-year medical ethical appeal |
16.05.2022 |
jamanetwork.com |
Physicians in Missouri (but Not Illinois) Win Battle to Block Physician Participation in Executions |
16.05.2022 |
trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com |
Trials using deferred consent in the emergency setting: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of stakeholders’ attitudes
13.05.2022 |
unr.edu |
University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine graduates 70 new physicians |
10.05.2022 |
medicalworldnigeria.com |
WMA urges Iranian authorities to stop execution of medical doctor |
10.05.2022 |
ama-assn.org |
YPS members and news highlights |
10.05.2022 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA urges Iranian authorities to stop execution of medical doctor |
09.05.2022 |
apexnewsexclusive.com |
World Medical Association Issues Urgent Plea To Stop Imminent Execution Of Doctor |
08.05.2022 |
nzherald.co.nz |
Health: New Zealand Medical Association faces liquidation
05.05.2022 |
live-feeds.com |
ARD: World Medical Association boss with a clear verdict on Lauterbach policy |
05.05.2022 |
newindianexpress.com |
An oath that breaks tradition
04.05.2022 |
supchina.com |
With international backing, Taiwan makes another bid for World Health Assembly |
03.05.2022 |
researchgate.net |
Reactions of physicians in the state of São Paulo to the use of telemedicine during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: cross-sectional study |
03.05.2022 |
thenewsminute.com |
Explained: Why the Charaka Shapath is controversial and has no place in modern medicine |
03.05.2022 |
news9live.com |
What are Hippocratic oath and Charaka oath? History, importance and other details |
02.05.2022 |
iasscore.in |
Charak Shapath and the contraversy |
02.05.2022 |
thefederal.com |
Explained: What do Charak Shapath and Hippocratic Oath say? |
02.05.2022 |
thetimes.co.uk |
Dr Jim Appleyard obituary
01.05.2022 |
indianexpress.com |
Explained: New row over Charak Shapath; what is it, and what does it say? |
29.04.2022 |
wazeesupperclub.com |
Is it illegal to break patient confidentiality? |
29.04.2022 |
scienceworldreport.com |
Rustam Gilfanov: What Do Automation and Big Data Offer to The Future of The Clinical Trials |
29.04.2022 |
en.tempo.co |
IDI: Professional Organization Different to Mass Organization |
27.04.2022 |
thebfd.co.nz |
How to Stop People From Trusting Doctors |
26.04.2022 |
saudedebate.com.br |
Delegação da AMB participa de reunião do Conselho da WMA na França |
26.04.2022 |
scmp.com |
Taiwan banks on growing global support to regain WHO observer seat in May |
25.04.2022 |
koreabiomed.com |
A world we’ve never experienced before: Installation of closed-circuit televisions in operating rooms |
23.04.2022 |
thebl.com |
Taiwan to make its utmost effort to attend WHA as an observer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
23.04.2022 |
medyanews.net |
Prominent physician criticises biased medical reports on jailed ill prisoners in Turkey |
21.04.2022 |
taiwannews.com.tw |
Taiwan launches campaign to attend WHA as observer in May |
21.04.2022 |
taiwannews.com.tw |
World Medical Association asks WHA to open up for Taiwan |
21.04.2022 |
icrt.com.tw |
WMA urges WHO to open doors for Taiwan’s participation at WHA |
21.04.2022 |
focustaiwan.tw |
WMA urges WHO to open doors for Taiwan’s participation at WHA |
20.04.2022 |
wfme.org |
IFMSA and WMA statement calling for immediate end to war in Ukraine |
20.04.2022 |
koreabiomed.com |
Global bodies join war between doctors and nurses in Korea |
19.04.2022 |
ama-assn.org |
Fight climate change and save money—go green at your practice |
14.04.2022 |
thelancet.com |
War prevention and mitigation are public health imperatives of our time |
12.04.2022 |
sowetanlive.co.za |
Regulations governing complementary medicines are invalid: SCA rules |
11.04.2022 |
oopstop.com |
The World Medical Association refused to exclude Russia |
11.04.2022 |
zee5.com |
World Medical Association writes to PM Modi seeking intervention over attacks on doctors |
11.04.2022 |
latestly.com |
World Medical Association Writes to PM Narendra Modi Urging Him To Stop Attacks on Physicians and Health Personnel |
11.04.2022 |
theweek.in |
World Medical Association asks Modi to end attacks on healthcare professionals |
11.04.2022 |
theprint.in |
World Medical Association writes to PM Modi seeking intervention over attacks on doctors |
11.04.2022 |
taipeitimes.com |
Medical groups push WHA recognition |
09.04.2022 |
taiwannews.com.tw |
US diplomat pitches Taiwan’s inclusion in WHA |
09.04.2022 |
ca.news.yahoo.com |
71 Chinese inmates on death row had their hearts or lungs removed during executions before being declared dead, new study says
09.04.2022 |
centralrecorder.com |
Death Row Inmates in China Had Their Hearts Removed by Medics Before Declared Dead: Study |
09.04.2022 |
gsweblive.in |
World Medical Association writes to PM seeking solution to attacks against doctors |
08.04.2022 |
apexnewsexclusive.com |
Indian Prime Minister Mordi Cautioned To Stop Attacks On Physician |
08.04.2022 |
sunnewsonline.com |
WMA President, Dr Osahon decries access to healthcare facilities in Nigeria |
08.04.2022 |
ama-assn.org |
Targeting civilians and health care in war is unconscionable |
08.04.2022 |
healthwire.co |
Rajasthan Doctor Suicide Case: Amid Rising Attacks On Doctors, World Medical Association Writes Letter To PM Modi Demanding Legal Environment For Health Professionals |
02.04.2022 |
thequint.com |
Explained: Will ‘Charak Shapath’ Replace Hippocratic Oath for MBBS Students? |
31.03.2022 |
lexology.com |
Application of Blockchain technology in healthcare and life science | AI handling of patient data | Blockchain and the future of legal services |
31.03.2022 |
news-medical.net |
How does Standard-Of-Care Affect Clinical Trials?
30.03.2022 |
aleteia.org |
Madrid takes to the streets against abortion and euthanasia |
29.03.2022 |
golossokal.com.ua |
More than 1 million euros of medical care will be transferred to Lviv region |
25.03.2022 |
crisismagazine.com |
Pope Francis and the Scrapping of the Just War Doctrine |
21.03.2022 |
businessupturn.com |
Over 22,500 Indian students & nationals brought back from Ukraine
13.03.2022 |
Youtube.com |
Appeal for donations to the Ukraine Medical Help Fund – Dr. Heidi STENSMYREN WMA President
07.03.2022 |
uuworld.org |
Government Targeting Transgender Youth in Texas
28.02.2022 |
radionigeria.gov.ng |
Medical professionals rethink disease-fighting tactics – PMB
03.02.2022 |
psychiatrictimes.com |
Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Pressing Question of Ethics and Humanity
02.02.2022 |
journalofethics.ama-assn.org |
Should a Physician Ever Violate SWAT or TEMS Protocol in a Mass Casualty Incident?
27.01.2022 |
aninews.in |
DNA samples of Tibetans, Uyghurs and Kazakhs human subjects collected non-consensually
27.01.2022 |
finance.yahoo.com |
Galaxy Vets Calls for an Update to the Veterinary Professional Oaths
25.01.2022 |
timeshighereducation.com |
What can be done to improve research integrity? |
20.01.2022 |
infomigrants.net |
Germany tries Syrian doctor for torture |
08.01.2022 |
newtelegraphng.com |
‘Rat Race’: A Nation’s Lassa Dilemma |
07.01.2022 |
albaniandailynews.com |
“Pandemic is our common problem” |
06.01.2022 |
live-feeds.com |
“There will be no more mass walks” |
05.01.2022 |
bma.org.uk |
A New Year message from Chair of UK Council – Dr Chaand Nagpaul |
05.01.2022 |
ehealthlicense.go.ug |
Doctors in prisons |
05.01.2022 |
medium.com |
Was Your Face Mask Produced With Slave Labor?
04.01.2022 |
righttolife.org.uk |
United Nations Human Rights Council criticises Belgium’s euthanasia law |
04.01.2022 |
wsws.org |
German court ruling on triage for elderly patients in pandemic: A double-edged sword |
03.01.2022 |
youtube.com |
What is the World Medical Association |
22.12.2021 |
ng.opera.news |
The Story Of A Nigerian Doctor Who Emerged The President Of WMA In 2021 |
20.12.2021 |
thenationonlineng.net |
World Medical Association President: I believe in my country |
19.12.2021 |
catholicweekly.com.au |
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP to the NSW parliamentary inquiry into euthanasia |
19.12.2021 |
graetnewsnetwork.com |
Doctors can jointly create a World Health Keeping Force |
19.12.2021 |
newsbulletin247.com |
Bomb proposal for compulsory vaccination across Europe by the president of the World Medical Association |
16.12.2021 |
echalliance.com |
Check out the latest news and collaborations of the WCEA |
24.11.2021 |
cambridgeblog.org/ |
The New Climate Activism: What role for health NGOs? |
19.11.2021 |
bioethics.org.uk |
The World Medical Association (WMA), which represents doctors throughout the world has proposed a new International Code of Medical Ethics. |
19.11.2021 |
vikendi.net |
WMA boss: “Unvaccinated people must feel the consequences of their actions” |
19.11.2021 |
youtube.com |
Dr. David Barbe: AMR awerness week |
12.11.2021 |
bianet.org |
International medical organizations express support for Dr. Gökalp |
02.11.2021 |
newsofbahrain.com |
World Medical Association chair calls for broad use of Covid boosters |
02.11.2021 |
bna.bh |
World Medical Association chair calls for broad use of Covid boosters |
02.11.2021 |
libertatea-ro |
World Medical Association President calls for widespread administration of three-dose COVID vaccine |
02.11.2021 |
dcnews-ro |
The president of the World Medical Association has called for widespread use of vaccination with over-booster doses |
31.10.2021 |
thenews.com |
Int’l Day of Medical Profession observed |
31.10.2021 |
jounals.lww.com |
Ethical Issues in the Design of Randomized Trials: To Sham or Not to Sham |
30.10.2021 |
the lancet.com |
Nicaraguan health-care workers under attack |
27.10.2021 |
bwhealthcareworld.businessworld.in |
Aftermath Challenges of Pandemic Faced by Healthcare Industry |
27.10.2021 |
remonews.com |
Corona news in ticker: World medical president warns to overload clinics |
26.10.2021 |
youtube.com |
Valedictory Address Dr Barbe 2021 |
26.10.2021 |
sportsgazette.co.uk |
Athletics DSD regulations are flawed, Christine Mboma is the next victim. |
26.10.2021 |
.bundesaerztekammer.de |
WMA General Assembly 2022 in Berlin |
21.10.2021 |
iharare.com |
1 Billion People Expected To Die From Tobacco-Related Complications In The 21st Century |
21.10.2021 |
reliefweb.int |
WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 |
21.10.2021 |
un.org |
Up to 180,000 health workers may have died from COVID-19 |
20.10.2021 |
thetidenewsonline.com |
WMA President Wants African Countries To Prioritise Their Health Sector |
19.10.2021 |
chinadaily.com.cn |
Resolution supporting Taiwan’s WHO participation ‘wrong and invalid’, mainland spokesman says |
19.10.2021 |
caribbeannewsglobal.com |
World Medical Association supports Taiwan participation in WHO |
18.10.2021 |
menafn.com |
World Medical Association supports Taiwan participation in WHO |
18.10.2021 |
en.rti.org.tw |
World Medical Association backs Taiwan WHO membership bid |
18.10.2021 |
von.gov.ng |
WMA calls for international prevention campaigns against fake drugs |
18.10.2021 |
www-aerzteblatt-de. |
World Medical Association supports doctors in Nicaragua |
17.10.2021 |
europe.easybranches.com |
17.10.2021 |
timeslive.co.za |
World Medical Association calls for action on fake medicines |
17.10.2021 |
taipeitimes.com |
Ministry thanks WMA for its support |
17.10.2021 |
breakinglatest.news |
World Medical Congress rejects Chinese proposal to support Taiwan’s participation in WHO | WHO | WMA | World Medical Association |
17.10.2021 |
healthwise.punchng.com |
Doctors urge action against fake drugs, online sales of medical products |
17.10.2021 |
timeslive.co.za |
World Medical Association calls for action on fake medicines |
17.10.2021 |
ait.live |
World Medical Association moves to end incessant Doctors strikes across Africa |
16.10.2021 |
taiwannews.com |
Foreign ministry thanks WMA for supporting Taiwan’s participation in WHO |
16.10.2021 |
1seo.info |
Gender inequality in healthcare must end |
16.10.2021 |
nord.news |
The World Medical Association calls for action on counterfeit medicines |
16.10.2021 |
focustaiwan.tw |
WMA approves resolution to support Taiwan’s participation in WHA |
16.10.2021 |
helsinkitimes.fi |
World Medical Association calls for action on fake medicines |
12.10.2021 |
nord.news |
The World Medical Association calls for an end to covid travel discrimination |
12.10.2021 |
helsinkitimes.fi |
World Medical Association calls for end to covid travel discrimination |
12.10.2021 |
von.gov.ng |
COVID-19: World Medical Association Calls For End To Travel Restrictions |
12.10.2021 |
scoop.co.nz |
45 Million Health Professionals Calls For Climate Action Ahead Of COP26 To Avert “Biggest Health Threat Facing Humanity” |
11.10.2021 |
vanguardngr.com |
COVID-19 Vaccine: WMA calls for end to travel discrimination |
10.10.2021 |
vanguardngr.com |
Buhari congratulates Enabulele, president-elect world medical association |
08.10.2021 |
newtelegraphng.com |
Enabulele Emerges President-Elect World Medical Association |
08.10.2021 |
bmj.com |
Myanmar doctors are under fire from the military and covid-19 |
07.10.2021 |
ripplesnigeria.com |
Nigerian emerges President of World Medical Association |
07.10.2021 |
nationalaccordnewspaper.com |
Nigeria’s Osahon Enabulele emerges President-elect of World Medical Association |
07.10.2021 |
thisnigeria.com |
Dr Osahon Enabulele emerges President of World Medical Association |
07.10.2021 |
channelstv.com |
Nigeria’s Osahon Enabulele Emerges President-Elect Of World Medical Association |
07.10.2021 |
vanguardngr.com |
Nigerian doctor, Osahon Enabulele, emerges President World Medical Association |
06.10.2021 |
mondoweiss.net |
From Deir Yassin to Gaza — the long history of the suppression of reports on Palestinian health |
30.01.2021 |
thelancet.com |
Not a disease: a global call for action urging revision of the ICD-11 classification of old age |
29.09.2021 |
www.newtelegraphng.com |
‘59,000 People Die From Rabies Yearly’ |
29.09.2021 |
catholicculture.org |
Dialogue needed in addressing vaccine hesitancy, Vatican official says |
28.09.2021 |
apexnewsexclusive.com |
Rabies A Health Challenge In More Than 150 Countries |
28.09.2021 |
helsinkitimes.fi |
Rabies, a serious health problem; say veterinarians and physicians |
28.09.2021 |
press.vatican.va |
Press Conference to present the Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life “Public Health in Global Perspective. Pandemic, Bioethics, Future” |
28.09.2021 |
onehealthinitiative.com |
World Rabies Day – World Veterinary Association/World Medical Association Press Release |
28.09.2021 |
worldakkam.com |
Rabies, serious health problems veterinarians and doctors say |
28.09.2021 |
romereports.com |
Global medical experts gather at the Vatican to discuss errors made during the pandemic |
28.09.2021 |
churchmilitant.com |
27.09.2021 |
academyforlife.va |
Pandemic in the Physicians’ Perspective |
24.09.2021 |
fightagainstsmoking.org |
Dr. Kgosi Letlape, Commissioner, South Africa |
24.09.2021 |
world-today-news.com |
Praise and criticism for the end of the quarantine compensation for unvaccinated people |
22.09.2021 |
thelancet.com |
The German Medical Association’s hesitant dealing with the Nazi past |
16.09.2021 |
dailysceptic.org |
The Ethical Bankruptcy of Vaccinating 12-15 Year-Olds Against SARS-CoV-2 |
16.09.2021 |
thetimes.co.uk |
Athletics is tying itself in knots on the intersex debate |
15.09.2021 |
indcatholicnews.com |
Campaigners disappointed at ‘divisive’ BMA vote on euthanasia |
14.09.2021 |
thetimes.co.uk |
Assisted dying: British Medical Association drops opposition to euthanasia |
14.09.2021 |
europarl.europa.eu |
Motion for a resolution to wind up the debate on the statement by the Commission pursuant to Rule 132(2) of the Rules of Procedure |
12.09.2021 |
msn.com |
Catholic Association of Polish Doctors against limiting the conscience clause |
12.09.2021 |
live-feeds.com |
The disease is stressful”: Medical Association promotes vaccination |
12.09.2021 |
sigarra.up.pt.com |
FMUP welcomes International Chair of Bioethics |
10.09.2021 |
vaticannews.va |
Pontifical Academy for Life Assembly to focus on Public Health in Global Perspective |
10.09.2021 |
dw.com |
Vaccine skeptics hobble Germany’s fight against COVID-19 |
09.09.2021 |
mondoweiss.net |
The longstanding complicity of the Israeli Medical Association with torture in Israel |
09.09.2021 |
thelocal.de.com |
Pressure mounts on German politicians to implement ‘vaccinated only’ rule |
08.09.2021 |
europarl.europa.eu |
18.08.2021 |
mu.ac.ke.com |
Moi University’s Dean – School of Medicine, Prof. Lukoye Atwoli has been appointed on the World Medical Association’s (WMA) Medical Ethics Committee as an Official Advisor 2019-2020. |
18.08.2021 |
Youtube.com |
Healthcare Professional Voices in Advocating Ethical Conduct |
17.08.2021 |
news.in-24.com |
Breakthroughs in vaccination under Delta variant: How infectious are vaccinated people? |
11.08.2021 |
berlinspectator.com |
Chronology 2021: Germany and the Corona Pandemic |
10.08.2021 |
rferl.com |
More Warnings Of Abuse After Rights Groups Urge End To Uzbek Use Of Rectal Exams |
10.08.2021 |
hindustantimes.com |
SC seeks govt’s reply on Covid-19 vaccine trials data plea |
10.08.2021 |
min.news |
Why the Olympics ‘testosterone debate’ is still a delicate balance between fairness and tolerance |
07.08.2021 |
mccourier.com |
For the Bund Länder-Round: Debate on disadvantages for unvaccinated people | free press |
07.08.2021 |
thelocal.de |
Leading doctor calls for compulsory tests for everyone returning to Germany, including vaccinated |
07.08.2021 |
wmal.net |
World Medical Association President Montgomery Calls for Tests for Returnees from Travel |
05.08.2021 |
miragenews.com |
Forced Anal Testing in Homosexuality Prosecutions in Uzbekistan |
05.08.2021 |
facebook.com |
Message to all health workers from Frank Ulrich Montgomery |
05.08.2021 |
bmcmedethics.biomedcentral.com |
Does teaching medical ethics ensure good knowledge, attitude, and reported practice? An ethical vignette-based cross-sectional survey among doctors in a tertiary teaching hospital in Nepal |
03.08.2021 |
womensrunning.com |
DSD Athletes: What Does it Mean And What Are the World Athletics Rules? |
03.08.2021 |
nytimes.com |
Barred From 400 Meters, Namibia’s Mboma Wins Silver in the 200 |
02.08.2021 |
miragenews.com |
Conversion therapy has no place in New Zealand |
26.07.2021 |
archyworldys.com |
Corona: Christine Lambrecht (SPD) Speaks Out Against Compulsory Vaccination |
26.07.2021 |
dw.com |
Germany: Lawmakers split over COVID vaccine rights proposal |
26.07.2021 |
mcourier.com |
More infections: Will there be restrictions for unvaccinated people? | free press |
26.07.2021 |
countercurrents.org |
Medical Complicity With Torture In Israel |
26.07.2021 |
jurist.org |
The Alarming Rise in Violence Against Doctors in India and Its Immediate Solution |
26.07.2021 |
gettotext.com |
Restrictions for the unvaccinated: Montgomery stands behind Braun advance |
25.07.2021 |
padeye.news |
Corona: RKI reports higher incidence again – World Medical Director: “Will increase clearly due to travelers returning” |
21.07.2021 |
newsclick.in |
Abuse of Laws Affect Victim’s Mental Health |
20.07.2021 |
worldstockmarket.net |
Warning from the World Medical Association: Dangerous hasty easing of measures in Germany |
20.07.2021 |
youtube.com |
JDN Anniversary – Miguel Jorge Interview |
20.07.2021 |
youtube.com |
JDN Anniversary – Alumni Interviews |
20.07.2021 |
municheye.com |
Corona in Germany: certain measures relief only for vaccinated people? |
16.07.2021 |
m.bianet.org |
Turkish Medical Association: The Physician’s Pledge cannot be changed |
14.07.2021 |
worldstockmarket.net |
World Medical Association: Criticizes Merkel’s refusal to get vaccinated |
13.07.2021 |
mccourier.com |
Concerns about Corona among children are growing | free press |
12.07.2021 |
infobae.com |
WMA Reiterates Advice to Physicians not to Implement IAAF Rules on Classifying Women Athletes |
10.07.2021 |
thelancet.com |
The slow road to atonement |
08.07.2021 |
indianexpress.com |
Egyptian women describe sexual abuse by officials as routine |
08.07.2021 |
bigeasymagazine.com |
Workplace Violence in Healthcare Explained |
07.07.2021 |
gal-dem.com |
Athletics is waging a war of transphobia and misogynoir – and black African women are losing out |
01.07.2021 |
apexnewsexclusive.com |
World Medical Association Calls For Release Of Death-Sentence Egyptian Physician |
28.06.2021 |
gh.bmj.com |
Algorithm for the support of nonrelated (serious) adverse events in an Ebola vaccine trial in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
06.2021 |
embassy.science |
Declaration of Helsinki |
28.06.2021 |
nytimes.com |
The Clock Ticks on Caster Semenya’s Olympic Career |
22.06.2021 |
aha.org |
Survey request: Provider participation sought for international study on violence prevention during COVID-19 pandemic |
18.06.2021 |
blogs.lse.ac.uk |
The law doesn’t protect doctors from violence in India, so hospitals need to step up |
02.06.2021 |
papers.ssrn.com |
Submission to the World Medical Association Re: International Code of Medical Ethics revision |
06.2021 |
journals.lww.com |
Informed Consent on a Complicated Path for Patients |
01.06.2021 |
english.ahram.org |
Continuing the fight against FGM in Egypt |
31.05.2021 |
Youtube.com |
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR): A threat to future cancer treatments and the role of health workers |
26.05.2021 |
nzma.org.nz |
Draft revised version of the International Code of Medical Ethics |
26.05.2021 |
ama-assn.org |
AMA statement on ongoing global COVID-19 challenges |
21.05.2021 |
samedical.org |
Last day to comment | World Medical Association International Code |
19.05.2021 |
sciencedirect.com |
Telemedicine, ethics, and law in times of COVID-19.
12.05.2021 |
bionet.org |
Patents on vaccines must be lifted |
06.05.2021 |
guardian.ng |
NMA, WMA celebrate Enabulele for dedication to health development |
26.04.2021 |
bmj.com |
Covid-19: Countries rally to support India through “storm that has
shaken the nation |
22.04.2021 |
vanguardngr.com |
Nigeria Enabulele, Montgomery, re-elected into World Medical Association Council |
21.04.2021 |
tennews.in |
Former IMA Chief Prof. Dr. Ravi Wankhedkar Re-Elected To World Medical Association |
21.04.2021 |
taiwannews.com.tw |
WMA vote in favor of Taiwan’s participation in WHO |
07.04.2021 |
youtube.com |
Dr. David Barbe with global look at COVID during World Health Day |
06.04.2021 |
thelancet.com |
From torture to ultraviolence: medical and legal implications |
31.03.2021 |
blog.bmj.com |
Medicine under fire in Myanmar—now is the time for solidarity |
19.03.2021 |
sciencemag.org |
Justice, diversity, and research ethics review |
09.03.2021 |
hive.rochesterregional.org |
Women’s History Month: Ten Trailblazing Women in Healthcare |
09.03.2021 |
academia.edu |
A pledge for planetary health to unite health professionals in the anthropocene |
08.03.2021 |
youtube.com |
Dr Barbe on WHO Vaccine Equity |
26.02.2021 |
sportsintegrityinitiative.com |
Caster Semenya takes her Case to the European Court of Human Rights |
26.02.2021 |
teletrader.com |
WMA chief calls for vaccination passports |
12.02.2021 |
dw.com |
Dr Frank Ulrich Montgomery on the race for COVID vaccines : Rich against poor? |
12.02.2021 |
bma.org.uk |
Don’t forget us – vaccine equity around the world |
31.01.2021 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA calls for international co-operation against COVID-19 |
29.01.2021 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association comments on the Nagoya Protocol |
27.01.2021 |
lbc.co.uk |
‘Inequalities during Covid-19 mirrors reality of pre-pandemic healthcare’, expert says |
27.01.2021 |
Youtube.com |
Dr. David Barbe on Life Savers Run India |
25.01.2021 |
Youtube.com |
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics International Panel Discussion focussing on the UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day: The Contemporary Relevance of Bioethics and the Holocaust: Reflections on the legacy of the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg. |
21.01.2021 |
pressenza.com/ |
International health and humanitarian organizations welcome the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons |
20.01.2021 |
cbsnews.com |
Should COVID-19 vaccination give people the “basic rights” to avoid lockdown restrictions? |
16.01.2021 |
de24.news |
Corona measures: Montgomery is demanding fines to enforce more home offices |
13.01.2021 |
rti.org.tw |
World Medical Association supports Taiwan’s bid to join WHO |
07.01.2021 |
journals.uchicago.edu |
A Moral Obligation to Proper Experimentation: Research Ethics as Epistemic Filter in the Aftermath of World War II |
04.01.2021 |
dpa-international.com |
German government criticized for slow pace of vaccination drive |
04.01.2021 |
thelocal.de |
How long will Germany’s tough lockdown measures be in place? |
01.01.2021 |
ama-assn.org |
How Should Students Learn About Contemporary Implications of Health Professionals’ Roles in the Holocaust? |
29.12.2020 |
bloomberg.com |
Too Early to Discuss Vaccine Privileges, World Medical Association Says |
29.12.2020 |
bianet.org |
İzmir Medical Chamber: Release Dr. Şeyhmus Gökalp |
28.12.2020 |
de24.news |
Spahn expects higher vaccine production soon |
28.12.2020 |
dw.com |
COVID: Special privileges for the vaccinated? |
27.12.2020 |
newsbeezer.com |
WMA condemns arrests of doctors for treatment of injured protesters by Ovi Magazine Guest |
22.12.2020 |
indiatimes.com |
NABH hosps cannot appoint Ayush doctors to perform clinical duties |
22.12.2020 |
meetingmediagroup.com |
WMA: The Challenge of Looking for a Global System of Values |
18.12.2020 |
en24news.com |
Pandemic: Coronavirus Christmas – Europe with lockdown and restrictive measures – Newsbomb – News |
18.12.2020 |
freepressjournal.in |
IMA plans plea in SC on Mixopathy |
17.12.2020 |
medicalxpress.com |
Germany sees record death toll on first day of new lockdown |
16.12.2020 |
exteriores.gob.es |
Spain ratifies Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs of Council of Europe |
16.12.2020 |
pledgetimes.com |
Germany records record of deaths with the beginning of the “hard closure” |
15.12.2020 |
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
The Tortured Patient: A Medical Dilemma |
08.12.2020 |
springer.com |
Response to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Report on Race and Gender Discrimination in Sport: An Expression of Concern and a Call to Prioritise Research |
03.12.2020 |
healthcareitnews.com |
Ambient documentation with Epic helps reduce clinician burnout at Monument Health |
03.12.2020 |
ifcc.org |
Conflicts of interest and an approach to managing them |
02.12.2020 |
cnsnews.com |
Terror Trial of Iranian ‘Diplomat’ Underway in Europe As Iran Threatens to Execute Swedish-Iranian Physician |
02.12.2020 |
scoop.co.nz |
Open Letter To The Prime Minister And Minister Shaw On Climate Emergency Declaration |
01.12.2020 |
vanguardngr.com |
Iran Supreme Court: Physicians express alarm over amputation sentences on 4 men |
28.11.2020 |
de24.news |
Corona pandemic: quarantine for ski vacationers? |
28.11.2020 |
vanguardngr.com |
World Physicians appeal to Iran against doctor’s execution |
27.11.2020 |
de24.news |
Doctor warns of “risk of death” before Christmas – coronavirus |
23.11.2020 |
thecanadian.news |
COVID-19: Sweden still without a mask |
23.11.2020 |
ama-assn.org |
Q&A: Dr. David Barbe takes helm of World Medical Association |
18.11.2020 |
abc.net.au |
Caster Semenya takes World Athletics to European Court of Human Rights over testosterone rule |
16.11.2020 |
reuters.com |
Germans should brace for 4-5 months of severe COVID-19 measures, minister says |
12.11.2020 |
gritdaily.com |
Dr. Patrice Harris on How to Learn and Move Forward |
11.11.2020 |
taiwantoday.tw |
MOFA thanks US Mission in Geneva for backing Taiwan’s WHA bid |
10.11.2020 |
dailymail.co.uk |
Taiwan claims Chinese ‘obstruction’ prevented it from attending a key coronavirus meeting by WHO |
09.11.2020 |
taipeitimes.com |
US urges the WHO to invite Taiwan |
09.11.2020 |
aljazeera.com |
Taiwan not invited to WHO meeting despite COVID-19 success |
09.11.2020 |
en.mercopress.com |
World Medical Association calls for Taiwan’s admission to World Health Assembly |
22.10.2020 |
lankanewsweb.net |
Justice redefined: Forced anal examinations conducted to ’prove’ homosexual conduct |
22.10.2020 |
thecrimereport.org |
Solitary Confinement and Mental Illness: It’s Time to Stop the Harm |
14.09.2020 |
cbsnews.com |
Olympic champion Caster Semenya “will continue to fight” after losing appeal over testosterone restrictions |
11.09.2020 |
biomedcentral.com |
Burnout level and associated factors in a sub-Saharan African medical setting: prospective cross-sectional survey |
09.09.2020 |
nytimes.com |
Track’s Caster Semenya Loses Appeal to Defend 800-Meter Title |
01.09.2020 |
insights.uca.org.au |
ACT bans conversion therapy |
26.08.2020 |
phr.org |
Voices from the COVID-19 Pandemic: “This is going to be one of the greatest challenges our species has ever faced.” |
24.08.2020 |
indianexpress.com |
Publish Covid data on health workers, IMA tells Centre |
21.08.2020 |
euractiv.com |
Facebook’s algorithm a threat to public health, doctors say |
21.08.2020 |
ynetnews.com |
Israel High Holiday lockdown would be gov’t admission of failure, health expert says |
18.08.2020 |
news.unm.edu |
Racism in Healthcare |
18.08.2020 |
tellerreport.com |
Frank Ulrich Montgomery WMA against free corona tests for those returning to travel |
13.08.2020 |
theguardian.com |
Why did England have Europe’s worst Covid figures? The answer starts with austerity |
12.08.2020 |
biospectrumasia.com |
Defining moment for digital transformation of healthcare |
11.08.2020 |
bmj.com |
Covid-19 misinformation sparks threats and violence against doctors in Latin America |
10.08.2020 |
hindustantimes.com |
Bihar’s creaky health care system struggles to curb surging Covid infections |
08.08.2020 |
wsws.org |
German schools reopen despite increase in coronavirus infections |
06.08.2020 |
medium.com |
What the Hippocratic Oath is Missing
06.08.2020 |
the-scientist.com |
Self-Experimentation in the Time of COVID-19 |
06.08.2020 |
crossfit.com |
Patients and Medical Journals: From Objects to Partners |
06.08.2020 |
racgp.org.au |
General practice in the era of planetary health: Responding to the climate health emergency |
06.08.2020 |
chronicle.co.zw |
Nurses face stigmatisation for role as Covid-19 frontline workers
05.08.2020 |
time24.news |
Streeck currently sees no “second corona wave” |
05.08.2020 |
corona24.news |
President of the World Medical Association: We are in a permanent wave … |
05.08.2020 |
bloomberg.com |
Covid Deaths Top 700,000; U.K. Vaccine Investment: Virus Update |
04.08.2020 |
indiaspend.com |
‘Exorbitant’ COVID-19 Treatment Prices Slashed As State Governments Step Up |
03.08.2020 |
reliefweb.int |
Update Regarding Coordination for Travel by Patients and Accompanying Persons Out of the Gaza Strip (July 2020)
03.08.2020 |
opiniojuris.org |
Trans People in Limbo Amidst “Pico y Genero” (Gender-Based Lockdown) in Latin America |
03.08.2020 |
cathnews.co.nz |
Assisted dying does not pass kindness test |
31.07.2020 |
biospace.com |
Nuance and Cerner Expand Strategic Voice AI Collaboration to Include Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant Technology |
29.07.2020 |
nzdoctor.co.nz |
NZMA signs up to Amnesty International’s pledge to support and protect health professionals around the world |
23.07.2020 |
newsroom.co.nz |
Underfunding no argument for assisted dying |
21.07.2020 |
heritage.org |
Three Medical Professionals Join The Heritage Foundation as Visiting Experts |
21.07.2020 |
independent.ng |
COVID-19: Scientists Urge Commonwealth Countries To Prioritise Saving Of Lives |
20.07.2020 |
youtube.com |
Past WMA Chair of Council Dr Mukesh Haikerwal AC, on the COVID-19 Situation in Victoria, Australia |
15.07.2020 |
vanguardngr.com |
COVID-19: Prioritise saving of lives, avoid politics, scientists urge Commonwealth countries |
14.07.2020 |
uksport.gov.uk |
UK Sport statement on Ketone Ester research and innovation project |
14.07.2020 |
tellerreport.com |
Coronavirus: World Medical Association chief calls for quarantine for Mallorca returnees |
11.07.2020 |
Teller Report |
Advertisements for “conversion therapies” banned from Facebook |
10.07.2020 |
bianet.org |
Ebru Timtik has black discoloration on her hands, Aytaç Ünsal has muscle loss |
09.07.2020 |
tandfonline.com |
09.07.2020 |
gal-dem.com |
Medicine has been so whitewashed that we’ve forgotten vaccination is a part of Black history |
09.07.2020 |
reddit.com |
World Medical President: US withdrawal from WHO is “sad and stupid” |
08.07.2020 |
conflictandhealth.biomedcentral.com |
Challenges of providing healthcare worker education and training in protracted conflict: a focus on non-government controlled areas in north west Syria
08.07.2020 |
scoop.co.nz |
Webinar: Ahead Of G20 Finance Meeting, Health Community Calls For Prioritizing Public Investments |
06.07.2020 |
thecourier.co.uk |
Trans community right to stand their ground and defend their rights |
03.07.2020 |
medium.com |
8 Reasons Why the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Primed Us to Tackle the Climate Crisis |
02.07.2020 |
hrw.org |
When Will Sports Stop Policing Femininity? |
29.06.2020 |
medium.com |
Question Answering on Medical conversation |
25.06.2020 |
umassmed.edu |
UMMS to host July 2 virtual global conference on sustainable health equity |
24.06.2020 |
chinadaily.com.cn |
China’s medical education accrediting agency awarded WFME recognition status |
24.06.2020 |
publications.parliament.uk |
Written evidence submitted by the British Medical Association |
23.06.2020 |
dal.ca.libguides.com |
Major & Historical Codes |
22.06.2020 |
insightplus.mja.com.au |
Beyond COVID-19: a healthier, greener, fairer world is possible |
16.06.2020 |
news24.com |
Unions, activists call for Cape Town Covid-19 clinical trial to be stopped |
12.06.2020 |
lancet.com |
Accountability for medical participation in torture |
10.06.2020 |
latercera.com |
Miguel R. Jorge, presidente de la Asociación Médica Mundial: “No estamos testeando lo suficiente y nuestros números de casos y muertes son subestimadas” |
08.06.2020 |
Youtube: Peteris Apinis |
Interview with President of the World Medical Association,Professor of psychiatry Dr.Miguel R.JORGE |
02.06.2020 |
verywellhealth.com |
What Is the Declaration of Helsinki? |
02.06.2020 |
bbc.com |
Coronavirus: Germany divided as states lift lockdown |
29.05.2020 |
ifpma.org |
Pharma industry updates advice on engaging with healthcare professionals as countries emerge from COVID-19 lockdown |
28.05.2020 |
pna.gov.ph |
Red Cross decries attacks on health workers amid crisis |
27.05.2020 |
circularonline.co.uk |
Global health professionals urge green COVID-19 recovery |
26.05.2020 |
independent.co.uk |
G20 urged to make ‘green recovery’ from coronavirus pandemic by global health community |
25.05.2020 |
bmj.com |
Covid-19: Public health must be “at the core” of global recovery plans, say doctors |
22.05.2020 |
nursingtimes.net |
Attacks against nurses ‘must be condemned’ as world fights Covid-19 |
22.05.2020 |
rcni.com |
Protection demanded for nurses ‘ostracised and abused’ during pandemic worldwide |
22.05.2020 |
trtworld.com |
The world trying to find its feet amid the coronavirus pandemic |
19.05.2020 |
debatingeurope.eu |
Should conversion therapy be banned? |
19.05.2020 |
springer.com |
A Call to Action by Health Professionals |
19.05.2020 |
dw.com |
Coronavirus latest: Germany ‘underestimated risk to public health’ |
18.05.2020 |
mercopress.com |
Physicians call for funding WHO but also admit it is need of dire reform, free of political assaults |
18.05.2020 |
mainstreamweekly.net |
Proper Understanding of COVID-19 Threat for Balanced Policy Response |
12.05.2020 |
transcend.org |
Facts about COVID-19 |
05.05.2020 |
bma.org.uk |
Physician-assisted dying 2020 BMA member survey |
04.05.2020 |
researchprofessionalnews.com |
Medical regulation is a job for society, not just doctors |
30.04.2020 |
varsity.co.uk |
First fully digital Union debate explores global lockdown strategies |
29.04.2020 |
irishtimes.com |
Germany adjusting to new rules on wearing a mask |
28.04.2020 |
politicshome.com |
China’s lies about coronavirus could be costing the world hundreds of thousands of lives |
27.04.2020 |
covexit.com |
COVID-19 Clinical Trials: Are Physicians Violating the Helsinki Ethical Principles? |
24.04.2020 |
engnews24h.com |
The head of the World Medical Association criticizes the obligation to wear veils |
23.04.2020 |
dw.com |
Coronavirus latest: EU leaders want large recovery fund, stall on details |
20.04.2020 |
Indian Defence News |
20.04.2020 |
Health Issues India |
Violence in the coronavirus lockdown |
20.04.2020 |
devex |
COVID-19 — a timeline of the coronavirus outbreak (see April 18) |
20.04.2020 |
Comic Sands |
Dr. Phil Under Fire For Questioning U.S Lockdown Efforts By Comparing Virus Deaths To Swimming Pool Accidents |
19.04.2020 |
Left Voice |
The Racist History of Medical Research |
19.04.2020 |
Corona 24 News |
World Medical Association: Accuses WHO of “political games” with the mockery |
19.04.2020 |
The Straits Times, Singapore |
WHO’s ‘political games’ amid coronavirus crisis have cost global health: Doctors’ group |
18.04.2020 |
The Herland Report, Norway |
World Medical Association with harsh criticism of WHO, while Solberg defends |
18.04.2020 |
Berita Global untuk Penduduk Baru, Taiwan |
World Medical Association writes letter to WHO in support of Taiwan |
18.04.2020 |
MercoPress, South Atlantic News Agency |
World Medical Association regrets Taiwan exclusion from WHO and condemns politicizing health |
18.04.2020 |
News 18, India |
‘Errors Led to World Paying High Price’: Doctors’ Group Slams WHO Over Handling of Covid-19 Pandemic |
17.04.2020 |
PubMed.gov, US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health |
Ethics in Telehealth: Comparison between Guidelines and Practice-based Experience -the Case for Learning Health Systems. |
17.04.2020 |
Lexology, Law Business Research |
Duty of care and medical negligence in telemedicine |
17.04.2020 |
Financial Times |
Doctors group accuses WHO of ‘political games’ over coronavirus |
17.04.2020 |
Taiwan News |
World Medical Association writes letter to WHO in support of Taiwan |
17.04.2020 |
techworld.com |
Privacy concerns raised by NHS and KCL COVID-19 apps |
17.04.2020 |
Eye on Taiwan |
World Medical Association writes letter to WHO in support of Taiwan |
16.04.2020 |
The Washington Post |
Worldwide coronavirus infections surge past 2 million, U.S. deaths top 28,000 |
15.04.2020 |
NEWS Click, India |
Ignore No Scientific View on Covid-19, Pick the Best Options |
15.04.2020 |
National Post, Canada |
‘We have to walk a tightrope’: European countries cautiously ease COVID-19 lockdown restrictions |
14.04.2020 |
The Washington Post |
Europe starts to walk the ‘tightrope’ out of coronavirus lockdown |
14.04.2020 |
Amnesty International |
Statement on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities during Covid-19 Crisis |
14.04.2020 |
Parsvnaths, India |
Can a doctor/physician refuse to treat Covid-19 patient? Read MCI’s guidelines here….. |
14.04.2020 |
The News Lens, Taiwan |
OPINION: Taiwan’s Covid-19 Success Should Inspire Alternatives to the WHO |
13.04.2020 |
ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP – Roman Catholic bishop Rene Henry Gradica’s blog |
The gift of the Coronavirus Pandemic which Red China has given the world is but another aspect of the inhuman regime of Red China, here is another aspect – Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China |
12.04.2020 |
CrossFit |
Can Medical Journals Lead or Must They Follow? |
12.04.2020 |
Web24 News |
Coronavirus: Politicians advocate mouth protection |
12.04.2020 |
Europe Reloaded, UK |
More Expert Feedback on Those Virus ‘Death’ Stats, Certificates [VIDEOS] |
10.04.2020 |
MercoPress, South Atlantic News Agency |
Medics call on G20 leaders to provide protection equipment to all health staff |
08.04.2020 |
The Nation Thailand |
Antibody tests in Germany could prove essential, but scientists urge caution |
07.04.2020 |
The Washington Post |
European politicians are making big promises about antibody passports. The science is still catching up. |
07.04.2020 |
rynekzdrowia.pl |
The WMA calls for urgent action to protect medical personnel |
06.04.2020 |
Russian International Affairs Council – Adriel Kasonta’s blog |
How COVID-19 Overreaction Cast a Disturbing Communist Shadow Over Liberal Democracies Across the World |
05.04.2020 |
Regio-Journal |
World Medical Association warns of a fixed date in exit debate |
04.04.2020 |
MercoPress, South Atlantic News Agency |
World Medical Association deplores lack of sufficient personal protection for health professionals |
03.04.2020 |
The Globe and Mail, Canada |
The moral obligations of our health care workers in a pandemic |
02.04.2020 |
Dhaka Tribune |
There are doctors, and then there are doctors |
02.04.2020 |
MBS News |
The isolation and quarantine around COVID-19 are exaggerated and unnecessary, according to world medical experts |
02.04.2020 |
thecatholicuniverse.com |
01.04.2020 |
ama-assn.org |
About the LGBTQ Advisory Committee |
31.03.2020 |
thehillstimes.in |
Don’t panic please |
30.03.2020 |
br.de |
Coronavirus in Bavaria: Assistance in English |
27.03.2020 |
edf-feph.org |
26.03.2020 |
globalresearch.ca |
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic |
25.03.2020 |
bccourier.com |
Germany wants to care for 127 intensive care patients from Italy and France |
24.03.2020 |
Tass, Russian News Agency |
COVID-19 crisis to linger on until year ends, says World Medical Association |
24.03.2020 |
techworld.com |
Privacy concerns raised by COVID-19 symptom checking app |
23.03.2020 |
lengoo.de |
Live Blog for CoViD-19 Updates in Germany in English |
20.03.2020 |
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
A cross-sectional audit of the risk of burnout among senior medical staff in a UK district general hospital |
19.03.2020 |
icanw.org |
Global doctors on COVID-19 and nuclear war |
18.03.2020 |
europost.eu |
Necessary measures or mass panic |
16.03.2020 |
conservativewoman.co.uk |
Bow Group calls for immediate rethink of the government’s coronavirus policy |
12.03.2020 |
aerzteblatt.de |
[DE] 2019 wurde in Syrien jeden vierten Tag eine Gesundheitseinrichtung angegriffen |
11.03.2020 |
tucsonsentinel.com |
ICE will free asylum-seeker who has been force-fed for 3 months in El Paso |
11.03.2020 |
vanguardngr.com |
World health professionals urge govts to prioritise support for healthcare workers |
10.03.2020 |
voxy.co.nz |
NZMA calls for Govt to prioritise support for healthcare workers |
09.03.2020 |
nursingtimes.net |
Exclusive: Global health leader shares coronavirus safety fears for nurses |
09.03.2020 |
un.org |
Not Woman Enough |
03.03.2020 |
infosurhoy.com |
Coronavirus outbreak in Germany: further infections in Germany |
02.03.2020 |
bmj.com |
Healthcare information for all |
02.03.2020 |
unav.edu |
Ethical aspects of application of advanced informatics to Medicine |
02.03.2020 |
aacnjournals.org |
Leading Systems Toward Improving Professional Well-being |
02.03.2020 |
acpinternist.org |
Oaths, charters, and our professional ethos |
26.02.2020 |
genethique.org |
[FR] Australie : six mois après la dépénalisation du suicide assisté dans l’état du Victoria, quel bilan ? |
14.02.2020 |
thelancet.com |
Exclusion criterion: learning disability |
12.02.2020 |
allafrica.com |
Kenya: Moi’s Doctor Claims Mzee Was a Centenarian |
11.02.2020 |
righttolife.org.uk |
Large group of palliative care doctors call on BMA to remain opposed to assisted suicide |
09.02.2020 |
ama.com.au |
Common Questions and Answers Regarding Euthanasia |
09.02.2020 |
ntdtv.com.tw |
《東京宣言》亮點:聯合國際制止陸醫護活摘 |
07.02.2020 |
internal.medicine.ufl.edu |
Oath to Self-Care and Well-Being |
07.02.2020 |
thestandnews.com |
反駁林哲玄醫生就前線醫護罷工之意見 |
06.02.2020 |
engnews24h.com |
The world is at war with the ‘Corona virus’ … |
06.02.2020 |
link.springer.com |
Ethical Considerations of Biomedical Product Development |
06.02.2020 |
todayonline.com |
Novel coronavirus: Why China is in the grips of a facial mask shortage as death toll grows |
06.02.2020 |
inkstonenews.com |
China can make 20 million masks per day. That’s not enough |
06.02.2020 |
thetimes.co.uk |
Times letters: Flexi-schools would benefit British education |
06.02.2020 |
asiaone.com |
Why China is in the grips of a facial mask shortage as coronavirus death toll grows |
04.02.2020 |
paper.wenweipo.com |
所謂「罷工救港」荒謬 實質是修例風波翻版 |
03.02.2020 |
dea.org.au |
Leading international health groups issue joint statement calling for Siemens to #StopAdani |
03.02.2020 |
zenit.org |
Canadian Bishops Raise Concerns About Euthanasia Legislation |
01.02.2020 |
ovimagazine.com |
WMA calls for international supply chain to fight coronavirus |
31.01.2020 |
practiceindex.co.uk |
NEWS: Wuhan virus alert levels increased |
31.01.2020 |
seemfcongress.com |
WMA Calls for International Supply Chain to Fight Coronavirus |
30.01.2020 |
mercatornet.com |
To kill — or not to kill? That is the question. |
30.01.2020 |
nytimes.com |
Starving for Justice in ICE Detention |
28.01.2020 |
m.stnn.cc |
港媒:“泛民”藉武汉肺炎反中其心可诛 |
27.01.2020 |
ncregister.com |
Auschwitz Began With the Murder of a Single Innocent Man |
24.01.2020 |
bma.org.uk |
Climate crisis: as doctors, we have a vital role to play |
24.01.2020 |
facebook.com |
Just when you thought ICE couldn’t get any worse… |
24.01.2020 |
modernghana.com |
Pregnant Ghanaian Woman In Israeli Prison Lives There Illegally – Israeli Ambassador |
23.01.2020 |
starrfm.com.gh |
Detained pregnant Ghanaian will be deported soon – Israeli Amb. |
23.01.2020 |
weforum.org |
6 expert essays on the future of biotech |
22.01.2020 |
msn.com |
ICE allowed to force-feed hunger striker detained at Krome |
22.01.2020 |
mbs.news |
Expert: Doctors expect a global epidemic of corona virus in the coming years |
22.01.2020 |
channelafrica.co.za |
Uproar after Israel jails heavily pregnant Ghanaian worker |
22.01.2020 |
theghanareport.com |
Ras Mubarak wants Israeli Amb. summoned over detained pregnant Ghanaian woman |
22.01.2020 |
middleeastmonitor.com |
Israel keeps pregnant Ghana worker in solitary confinement |
21.01.2020 |
ghanaweb.com |
Exclusive: Pregnant Ghanaian migrant abandoned in Israeli prison for over 4 months |
20.01.2020 |
middleeastheadlines.com |
Coronavirus Infected 217 People In China |
20.01.2020 |
milled.com |
MoveOn: They might die in an ICE prison (sign the petition) |
19.01.2020 |
babygaga.com |
Israel Has Been Holding A Pregnant Woman In Isolation For Month Despite The UN’s Guidelines |
17.01.2020 |
texashistory.unt.edu |
[Certificate for the World Medical Association]- The Portal to Texas History |
16.01.2020 |
repubblica.it |
E se il conflitto di interessi fosse una comunione di interessi? |
16.01.2020 |
careers.internationalmedicalcorps.org |
Careers | International Medical Corps |
16.01.2020 |
motherjones.com |
ICE Is Force-Feeding Hunger Strikers, in Violation of Medical Ethics |
15.01.2020 |
blogs.bmj.com |
Raanan Gillon: Fairness and justice in medical practice and policy |
14.01.2020 |
thetoc.gr |
Αμβλώσεις στην Ελλάδα: Τι ισχύει στην χώρα μας -Η ιστορία τους |
14.01.2020 |
einpresswire.com |
Canadian Physician Warns New Yorkers Against Canada’s Slippery Slope of Assisted Suicide |
12.01.2020 |
tribuneindia.com |
Violence against Doctors Condemned |
9.01.2020 |
theworldnews.net |
Physicians laud nurses on 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale |
9.01.2020 |
vanguardngr.com |
Physicians laud nurses on 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale |
7.01.2020 |
aica.org |
Mons. Paglia: “Jamás eutanasia y suicidio asistido, nunca enfermos abandonados” |
6.01.2020 |
nhsreality.wordpress.com |
Bringing back empathy into medical staff when its been “Beaten out of doctors”? |
6.01.2020 |
catholicoutlook.org |
Archbishop Paglia: never euthanasia, assisted suicide and abandoning the sick |
5.01.2020 |
medicushcs.com |
9 Ways Physicians Can Turn Patient Complaints Around |
5.01.2020 |
facebook.com |
DAUK in the Sunday Times: empathy “beaten out” of doctors |
5.01.2020 |
vaticannews.va |
Archbishop Paglia: never euthanasia, assisted suicide and abandoning the sick |
5.01.2020 |
thetimes.co.uk |
Letters to the Editor: Civil partnerships will save families |
4.01.2020 |
messadelpapa.com |
Paglia: mai eutanasia e suicidio assistito, mai malati abbandonati |
4.01.2020 |
churchmilitant.com |
4.01.2020 |
amb.org.br |
3.01.2020 |
academic.oup.com |
The Law and Ethics of Switching from Biologic to Biosimilar in Canada |
2.01.2020 |
pressreader.com |
Message of support for nurses, midwives |
31.12.2019 |
kem.edu |
Declaration of Helsinki (1964) |
30.12.2019 |
independentaustralia.net |
#5 TOP STORY OF 2019: The four doctors who voted against Medevac |
29.12.2019 |
thetimes.co.uk |
Trainee doctors ‘lose empathy’ with patients |
29.12.2019 |
telegraph.co.uk |
Sports People of the Decade (Athletics): Usain Bolt and Caster Semenya – the phenomenon and the excluded champion |
26.12.2019 |
medicaldialogues.in |
Referring accident victim without initial treatment: Hospital told to pay Rs 10 lakh compensation |
24.12.2019 |
pharmabiz.com |
Stem cell can play an important role in autism: Experts |
23.12.2019 |
mangaloretoday.com |
IMA concerned over police chasing protesters inside hospital in city |
22.12.2019 |
emedinexus.com |
Unethical to involve doctors |
20.12.2019 |
abort73.com |
Abortion and the Hippocratic Oath |
20.12.2019 |
newsmp.com |
경희대치과병원, 장애인 구강 건강 증진 업무협약 外 |
19.12.2019 |
ieb-eib.org |
Position of the WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (WMA) on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide – Chronological overview (1987-2019) |
19.12.2019 |
profmoosa.wordpress.com |
World Medical Association unites doctors worldwide towards healthcare information for all |
18.12.2019 |
secretchina.com |
世界10大科學家 澳學者揭中國移植醫學醜聞獲獎(圖) |
18.12.2019 |
bundesgesundheitsministerium.de |
Cabinet adopts extensive ban on so-called “conversion therapies” |
18.12.2019 |
deccanherald.com |
Unethical to involve doctors |
18.12.2019 |
dentondaily.com |
Texas detention centre stops force-feeding migrants |
16.12.2019 |
sbj.net |
A Conversation With … Dr. David Barbe |
16.12.2019 |
nytimes.com |
This Intersex Runner Had Surgery to Compete. It Has Not Gone Well. |
16.12.2019 |
bmjopen.bmj.com |
Patients’ experiences of early postoperative cognition and its relation to cognitive decline and inflammatory responses: a protocol for a mixed-methods study |
16.12.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
Don’t forget the psychosocial aspects of health, says WMA President |
15.12.2019 |
ovimagazine.com |
Senseless killing of Japanese doctor condemned |
15.12.2019 |
kmaconferences.com |
Regional Conference on Patient Informed Consent and Patient Confidentiality |
15.12.2019 |
buffalonews.com |
Another Voice: State should not let doctors become suicide enablers |
12.12.2019 |
youtube.com |
UHC Day 2019- #5. Lesson and Message from Japanese Experience; Dr. Yoshitake Yokokura |
11.12.2019 |
shu.edu |
Your Future Doctors Will Start Seeing You Now, New Jersey |
11.12.2019 |
univadis.es |
Japanese doctor killed in attack in Afghanistan |
10.12.2019 |
steempeak.com |
Curating the Internet: Science and technology digest for December 10, 2019 |
10.12.2019 |
medphysiology.uonbi.ac.ke |
From UoN to World Medical Association in France |
10.12.2019 |
alternet.org |
Yale psychiatrist: Congress needs to consider psychological factors alongside historic corruption in Trump impeachment |
9.12.2019 |
sbj.net |
A Conversation With … Dr. David Barbe |
9.12.2019 |
dcreport.org |
Congress Must Weigh Trump’s Poisonous Narcissism As Well As His Corruption |
9.12.2019 |
rawstory.com |
Congress must weigh Trump’s poisonous narcissism — as well as his corruption: Yale psychiatrist |
8.12.2019 |
udn.com |
提早發現兒虐 全國1萬1596家基層診所動起來 |
8.12.2019 |
indialegallive.com |
Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation: Easing Death |
6.12.2019 |
imemc.org |
The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention |
6.12.2019 |
ranker.com |
14 Ways World War II Directly Shaped the Way We Live Now |
6.12.2019 |
ama-assn.org |
David Welsh, MD: Working hard to put patients first again |
6.12.2019 |
tasnimnews.com |
Health Professionals Sign Letter to Congress Claiming Trump’s Mental Health Is Deteriorating Dangerously |
6.12.2019 |
codeblue.galencentre.org |
The Government Doesn’t Know Best |
6.12.2019 |
asms.org.nz |
Senseless killing of Japanese doctor condemned |
5.12.2019 |
bmcmedethics.biomedcentral.com |
Reporting of ethical approval and informed consent in clinical research published in leading nursing journals: a retrospective observational study |
5.12.2019 |
dailypioneer.com |
Whose rights is the Trans Bill protecting? |
5.12.2019 |
hrw.org |
India’s Transgender Rights Law Isn’t Worth Celebrating |
5.12.2019 |
bma.org.uk |
How do we do justice to ethics? |
5.12.2019 |
junkee.com |
The Bushfire Smoke Isn’t Going Anywhere, So Here’s How To Deal With It |
5.12.2019 |
dailypioneer.com |
Whose rights is the Trans Bill protecting? |
5.12.2019 |
asms.org.nz |
WMA protests criminalisation of medical practice |
4.12.2019 |
academic.oup.com |
DAISY: A Data Information System for accountability under the General Data Protection Regulation |
4.12.2019 |
medical republic.com.au |
Australia’s doctors raise their voices on climate change |
4.12.2019 |
presidencia.pt |
Presidente da República recebeu Bastonário da Ordem dos Médicos |
4.12.2019 |
lanereport.com |
Midway University adds 4 new board trustees |
3.12.2019 |
assembly.coe.int |
Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development Organ transplant tourism |
3.12.2019 |
international-review.icrc.org |
Protection of Civilian Members of the Members Professions |
3.12.2019 |
washingtontimes.com |
When healers become agents of death, not life |
3.12.2019 |
malaymail.com |
HIV/AIDS: A call for self-reflection and empathy — Aisha Adam |
2.12.2019 |
sbj.net |
Newsmakers: Dec. 2-8, 2019 |
2.12.2019 |
blogs.bmj.com |
The absence of health in the leaders climate debate is concerning |
2.12.2019 |
wired.co.uk |
The end of placeboes is in sight |
2.12.2019 |
journalofethics.ama-assn.org |
How Should “CRISPRed” Babies Be Monitored Over Their Life Course to Promote Health Equity? |
29.11.2019 |
onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
Artificial womb technology and clinical translation: Innovative treatment or medical research? |
28.11.2019 |
al-shabaka.org |
The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention |
26.11.2019 |
mondaq.com |
Violence against doctors increases globally |
26.11.2019 |
aafp.org |
Small-town FP Takes on National, Global Leadership Roles |
22.11.2019 |
worldrtd.net |
WMA no longer speaks of ‘unethical’ when it comes to euthanasia |
22.11.2019 |
sunnewsonline.com |
Why health facilities, professionals under verbal, physical attack – Dr. Enabulele, CMA President |
21.11.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
WMA speaks out over attacks on children’s hospitals |
20.11.2019 |
asms.org.nz |
World Medical Association deplores breakdown in Hong Kong medical care |
19.11.2019 |
ama.com.au |
Violence against doctors increases globally |
18.11.2019 |
youtube.com |
Does everyone get equitable medicine? | Leah Wapner | TEDxTelAvivSalon |
14.11.2019 |
racgp.org.au |
Children will be hurt most by climate impacts on health |
13.11.2019 |
theguardian.com |
Coalition inaction on climate change and health is risking Australian lives, global report finds |
13.11.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
Call to action on violence against doctors |
13.11.2019 |
fa.alalamtv.net |
مرگ-خود-خواسته-در-نیوزیلند-به–شود |
12.11.2019 |
hbr.org |
How AI in the Exam Room Could Reduce Physician Burnout |
12.11.2019 |
akademiliv.se |
Hon är läkaren som tar ton i klimatfrågan |
12.11.2019 |
omny.fm |
Doctors petition against End of Life Choice Bill
12.11.2019 |
noeuthanasia.org.au |
08.11.2019 |
catholicherald.co.uk |
Portugal’s pro-lifers face an uphill battle to stop euthanasia |
08.11.2019 |
hindustantimes.com |
World Medical Association highlights attacks on Indian doctors: Report |
08.11.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Hunger strikes and psychiatric care |
07.11.2019 |
ksmu.org |
Mountain Grove Physician Named President-Elect of World Medical Association |
05.11.2019 |
insurancenewsnet.com |
Violence Against Health Professions a Significant Public Health Challenge |
04.11.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
Physicians forgetting emotional needs of patients, claims new WMA President |
03.11.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Hunger strikes and psychiatric care |
03.11.2019 |
catholicregister.org |
Joint declaration against assisted suicide presented to Pope Francis |
03.11.2019 |
gript.ie |
Globally, opposition to euthanasia dwarfs end-of-life movements |
03.11.2019 |
ozarksindependent.com |
Mercy Doctor Chosen President-Elect of World Medical Association |
03.11.2019 |
ozarkradionews.com |
Dr. Barbe named president-elect of WMA |
03.11.2019 |
prnewswire.com |
Rural Doctor to Lead World Medical Association |
03.11.2019 |
bmj.com |
Reporting research findings to participants is an ethical imperative |
01.11.2019 |
lifecharity.org.uk |
World Medical Association reaffirms opposition to Euthanasia |
31.10.2019 |
thebl.com |
The World Medical Association reaffirmed its opposition to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide |
31.10.2019 |
medicalworldnigeria.com |
WMA Reaffirms Opposition to Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide |
31.10.2019 |
agensir.it |
L’Associazione medica mondiale contro eutanasia e suicidio assistito |
31.10.2019 |
mercopress.com |
World Medical Association urges all governments to introduce sugar tax |
31.10.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association declaration opposes euthanasia |
31.10.2019 |
avvenire.it |
World medical association«Fronte contrario all’eutanasia in tutto il mondo» |
31.10.2019 |
patientsrightsaction.org |
30.10.2019 |
scielo.br |
Coproduction Between Government and Civil Society to Establish Smart Cities in the State of Pará |
30.10.2019 |
ama.com.au |
World Medical Association’s call for a sugar tax |
30.10.2019 |
responsabilecivile.it |
Eutanasia e suicidio assistito, Associazione medica mondiale contraria |
30.10.2019 |
akahinews.org |
WMA Reaffirms Opposition to Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide |
29.10.2019 |
interris.it |
No dai medici all’eutanasia e al suicidio assistito |
29.10.2019 |
vanguardngr.com |
WMA Reaffirms Opposition to Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide |
29.10.2019 |
nationalreview.com |
World Medical Association Opposes Euthanasia, Supports Medical Conscience |
29.10.2019 |
lifenews.com |
World Medical Association Reaffirms Opposition to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide |
28.10.2019 |
interris.it |
No dai medici all’eutanasia e al suicidio assistito |
28.10.2019 |
amb.org.br |
28.10.2019 |
indcatholicnews.com |
World Medical Association declares strong opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia |
27.10.2019 |
quotidianosanita.it |
“Nessun medico dovrebbe mai essere forzato a prender parte a procedure di eutanasia o suicidio assistito”. La risoluzione della World Medical Association |
27.10.2019 |
drugtodayonline.com |
WMA president wants docs to empathise with patients |
27.10.2019 |
ansa.it |
L’Associazione medica mondiale contro l’eutanasia e il suicidio assistito |
27.10.2019 |
vanguardngr.com |
Medical students, physicians need to practice with empathy —WMA |
27.10.2019 |
scoop.co.nz |
Doctors become both providers and deniers of health care |
23.10.2019 |
healthexec.com |
Physicians might be facing a moral dilemma when it comes to immigration |
23.10.2019 |
aimspress.com |
Review of medical professional organizations in developed countries: problems of decentralized membership registers |
18.10.2019 |
quillette.com |
Against Research Ethics Committees |
18.10.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Hunger strikes and psychiatric care |
18.10.2019 |
medicalbag.com |
Can the WMA Physicians Pledge Update Improve Care Abroad? |
11.10.2019 |
medvarsity.com |
Certificate Course in Medical Ethics (MTH) |
07.10.2019 |
ovimagazine.com |
Call to end dog-transmitted human rabies by 2030 |
07.10.2019 |
seemfcongress.com |
PM Borissov Confers with World Medical Association President Eidelman |
26.09.2019 |
businessinsider.sg |
Greta Thunberg isn’t the only trailblazing young climate leader. Activists from the Amazon to Nigeria share their ideas for battling the climate crisis |
26.09.2019 |
WMA Youtube |
Conclusion on the UHC Conference – Prof. Dr. Frank Ulrich MONTGOMERY Chairperson of the WMA Council |
20.09.2019 |
courthousenews.com |
Asylum Seekers on Hunger Strike Moved to Texas Hospital |
12.09.2019 |
insidethegames.biz |
Semenya confirms not retiring from athletics despite signing for South African football club |
12.09.2019 |
Influenza Hub |
Is vaccination a good idea? We have asked an expert: Watch what Otmar Kloiber, Secretary General of World Medical Association answered. |
06.09.2019 |
onmedia |
Violence against doctors on the rise globally |
06.09.2019 |
AMA Journal of Ethics |
Is Updating the WMA Physician’s Pledge Enough? |
06.09.2019 |
univadis |
Doctors in India hold solidarity day after killing of colleague |
06.09.2019 |
Bulgarian News Agency |
PM Borissov Confers with World Medical Association President Eidelman |
06.09.2019 |
Northeast now |
Deben Dutta lynching: One more arrested, lockout of Teok TE continues for fifth day |
05.09.2019 |
The Irish Catholic |
A culture of life means affirming the dignity of everyone |
05.09.2019 |
Scroll.in |
IMA writes to Narendra Modi seeking law to curb violence against healthcare professionals |
04.09.2019 |
Drug Today, India |
Doctors’ groups write to Modi for ordinance to protect doctors |
04.09.2019 |
reporters today, India |
IMA urges PM to promulgate ordinance to check violence against doctors |
04.09.2019 |
Bulgarian News Agency |
Health Minister Ananiev Meets with World Medical Association President |
04.09.2019 |
pennews.net |
Mob killing of doctor: Doctors strike, resignations in Assam |
04.09.2019 |
assamtribune.com |
Tea garden doctors on resignation spree |
04.09.2019 |
thehindu.com |
WMA concern over attacks on doctors |
04.09.2019 |
news18.com |
Centre Comes Up with Draft Bill to End Violence against Healthcare Staff, But Will It Be Enough? |
04.09.2019 |
uniindia.com |
Mob Killing of Doctor: Doctors strike, resignations in Assam |
04.09.2019 |
Times of India |
IMA writes to PM, seeks ordinance to check violence against health professionals |
03.09.2019 |
postcourier.com |
Training must be focused on Country’s Needs, says Prof. |
03.09.2019 |
the-japan-news.com |
Home health care eases patients’ last days |
03.09.2019 |
scmp.com |
IOC chief calls Caster Semenya case ‘complicated and delicate’ as runner mulls appeal |
03.09.2019 |
wsws.org |
Courts back Trump administration as ICE continues to force-feed immigrants |
03.09.2019 |
theguardian.com |
Doctors don’t care about the politics of climate change. We focus on the facts |
02.09.2019 |
medium.com |
On Harassment & Bullying: An Open Letter, From Educator To Educator |
02.09.2019 |
authenticmedicine.com |
Experimenting on the Vulnerable |
02.09.2019 |
jamanetwork.com |
Can Physicians Work in US Immigration Detention Facilities While Upholding Their Hippocratic Oath? |
30.08.2019 |
medcitynews.com |
Limit placebos in cancer drug trials to certain cases, FDA advises drugmakers |
30.08.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Female patients from Gaza and Israel’s medical exit permit policy |
29.08.2019 |
therecord.com.au |
Catholic Service Providers Unite Against Euthanasia |
27.08.2019 |
acecc.org.au |
ACECC Name Change |
27.08.2019 |
barbadostoday.bb |
Officials say Semenya is a man |
27.08.2019 |
wohc.nl |
High Level Delegation at WoHC (World of Health Care) |
26.08.2019 |
trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com |
Hope and despair: a qualitative exploration of the experiences and impact of trial processes in a rehabilitation trial |
26.08.2019 |
telegraphindia.com |
Was Jaitley’s absence a factor in the hounding of Chidambaram? |
26.08.2019 |
all4women.co |
“Caster Semenya has more testosterone than most men” – Spanish professor |
26.08.2019 |
medium.com |
Time To Get On Board With ‘Singular They’ |
22.08.2019 |
inside the games |
IAAF treasurer says Semenya “biologically a man” |
22.08.2019 |
The Conversation |
Migrants on hunger strike follow long tradition of people using their bodies to protest against cruelty |
21.08.2019 |
ekklesia.co.uk |
Arrest of health professionals in Turkey deplored by international bodies |
20.08.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
WMA and CPME condemn arrests of four Turkish health professionals |
20.08.2019 |
hrw.org |
US: Cease Force-feeding Migrant Hunger Strikers |
17.08.2019 |
Public Discourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute |
Assisted Suicide: The Ethics, the Laws, and the Dangers |
18.08.2019 |
The Sunday Independent |
Doctors, gangsters and dictators |
16.08.2019 |
Australian Medical Association
Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) |
WMA condemns Arrests of health professionals deplored
Arrests of health professionals deplored |
16.08.2019 |
theepochtimes.com |
‘An Unprecedented Evil Persecution’—Chapter Twelve: Unprecedented Evil Behind Forced Organ Harvesting: The Choice to Die Spiritually or Physically |
16.08.2019 |
apnews.com |
Attorney: Officials force-feeding immigrant on hunger strike |
16.08.2019 |
dailyexpress.com |
Semenya unfazed after ban |
12.08.2019 |
bianet.org |
TTB Sends Letter to Canadian Medical Association on Gold Mine in Ida Mountains |
12.08.2019 |
wfpha.org |
News – World Federation of Public Health Associations |
09.08.2019 |
youtube.com |
Why Public Health is worth fighting for |
08.08.2019 |
sciencedirect.com |
Managing “incidental findings” in biobank research: Recommendations of the Taiwan biobank |
08.08.2019 |
prisonlegalnews.org |
Force-Feeding is Cruel, Painful and Degrading – and American Prisons Won’t Stop |
05.08.2019 |
vanguardngr.com |
NHIS: More investments, implementation of policies area needed |
05.08.2019 |
trialsitenews.com |
Why Does the FDA want to make changes to Institutional Review Boards? |
05.08.2019 |
sportstar.thehindu.com |
Semenya’s Human Rights Should come before Science |
02.08.2019 |
mdpi.com |
Key Points for an Ethical Evaluation of Healthcare Big Data |
31.07.2019 |
nytimes.com |
Caster Semenya Barred From 800 Meters at World Championships |
31.07.2019 |
telegraph.co.uk |
Caster Semenya to miss World Championship title defence after Swiss court reimposes IAAF rulings |
31.07.2019 |
pressreader.com |
Indian Asylum Seekers on Hunger Strike at US Center |
30.07.2019 |
tribuneindia.com |
US authorities put fasting Indian asylum seekers on drip |
30.07.2019 |
nursingtimes.net |
Nurses praised for work to ‘advance’ human rights across globe |
30.07.2019 |
heartfailure.onlinejacc.org |
Why We Should Publish All Clinical Trails? |
30.07.2019 |
independentaustralia.net |
The Four Doctors Who Voted Against Medevac |
25.07.2019 |
ijhpm.com |
Are Pharmaceutical Companies Payments Incentivising Malpractice in Japenese Physicians? |
25.07.2019 |
out.com |
Our August Cover Star, Caster Semenya: The Athlete in the Fighet of Her Life |
25.07.2019 |
sciencetrends.com |
Placebo: It’s All About Ethics! |
24.07.2019 |
patientsrightsaction.org |
Why euthanasia is unethical and why we should name it as such |
24.07.2019 |
journals.plos.org |
Retraction: Salvage Liver Transplantation for Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Liver Resection: Retrospective Study of the Milan and Hangzhou Criteria |
23.07..2019 |
youtube.com |
Françoise Globa, WMA interpreter |
23.07.2019 |
hrw.org |
India: Transgender Bill Raises Rights Concerns |
19.07.2019 |
The Specialist |
Political Pressures Grow |
19.07.2019 |
sadag.org |
Helping Children Cope With Cancer |
19.07.2019 |
blogs.plos.org |
Organ transplantations and ethical publishing |
17.06.2019 |
total-montenegro-news.com |
European Forum of Medical Associations on Visit to Montenegro |
16.07.2019 |
uhc2030.org |
Six new signatories to the Global Compact for progress towards UHC. |
16.07.2019 |
feinstein.senate.gov |
Senators Call for Ethical Standards for Gene-Editing Research |
15.07.2019 |
scmp.com |
Hong Kong medical profession remains in denial on coercive surgery for transgender people |
15.07.2019 |
afp.com |
Caster Semenya v IAAF: a ground-breaking gender test case |
12.07.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Female patients from Gaza and Israel’s medical exit permit policy |
12.07.2019 |
msn.com |
Journalist calls for more transparency around prison extreme isolation practices |
11.07.2019 |
catholicweekly.com.au |
Monica Doumit: It’s either bias … or stupidity |
11.07.2019 |
gaystarnews.com |
Trans woman protests by walking down the street naked in Zambia |
11.07.2019 |
al-fanarmedia.org |
Bureaucracy Unnecessarily Slows Down Human-Tissue Research, Arab Scientists Say |
08.07.2019 |
abc.net.au |
A good death |
08.07.2019 |
timesofindia.indiatimes.com |
Nothing special to take care of poor health of healthcare sector |
08.07.2019 |
realclearhealth.com |
AMA Says ‘No’ to Physician-Assisted Suicide |
05.07.2019 |
timescolonist.com |
Trevor Hancock: Why is boxing still not banned? |
05.07.2019 |
modernghana.com |
Civil Society Denounces the Release of GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso |
04.07.2019 |
elephantinthelab.org |
Responsible research is a matter of education |
04.07.2019 |
dotmed.com |
Radiologists voice workload frustration in research report released at SIIM |
03.07.2019 |
jamanetwork.com |
WMA’s Declaration of Helsinki Serves as Guide to Physicians |
02.07.2019 |
tellerreport.com |
“You will defeat me today, and I will beat you tomorrow”: runner Semenya issued an ultimatum IAAF |
01.07.2019 |
kpcnews.com |
China’s traffic in ‘donated’ organs has some implications |
01.07.2019 |
bioedge.org |
New Zealand edges toward euthanasia and assisted suicide |
01.07.2019 |
southerntimesafrica.com |
Semenya off the hook for now |
01.07.2019 |
newshub.co.nz |
New Zealand urged to stop poaching other countries’ doctors |
28.06.2019 |
krcc.org |
Investigative Report Alleges ‘Human Rights Abuses’ At Colorado’s Supermax Prison |
28.06.2019 |
msn.com |
NZ urged to stop poaching other countries’ doctors |
28.06.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Caring for patients who have been tortured in detention |
28.06.2019 |
scoop.co.nz |
MPs Welcome 1961 – Death Penalty for Kiwis |
28.06.2019 |
scoop.co.nz |
Medical migration risk to poor countries’ health services |
28.06.2019 |
sma.org.sg |
SMA News Vol. 51 No. 5 May 2019 |
28.06.2019 |
sma.org.sg |
SMA Milestones 1959-2019 |
27.06.2019 |
standpointmag.co.uk |
The slippery slope to death by doctor’s order |
27.06.2019 |
wellington.scoop.co.nz |
Senior doctors celebrating 30 years of public health system advocacy |
27.06.2019 |
starweekly.com.au |
Flu vaccine supply under strain |
26.06.2019 |
nature.com |
China organ transplant claims raise alarm about research |
26.06.2019 |
cathnews.co.nz |
More than 1000 doctors sign letter against ‘assisted suicide’ Bill |
26.06.2019 |
scoop.co.nz |
Move the Ambulance, Need to Park the Hearse |
25.06.2019 |
lifesitenews.com |
Over a thousand New Zealand doctors reject euthanasia |
25.06.2019 |
openspecimen.org |
The Past, Present, and Future of Biobanks |
25.06.2019 |
bma.org.uk |
The NHS: A model of universal health coverage |
25.06.2019 |
kenyans.co.ke |
Atwoli’s Son Bags Appointment in Prestigious Global Medical Committee |
25.06.2019 |
rnz.co.nz |
23 MPs still undecided on euthanasia vote |
24.06.2019 |
mixonline.jp |
Health professional meeting reemphasizes on UHC (Japanese) |
24.06.2019 |
outsports.com |
30 LGBTQ athletes who showed ‘Stonewall Spirit’: Caster Semenya |
24.06.2019 |
familyandlife.org |
American Doctors Reaffirm Opposition to Euthanasia |
24.06.2019 |
theworldnews.net |
Doctors sign letter against ‘assisted suicide’ Bill |
21.06.2019 |
bioedge.org |
US doctors vote to oppose assisted suicide |
21.06.2019 |
saglikpersonelihaber.net |
Dünya Tabipler Birliğinden Türkiye’deki hekimlere açık destek |
21.06.2019 |
nationaltribune.com.au |
World support for sentenced Turkish doctors |
21.06.2019 |
bianet.org |
World Medical Association Delivers Open Letter in Support of Doctors in Turkey |
20.06.2019 |
theaustralian.com.au |
New Victorian dying laws risk wrongful deaths |
20.06.2019 |
philstar.com |
‘You only have one father’ |
19.06.2019 |
bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com |
Unethical behavior and professionalism among medical students in a private medical university in Malaysia |
19.06.2019 |
blogs.scientificamerican.com |
4 Myths about Testosterone |
19.06.2019 |
irishtimes.com |
Caster Semenya: ‘IAAF used me in the past as a human guinea pig’ |
19.06.2019 |
timesofindia.indiatimes.com |
Aurangabad: Private hospitals join nationwide agitation, observe bandh |
19.06.2019 |
innovationexcellence.com |
Why is it so hard to do the right thing? |
19.06.2019 |
bma.org.uk |
BMA ‘gravely concerned’ over findings of China Tribunal on organ harvesting |
17.06.2019 |
dnaindia.com |
DNA Edit: End doctors’ stir – Poor, who use government hospitals, are worst hit |
17.06.2019 |
indianexpress.com |
Indian Medical Association call: No non-essential services today |
17.06.2019 |
bioedge.org |
AMA sticks to a policy of opposing assisted suicide |
17.06.2019 |
thelivenagpur.com |
All India nation-wide total withdrawal of non-essential services on violence against doctors |
17.06.2019 |
thedailybeast.com |
ICE Is Force-Feeding Immigrant Detainees on Hunger Strike Through Nasal Tubes |
17.06.2019 |
caribbeannewsnow.com |
Physician leaders call for end to violence in Honduras |
14.06.2019 |
youtube.com |
President and secretary of World Medical Association shows support |
14.06.2019 |
m.dailyhunt.in |
IMA to go on nationwide protest on June 14 in response to Kolkata doctor attack |
14.06.2019 |
newsnation.in |
Doctors’ stir spreads across India, 80 submit mass resignation in Kolkata: 10 updates |
14.06.2019 |
asms.org.nz |
Physician leaders call for end to violence in Honduras |
14.06.2019 |
mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com |
IMA to hold nationwide protest on Friday following attack on doctor in Kolkata |
14.06.2019 |
thehindu.com |
Nationwide protest today against attack on doctors |
14.06.2019 |
en.mercopress.com |
World physician leaders call for an end to government violence in Honduras |
13.06.2019 |
twn.my |
WHO: Countries Raise Concerns about Access to Affordable Drug-Resistant TB Treatment |
13.06.2019 |
businessmirror.com.ph |
Semenya: Catch dopers, ‘not us’ |
13.06.2019 |
ama.com.au |
Caring for the vessel through which patient care is delivered |
13.06.2019 |
seemfcongress.com |
10 Questions for SEEMF’s President, prof . Andrey Kehayov, MD |
13.06.2019 |
catholicweekly.com.au |
Archbishop stands by anti-euthanasia video |
12.06.2019 |
cathnews.com |
Catholic health providers affirm commitment to end-of-life care |
12.06.2019 |
evangelicalfellowship.ca |
Three questions on the Ontario medical referrals decision |
12.06.2019 |
washingtonpost.com |
Defiant Semenya to IAAF: Catch dopers, ‘not us’ |
11.06.2019 |
city-press.news24.com |
Caster Semenya needs delayed IAAF ruling upheld |
11.06.2019 |
lifenews.com |
AMA Votes to Retain Longstanding Opposition to Assisted Suicide |
10.06.2019 |
ama-assn.org |
Physician insight sorely needed for hard choices ahead: AMA president |
10.06.2019 |
jamaicaobserver.com |
Ethical dilemma: The use of performance-reducing drugs |
10.06.2019 |
Daily Nation (Kenya) |
Shun IAAF till it drops ‘Semenya Rules’ |
10.06.2019 |
theneweconomy.com |
Medical research is conducted in developing countries to avoid ethics legislation |
07.06.2019 |
miragenews.com |
Doctor, your own health is important |
06.06.2019 |
news.bloomberglaw.com |
Would Ban on Intersex Runners Hold Up in U.S. Courts? |
05.06.2019 |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
Burnout and Metabolic Syndrome in Female Nurses: An Observational Study |
05.06.2019 |
cbc.ca |
Stakeholders in the sports world should — but probably won’t — come to Caster Semenya’s aid |
05.06.2019 |
thenation.com |
Force-Feeding Is Cruel, Painful, and Degrading—and American Prisons Won’t Stop |
05.06.2019 |
sportsintegrityinitiative.com |
WMA welcomes Swiss Court decision |
04.06.2019 |
nytimes.com |
Semenya Lawyers: IAAF Ordered to Suspend Testosterone Rules |
04.06.2019 |
theguardian.com |
Caster Semenya able to run medication-free for now as Swiss court floors IAAF |
04.06.2019 |
insidethegames.biz |
Semenya given huge boost as Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland suspends IAAF regulations |
04.06.2019 |
telegraph.co.uk |
Caster Semenya provisionally cleared to defend her 800m world title |
04.06.2019 |
theglobeandmail.com |
Caster Semenya allowed to compete without medication as Swiss court suspends IAAF testosterone rules |
04.06.2019 |
cbc.ca |
Stakeholders in the sports world should — but probably won’t — come to Caster Semenya’s aid |
03.06.2019 |
businessghana.com |
Health Ministers and other thought leaders meet at Gallagher Estate |
03.06.2019 |
politicosl.com |
Caster Semenya and misogyny in athletics |
03.06.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
Burn-out included in International Classification of Diseases |
31.05.2019 |
telegraph.co.uk |
Caster Semenya launches new legal challenge and vows ‘IAAF will not drug me or stop me from being who I am’ |
31.05.2019 |
up.ac.za |
International Day of Action for Women’s Health: Implications of Caster Semenya ruling must be carefully weighed, says UP professor |
30.05.2019 |
afp.com |
Semenya to appeal IAAF gender rule at top Swiss court |
30.05.2019 |
ama.com.au |
Supporting doctors’ wellbeing |
30.05.2019 |
foxnews.com |
Defiant Caster Semenya appeals testosterone ruling |
26.05.2019 |
brisbanetimes.com |
‘Enough is enough’: The push to protect doctors from mental illness |
26.05.2019 |
bmjopen.bmj.com |
How do doctors experience the interactions among professional fulfilment, organisational factors and quality of patient care? A qualitative study in a Norwegian hospital |
26.05.2019 |
avvenire.it |
Medici e scienziati italiani: Lambert «parla» pure a noi, no all’eutanasia |
26.05.2019 |
timescolonist.com |
Why is boxing not banned? |
26.05.2019 |
academic.oup.com |
Political economy, stakeholder voices, and saliency: lessons from international policies regulating insurer use of genetic information |
26.05.2019 |
almakos.com |
Sead Zejneli, a specialist from Macedonia that makes you proud of Switzerland |
23.05.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
World governments urged to condemn Turkish doctors’ prison sentences |
23.05.2019 |
alltrials.net |
Clinical trial transparency on the line at the World Health Assembly |
23.05.2019 |
atlasofscience.org |
Non-invasive prenatal testing – safer or simply more profitable? |
23.05.2019 |
defendnz.co.nz |
Dominion Post: Doctors want no part in assisted suicide full page advert |
23.05.2019 |
economictimes.indiatimes.com |
It’s wrong of the IAAF to ask us to alter our natural body function: Olympic medalist Wambui |
23.05.2019 |
mymedicalmantra.com |
WMA signs up to promoting universal health coverage |
23.05.2019 |
apnews.com |
BC-ATH–Wambui-Testosterone Regulations,1st Ld-Writethru |
20.05.2019 |
bmj.com |
Medical education must change if we are to tackle the causes of non-communicable diseases |
20.05.2019 |
univadis.co.il |
WMA warns against substituting doctors with technology and other healthcare professionals |
19.05.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Turkish doctors sentenced to jail for statement on war |
19.05.2019 |
newsweek.com |
19.05.2019 |
nature.com |
Caster Semenya ruling: sports federation is flouting ethics rules |
19.05.2019 |
univadis.es |
Doctors’ association reaffirms opposition to new rules for female athletes |
19.05.2019 |
gisborneherald.co.nz |
19.05.2019 |
watchathletics.com |
IAAF Publishes Briefing Notes and Q&A on Female Elegibility Regulations |
19.05.2019 |
up-aktuell.de |
Kurz vor Schluss 6-2019: Halbgötter in Weiß |
19.05.2019 |
bioedge.org |
Are performance-reducing drugs for South African Olympian Caster Semenya ethical? |
19.05.2019 |
greenteamacademy.com |
050: Quickly Building an International Climate Action Network with Daniel Gbujie, Team 54 Project |
19.05.2019 |
yucatanexpatlife.com |
Medical tourism in Mexico attracts up to 1M U.S. travelers yearly |
17.05.2019 |
knmg.nl |
KNMG steunt veroordeelde Turkse artsenorganisatie |
17.05.2019 |
Forbes |
How Conversational AI Can Help Cure Physician Burnout |
17.05.2019 |
Yahoo Sport |
Affaire Caster Semenya : pour Bolt, «il faut suivre les règles» |
17.05.2019 |
rfi.fr |
L’Afrique du Sud fait appel et relance l’affaire Caster Semenya |
16.05.2019 |
Sports Integrity Initiative |
World Medical Association locks horns with IAAF over DSD Regulations |
16.05.2019 |
Brunel University London |
Making sense of the Caster Semenya ruling |
16.05.2019 |
Massive Science |
In the ruling against Caster Semenya, bogus science is being used to stifle the vulnerable |
16.05.2019 |
The guardian |
Athletics South Africa to appeal against Caster Semenya ruling |
16.05.2019 |
The Wire |
In the Ruling Against Caster Semenya, Bogus Science Is Being Used to Stifle the Vulnerable |
14.05.2019 |
taipeitimes.com |
Health groups urge WHO to include Taiwan |
14.05.2019 |
abc.net.au |
Caster Semenya appeal over IAAF’s testosterone ruling imminent, South African Government says |
14.05.2019 |
telegraph.co.uk |
Caster Semenya verdict: South African government to launch appeal against testosterone ruling |
06.03.2019 |
thisisafrica.me |
Semenya’s IAAF loss and the ethical implications |
06.03.2019 |
www.afp.com |
McColgan calls for new categories as Semenya row rumbles on |
06.03.2019 |
www.tnp.sg |
Medical chief opposes IAAF rule |
03.05.2019 |
Focus Taiwan |
Taiwan garners greater support for WHA participation |
03.05.2019 |
Business Insider France |
Forcing women like Caster Semenya to medicate to compete in sport is being called a ‘dangerous precedent’ — here’s why |
03.05.2019 |
The Guardian |
Caster Semenya to run in Doha as Sebastian Coe welcomes Cas ruling |
03.05.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
Vaccine hesitancy is top global health threat – WMA |
03.05.2019 |
sport24.co.za |
Top medical body warns doctors NOT to enforce Semenya rules |
03.05.2019 |
ctpost.com |
Forcing women like Caster Semenya to medicate to compete in sport is being called a ‘dangerous precedent’ — here’s why |
03.05.2019 |
Australian Medical Association |
President attends World Medical Association |
30.04.2019 |
European Centre for Law & Justice |
Euthanasia of Vincent Lambert: New International Proceedings Give Hope |
30.04.2019 |
msn.com |
Call for medics to ignore new IAAF regulations |
30.04.2019 |
Deccan Chronicle |
Anti-Vax movement has become a global threat |
30.04.2019 |
Drug Today |
Dr Wankhedkar elected World Medical Association treasurer |
30.04.2019 |
iol.co.za |
Call for medics to ignore new IAAF regulations |
15.04.2019 |
icn.ch |
Health Care Professions condemn new Brunei laws |
15.04.2019 |
onmedica.com |
Doctors slam Brunei for ‘abhorrent’ laws |
12.04.2019 |
nzma.org.nz |
The use of ‘tie down’ in New Zealand prisons—what is the role of the health sector? |
10.04.2019 |
newswire.ca |
PharmaCielo Appoints New and Extended Medical and Scientific Advisory Board |
09.04.2019 |
Journal of Optometry |
Uncontrolled experimentation is not an option for open minds: Ethical research is the answer |
09.04.2019 |
http://www.noeuthanasia.org.au |
New Zealand doctors face-off over euthanasia bill |
09.04.2019 |
Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine |
Ethical conundrum in nuclear medicine research in India |
09.04.2019 |
Physicians for Human Rights |
Intimidation and Persecution |
08.04.2019 |
Health Research Authority |
Research registration and research project identifiers |
04.04.2019 |
ABVTA Association News Articles |
04.04.2019 |
Australia’s Science Channel |
Scientists can clone monkeys, but should they? |
04.04.2019 |
Great News Network |
Doctors can jointly create a World Health-Keeping Force |
04.04.2019 |
Health Research Authority |
Research registration and research project identifiers |
04.04.2019 |
Dalhousie University |
Major & Historical Codes – Bioethics – LibGuides at Dalhousie University |
04.04.2019 |
Pharmaceutical Journal |
UCL Fight the Fakes: improving medication safety in hospital pharmacy |
29.03.2019 |
international.thenewslens.com |
OPINION: Taiwan Must Be Recognized for Its Global Health Efforts |
28.03.2019 |
globalchildrenssurgery.org |
(GICS) agree to abide by the principles set down in the Declaration of Geneva |
27.03.2019 |
phoenixnewtimes.com |
Court Order Allows ICE to Force-Feed Arizona Detainee on Hunger Strike |
26.03.2019 |
thearticle.com |
A shameful day for the Royal College of Physicians |
19.03.2019 |
Association of Salaried Medical Specialists |
ASMS 30th Anniversary Conference |
19.03.2019 |
einpresswire.com |
Update on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in Canada |
18.03.2019 |
onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
Research ethics revised: The new CIOMS guidelines and the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki in context |
17.03.2019 |
patientsrightsaction.org |
News |
17.03.2019 |
nursingtimes.net |
Why do I have to apply for ethical approval before I can begin my research? |
17.03.2019 |
researchgate.net |
Introduction to Person-Centered Psychiatry |
17.03.2019 |
amb.org.br |
15.03.2019 |
reddit.com |
Doctors, psychologists, what’s the best argument in scientific literature against current medical and psychological treatment of trans people? |
05.03.2019 |
deseretnews.com |
In our opinion: Another reason to welcome Utah’s .05 percent DUI law |
04.03.2019 |
climate andhealthalliance.org |
Coal, challenges and collaboration at COP24 |
04.03.2019 |
en.wikipedia.org |
Organ transplantation in China
04.03.2019 |
amarintv.com |
ผิดไหมที่อยากการุณยฆาต!? เมื่อการตายโดยสมัครใจ สวนทางกับความเชื่อทางศาสนา |
03.03.2019 |
fiamc.org |
FIAMC Response to WMA policy change relating to euthanasia and physician-assisted dying. |
03.03.2019 |
law.com |
21 Attorneys General File Amicus Brief Supporting Transgender Student |
03.03.2019 |
sport24.co.za |
SAMA comes out in support of Semenya |
01.03.2019 |
dw.com |
Gay conversion therapy ban in Germany gains support |
01.03.2019 |
globalfamilydoctor.com |
From the President: Building our influence |
01.03.2019 |
iol.co.za |
SA Medical Association stands by Semenya ahead of IAAF ruling |
28.02.2019 |
youtube.com |
Interview with WMA Secretary General, Dr. Otmar Kloiber |
27.02.2019 |
networks.h-net.org |
Workshop on Global Governance and Accountability in Post-World War II Healthcare, at Utrecht University, the Netherlands |
22.02.2019 |
forbes.com |
How Conversational AI Can Help Cure Physician Burnout |
22.02.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association denounces attack on hospital in Cameroon |
22.02.2019 |
thelancet.com |
Hospital attack in anglophone Cameroon kills four patients |
20.02.2019 |
redmaryland.com |
Why Medical Professionals Oppose Physician Assisted Suicide |
20.02.2019 |
catholicworldreport.com |
Assisted suicide threatens the entire medical profession, Maryland doctor warns |
19.02.2019 |
doctornoticias.wordpress.com |
Global health leaders denounce attack on Cameroon hospital |
18.02.2019 |
bbc.com |
Texas detention centre stops force-feeding migrants |
18.02.2019 |
doctorssayno.nz |
Doctors want no part in assisted suicide |
14.02.2019 |
vindy.com |
United States could be violating UN Convention Against Torture |
14.02.2019 |
washingtonpost.com |
UN: US force-feeding immigrants may breach torture agreement |
13.02.2019 |
cha.org.au |
13.02.2019 |
psychiatrictimes.com |
A Second Country Practicing Medical Euthanasia Drops a Bomb |
11.02.2019 |
timesofindia.indiatimes.com |
Attacks on docs a global ill, says German surgeon Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/67908041.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst |
11.02.2019 |
thehindu.com |
‘Healthcare violence is global, but doctors need to cultivate empathy’ |
08.02.2019 |
dailymail.co.uk |
UN: US force-feeding immigrants may breach torture agreement |
08.02.2019 |
bmj.com |
US immigration authorities admit to force feeding detained hunger striking migrants |
07.02.2019 |
dailyactive.info |
Functions of Ouma Oluga as the new president of all health workers worldwide |
07.02.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medial Association expresses solidarity with physicians in Venezuela |
06.02.2019 |
cosmosmagazine.com |
Scientists can clone monkeys, but should they? |
06.02.2019 |
greeknewsondemand.com |
When Swiss Planned Parenthood president was invited to speak at Vatican |
04.02.2019 |
ama.com.au |
WMA condemns lethal force against doctors in Sudan |
01.02.2019 |
bbc.com |
Migrants force-fed at Texas detention centre |
31.01.2019 |
springer.com |
Conscientious objection to abortion, the law and its implementation in Victoria, Australia: perspectives of abortion service providers |
31.01.2019 |
haaretz.com |
U.S. Immigration Officials Force-feeding Detainees on Hunger Strike |
30.01.2019 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association condemns use of violence against Sudanese doctors |
29.01.2019 |
canberratimes.com.au |
Cloud remains over hunger striker’s condition in Canberra Hospital |
28.01.2019 |
hslmcmaster.libguides.com |
Hippocratic Oath – Classical Version |
28.01.2019 |
koreabiomed.com |
Korean doctors’ group reelected as World Medical Association’s council member |
23.01.2019 |
onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
Adjusting the focus: a public health ethics approach to data research |
21.01.2019 |
patientsrightsaction.org |
Patients Rights Action Fund | The mission of the Patients’ Rights Action |
18.01.2019 |
rug.nl |
Brigit Toebes: ‘Zo’n invloedrijke organisatie als de World Medical Association is ongelooflijk belangrijk’ |
17.01.2019 |
Assisted suicide, the Royal College and the myth of neutrality |
17.01.2019 |
ieb-eib.org |
Mortier vs Belgium : premier dossier d’une euthanasie belge à la CEDH |
15.01.2019 |
rcplondon.ac.uk |
Assisted dying: Why the RCP should be opposed |
11.01.2019 |
alexschadenberg.blogspot.com |
Assessing Competency for Assisted Suicide Is Unethical |
07.01.2019 |
the herald.com.au |
Newcastle Herald Letters to the Editor: Monday, January 7, 2019 |
02.01.2019 |
birmingham.ac.uk |
University of Birmingham medical students attend world-leading international bioethics conference |
02.01.2019 |
deseretnews.com |
In our opinion: New .05 DUI law is a tool to keep Utahns safe |
02.01.2019 |
deccanherald.com |
Healthy curriculum: medical ethics |
21.12.2018 |
asms.org.nz |
WMA expresses shock at Turkish physician leaders’ prison sentences |
19.12.2018 |
medicalworldnigeria.com |
Why Doctors Need to Join the Fight Against Climate Change |
19.12.2018 |
kyfmc.org |
KFMC Awards 2018 Grants for Health-Related Projects |
19.12.2018 |
change.org |
Réponse de Ms Sharon Claydon MP |
18.12.2018 |
catholicregister.org |
Doctors urged to reverse climate change |
18.12.2018 |
dl.med.or.jp |
Declaration of Geneva |
18.12.2018 |
mwia.net |
MWIA regional and international meetings |
18.12.2018 |
asms.org.nz |
Why doctors need to join the fight against climate change |
18.12.2018 |
ama.com.au |
Doctors’ Relationships with Industry 2018 |
18.12.2018 |
psychologytoday.com |
How to Spot Good Versus Dodgy Science |
14.12.2018 |
evangelicalfellowship.ca |
Three questions on the forced medical referrals case |
13.12.2018 |
punchng.com |
Ethics, law, and medicine in national development |
10.12.2018 |
aclu.org |
Doctors Who Facilitate Torture Must Be Held to Account |
10.12.2018 |
odt.co.nz |
Updated oath to be used today |
10.12.2018 |
fortune.com |
Why Doctors Need to Join the Fight Against Climate Change |
10.12.2018 |
pharmacytimes.com |
Pharmacists and Burnout: The First Step Is to Acknowledge the Data about Providers |
07.12.2018 |
bmjpaedsopen.bmj.com |
Cultural considerations for informed consent in paediatric research in low/middle-income countries: a scoping review |
07.12.2018 |
forbes.kz |
Embryos, Justice, and Personal Responsibility |
07.12.2018 |
ifmsa.org |
World Conference of Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law |
06.12.2018 |
al-monitor.com |
Turkish doctors say hospital violence out of control |
06.12.2018 |
taipeitimes.com |
Gene editing claims spark debate on ethics of embryo research |
04.12.2018 |
facebook.com |
Gay conversion “therapy” has no place in modern Australia |
30.11.2018 |
thelancet.com |
The 2018 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: shaping the health of nations for centuries to come |
26.11.2018 |
documentazione.info |
[Italian] L’eutanasia non è etica: lo dice la World Medical Association |
23.11.2018 |
sciencetrends.com |
On The Shoulders Of Giants, Part 1: Henry K. Beecher And The Placebo Effect |
23.11.2018 |
phr.org |
Release of Top Secret CIA Document Reveals Deeper Medical Complicity in Torture Program |
21.11.2018 |
maoritelevision.com |
Rotorua coach says banning boxing not the answer |
21.11.2018 |
nzdoctor.co.nz |
The New Zealand Medical Association calls for an immediate ban on boxing |
21.11.2018 |
elsevier.com |
International Journal of Surgery |
19.11.2018 |
straitstimes.com |
Euthanasia contrary to medical ethics |
19.11.2018 |
alexschadenberg.blogspot.com |
American Medical Association continues to debate assisted suicide |
16.11.2018 |
thelancet.com |
Turkey’s proposed bill could challenge doctors’ livelihoods |
15.11.2018 |
nzherald.co.nz |
NZ medical organisations call for boxing ban following charity fight death |
15.11.2018 |
stuff.co.nz |
New Zealand Medical Association calls for ban on boxing |
15.11.2018 |
bccatholic.ca |
Catholic physicians honour pro-life champions |
14.11.2018 |
theepochtimes.com |
Resolution to Stop Cold Genocide Starts Conversation in America’s Largest Medical Association |
14.11.2018 |
univadis.co.uk |
Concerns over draft bill banning thousands of Turkish doctors from working |
12.11.2018 |
bhekisisa.org |
Company with false HIV ‘cure’ admits trial was not registered with regulatory body |
12.11.2018 |
thericatholic.com |
Physicians must defend life in all its stages
12.11.2018 |
bma.org.uk |
BMA criticises move to restrict doctors from working in Turkey |
12.11.2018 |
ekklesia.co.uk |
Turkey moves to ban thousands of doctors from practicing medicine |
12.11.2018 |
asms.org.nz |
WMA condemns ‘shameful’ move to ban doctors from working |
09.11.2018 |
ahmetsaltik.net |
[Turkish] Dünya Tabipler Birliği’nden 5. madde açıklaması: Utanç verici! |
09.11.2018 |
ebar.com |
After outcry, Tanzania backs away from LGBT crackdown |
07.11.2018 |
mercopress.com |
World Medical Association supports physicians involvement in combing air pollution |
06.11.2018 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association urges physicians to ‘go green’ |
06.11.2018 |
lakartidningen.se |
WMA: Bra att läkare uppmanas bekämpa luftföroreningar |
03.11.2018 |
thelancet.com |
Physician alleged to have taken part in Khashoggi murder |
01.11.2018 |
akartidningen.se |
WMA lär läkare bli gröna |
01.11.2018 |
practiceindex.co.uk |
The great practice/CCG divide |
01.11.2018 |
insights.uca.org.au |
Conversion therapy on the national agenda |
01.11.2018 |
pressreader.com |
Doctors urged to ‘Go Green’ as role models |
31.10.2018 |
ama.com.au |
Revised advice to physicians on medically indicated termination of pregnancy has been issued by the World Medical Association |
31.10.2018 |
cmajnews.com |
Was euthanasia dispute behind CMA–WMA split? |
31.10.2018 |
bva.co.uk |
One Health Week: Augmented reality, One Health for the real world |
29.10.2018 |
world.wng.org |
Death by mail |
29.10.2018 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association voices concern over death sentence for Egyptian doctors |
29.10.2018 |
kaskus.co.id |
[Indonesian] Muktamar IDI Ke-30, Mutu Kesehatan Nasional Harus Dibarengi Kecukupan Biaya |
25.10.2018 |
nationalrighttolifenews.org |
Canadian physicians warn Spanish Parliament about euthanasia |
25.10.2018 |
medischcontact.nl |
[Dutch] Internationale euthanasiediscussie: graag met respect! |
25.10.2018 |
ehealthnews.co.za |
Call for a Greater Focus on Primary Healthcare |
24.10.2018 |
angelusnews.com |
Neutral stand on assisted suicide by physicians group called ‘startling’ |
23.10.2018 |
alexschadenberg.blogspot.com |
American Medical Association Ethics Committee maintains opposition to physician-assisted suicide |
22.10.2018 |
bccatholic.ca |
The CMA has a beam in its eye |
19.10.2018 |
catholicregister.org |
Euthanasia snub led to Canadian withdrawal from the World Medical Association, doctor says |
19.10.2018 |
canadafreepress.com |
Catholic Medical Association Speaks Out Against Fellow Medical Organization’s Decision to Take a “Neutral Stance” on Physician-Assisted Suicide |
18.10.2018 |
healthydebate.ca |
Canada’s departure from the WMA marks a missed opportunity |
17.10.2018 |
ahmetsaltik.net |
[Turkish] TTB, Dünya Tabipler Birliği Genel Kurulu’na katıldı |
16.10.2018 |
christianpost.com |
Family Physicians Org. Takes ‘Neutral’ Stance on Assisted Suicide |
15.10.2018 |
silvereco.org |
Ageing and Imprisonment – Workshop on ageing and imprisonment: identifying and meeting the needs of older prisoners – Summary Report |
15.10.2018 |
beyondnuclear.org |
World Medical Association reaffirms its opposition to nuclear weapons |
12.10.2018 |
nivadis.co.uk |
Recommendations on night shift work for pregnant doctors |
12.10.2018 |
cjnews.com |
Israeli doctor apologizes to Canadian Medical Association, after being accused of plagiarism |
12.10.2018 |
plagiarismtoday.com |
The World Medical Association’s Plagiarism War |
11.10.2018 |
psr.org |
World doctors urge world leaders to join the treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons |
11.10.2018 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association updates advice on termination of pregnancy |
11.10.2018 |
aerzteblatt.de |
[German] Weltärztebund lehnt Tötung auf Verlangen weiter ab |
11.10.2018 |
pressreader.com |
Termination of Pregnancy: WMA revises advice it previously offered |
11.10.2018 |
bundesaerztekammer.de |
[German] Weltärztebund positioniert sich zu medizinisch-ethischen Themen und zu Versorgungsfragen |
11.10.2018 |
nationalrighttolifenews.org |
Canadians and Dutch fail to shift World Medical Association opposition to euthanasia |
11.10.2018 |
retractionwatch.com |
Canadian Medical Association leaves international group after president plagiarizes past president’s speech |
11.10.2018 |
lejournalcanadien.com |
Kingston doctor surprised when World Medical Association’s new president used his words in inaugural speech |
11.10.2018 |
psychiatrictimes.com |
Euthanasia Versus Plagiarism: A Strange International Drama
10.10.2018 |
carenotcuts.ca |
The Canadian Medical Association’s Abrupt Resignation from the World Medical Association |
10.10.2018 |
cmajnews.com |
CMA quits global medical body over plagiarism row |
10.10.2018 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association voices concern over impact of ‘restrictive’ migration policies |
10.10.2018 |
hamodia.com |
Honor for Top Israeli Doctor Marred by ‘Plagiarism’ Charge |
10.10.2018 |
bmj.com |
Canadians quit World Medical Association over president’s plagiarised speech |
09.10.2018 |
amrigs.org.br |
[Portuguese] Diretor da AMB assume a presidência da World Medical Association (WMA) |
09.10.2018 |
slf.se |
[Swedish] World Medical Association diskuterade läkaretiska regler |
09.10.2018 |
lifenews.com |
World Medical Association Rejects Supporting Euthanasia Despite Pressure From Canada, Netherlands |
08.10.2018 |
independent.com |
Physicians raise concern over restrictive migration policies |
08.10.2018 |
en.mercopress.com |
World Medical Association appeals to Nicaragua to stop criminalizing doctors |
08.10.2018 |
residentdoctors.ca |
Resident doctors of Canada supports Canadian Medical Association’s resignation from the World Medical Association |
08.10.2018 |
bioedge.org |
Which is more egregious: euthanasia or plagiarism? |
08.10.2018 |
theglobeandmail.com |
Canadian doctors quit World Medical Association over plagiarism allegations
07.10.2018 |
thestar.com |
Canadian Medical Association resigns from world body amid plagiarism accusations |
07.10.2018 |
leaderpost.com |
Canadian Medical Association resigns from world body, accuses incoming president of plagiarizing inaugural speech |
04.10.2018 |
psychiatrictimes.com |
An Open Letter to Representatives of the World Medical Association |
03.10.2018 |
hrw.org |
Hunger Strikers in ICE Detention at Risk |
30.09.2018 |
ekklesia.co.uk |
World Medical Association supports health personnel on trial in Turkey |
30.09.2018 |
iol.co.za |
Bid to eradicate rabies by 2030 |
30.09.2018 |
ama.com.au |
World doctors condemn torture in Uganda |
30.09.2018 |
mymedicalmantra.com |
WMA: Elimination of dog-transmitted rabies by 2030 targeted |
30.09.2018 |
lakartidningen.se |
Health professionals around the world want a more ambitious declaration (in SE) |
28.09.2018 |
en.mercopress.com |
World Medical Association calls for systems based on physician led primary care |
24.09.2018 |
lusakatimes.com |
Zambia Medical Association condemns LCC for publishing medical records of the dead |
22.09.2018 |
pressreader.com |
why medics have to speak out on issue of Trident |
21.09.2018 |
jagran.com |
Dr. Gaurav became the President of World Medical Association |
20.09.2018 |
realclearhealth.com |
Assisted Suicide Is the Wrong Prescription |
20.09.2018 |
The fight is real! |
20.09.2018 |
eclj.org |
19.09.2018 |
history.stackexchange.com |
What oath did medical students take in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945? |
19.09.2018 |
eagle.co.ug |
Global medical body urges Kadaga to ensure victims of Arua by-election chaos get treatment |
19.09.2018 |
lifesitenews.com |
Doctors lobby for new euthanasia rules so organs can be ‘as fresh as possible’ |
19.09.2018 |
thebridgehead.ca |
Doctors lobby for organ donation-euthanasia coordination so organs can be ‘as fresh as possible’ |
19.09.2018 |
Soogi Katende |
Soogi Katende’s Tweet |
18.09.2018 |
graetnewsnetwork.com |
‘Doctors can jointly create a World Health-Keeping Force’ |
18.09.2018 |
garda.com |
Nicaragua: Anti-government protests enter sixth month /update 46 |
18.09.2018 |
theodysseyonline.com |
Human Harvesting |
17.09.2018 |
ynews.co.za |
Canada & Netherlands Pressuring World Medical Association To Promote Euthanasia |
16.09.2018 |
thenigerianvoice.com |
An African Earth warrior to attend the United Nations GeneralAssembly starting in September 2018 |
13.09.2018 |
emascanada.org |
DOCTORS: Support the WMA against Euthanasia 2018 |
11.09.2018 |
grandinmedia.ca |
Canadian Catholic doctors fight change to World Medical Association euthanasia ban |
11.09.2018 |
catholicanada.com |
Canadian Catholic doctors fight change to World Medical Association euthanasia ban |
10.09.2018 |
ewn.co.za |
10.09.2018 |
catholicregister.org |
Canadian Catholic doctors fighting change in World Medical Association code of ethics |
10.09.2018 |
ekklesia.co.uk |
World medical leaders express revulsion at torture reports from Uganda |
10.09.2018 |
ama.com.au |
The World Medical Association (WMA) has called for the reinstatement of the leaders of the Turkish Medical Association (TMA) following their dismissal by the Turkish Government |
10.09.2018 |
ntv.co.ug |
Global Doctors’ body condemns torture in Uganda |
07.09.2018 |
alexschadenberg.blogspot.com |
Canadian and Dutch Medical Associations pressure World Medical Association to change policy opposing euthanasia. |
06.09.2018 |
everydoctor.org |
‘Every Doctor: healthier doctors = healthier patients’ will be released in September |
06.09.2018 |
catholicleader.com.au |
Euthanasia debate to take place in Queensland after vote on abortion bill |
06.09.2018 |
qnews.com.au |
‘Gay Conversion’ Therapy Survivor Says Scott Morrison’s Response ‘Not Good Enough’ |
05.09.2018 |
pfizer.com |
Helping Kids Cope With A Cancer Diagnosis |
31.08.2018 |
encyclopedia.com |
Torture |
29.08.2018 |
star2.com |
Addressing the bullying of healthcare workers |
27.08.2018 |
wire.ama-assn.org |
AMA to Supreme Court: Doctor participation in executions unethical |
24.08.2018 |
economist.com |
Assisted dying is simply another form of euthanasia |
23.08.2018 |
philpapers.org |
Ethics briefing |
21.08.2018 |
dailymail.co.uk |
Future Aust doctors boycott fossil fuels |
19.08.2018 |
edge.ug |
Bobi Wine’s personal doctor allowed to see him |
18.08.2018 |
cdhb.health.nz |
Advice for health professionals on how to ensure their wellbeing |
17.08.2018 |
proquest.com |
Recognizing Ethical Issues in Research |
16.08.2018 |
cambridgescholars.com |
Is Medical Ethics in Armed Conflict Identical to Medical Ethics in Times of Peace? |
15.08.2018 |
mwia.net |
Medical Women´s International Association (MWIA) supports the request to end the campaign against physicians in Turkey |
14.08.2018 |
abc.net.au |
Euthanasia: ACT senator Zed Seselja defends his vote to keep territories from legislating on assisted dying |
14.08.2018 |
newagebd.net |
Legal remedy to medical negligence |
14.08.2018 |
ekklesia.co.uk |
Turkish President urged to end campaign against doctors |
08.08.2018 |
paperap.com |
Medicine and Law |
30.07.2018 |
cureus.com |
The Impact of the Hippocratic Oath in 2018 |
30.07.2018 |
medact.org |
Royal College of General Practitioners divests from fossil fuels! |
28.07.2018 |
en.mercopress.com |
World Medical Association condemns killing of medic in Nicaragua |
26.07.2018 |
theindependentbd.com |
Revamping the health sector |
25.07.2018 |
vaaju.com |
A child of many mothers—new knowledge: medicine and psychology |
23.07.2018 |
samedical.org |
SAMA calls for end to maturity assessments in Iran |
23.07.2018 |
jme.bmj.com |
Ethical concerns regarding guidelines for the conduct of clinical research on children |
23.07.2018 |
globalfamilydoctor.com |
From the CEO’s desk there is no UHC without PHC |
17.07.2018 |
iranfocus.com |
World Medical Association Condemns Child Executions in Iran |
17.07.2018 |
lakartidningen.se |
[Swedish] WMA fördömer läkares medverkan till avrättningar |
17.07.2018 |
ekklesia.co.uk |
WMA condemns complicity of doctors in Iranian executions |
16.07.2018 |
lakartidningen.se |
WMA condemns physicians’ involvement in executions |
13.07.2018 |
thedailystar.net |
In apocalyptic breach of Hippocratic Oath! |
13.07.2018 |
pharmacychoice.com |
Terminal illness: Lack of facilities takes toll on patients, families |
13.07.2018 |
dailytrust.com.ng |
Terminal illness: Lack of facilities takes toll on patients, families |
11.07.2018 |
youtube.com |
WMA, IFRC, & IFPMA Event @WHA71: Health Security – 100 years after Spanish Flu Pandemic |
09.07.2018 |
ngo-monitor.org |
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I) |
09.07.2018 |
mdmag.com |
Twelve Myths Concerning Medical Aid in Dying, or Physician-Assisted Suicide |
09.07.2018 |
reviewingresearch.com |
The good (virtuous) researcher? |
09.07.2018 |
cmda.org |
The Oath Revisited |
09.07.2018 |
www.theatlantavoice.com |
Ready for her closeup: Dr. Patrice Harris makes history as first black women to lead American Medical Association |
05.07.2018 |
conferences.academicjournals.org |
Medical Ethics Conference 2018 |
05.07.2018 |
cleantechnica.com |
This Free Online Tool Is Helping Healthcare Providers Go Green |
02.07.2018 |
www.newswire.com/ |
World Medical Association Launches Global Continuing Education Platform |
28.06.2018 |
prnewswire.com |
World Medical Association Launches Global Continuing Education Platform |
28.06.2018 |
abc-7.com |
World Medical Association Launches Global Continuing Education Platform |
28.06.2018 |
markets.businessinsider.com |
World Medical Association Launches Global Continuing Education Platform |
26.06.2018 |
znconsulting.com |
You make people better? Let us take care of your digital health |
26.06.2018 |
wikipedia.org |
Positions of medical organizations on electronic cigarettes |
25.06.2018 |
mymedicalmantra.com |
WMA launches education platform for doctors |
02.05.2018 |
veselam.la.lv |
Pat Hipokrata zvērests novecojis. Saruna ar izraēliešu ārstu, Latvijā dzimušo Leonīdu Eidelmanu |
07.05.2018 |
diena.lv |
Bez sadarbības ar mediķiem risinājumu nebūs |
27.09.2017 |
youtube.com |
Otmārs Kloibers – medicīna dažādās pasaules valstīs (25.09.2017.) |
18.06.2018 |
tipptatler.ie |
Collapse Of Health System Condemned By World Medical Association |
16.06.2018 |
en.mercopress.com |
Collapse of Nicaragua’s health system condemned by World Medical Association |
14.06.2018 |
deccanchronicle.com |
15 more biosimilar drugs to enter Indian market |
12.06.2018 |
medpagetoday.com |
AMA Urged to Rethink Fossil Fuel Investments |
12.06.2018 |
ama.com.au |
Federal Council Communiqué |
11.06.2018 |
texila-american-university.blogspot.com |
Physician’s pledge: A snapshot of the revised Declaration of Geneva |
11.06.2018 |
thenigerianvoice.com |
The Nigerian who inspired many at the United Nations Youth Dialogue conference |
09.06.2018 |
thelancet.com |
The growth and strategic functioning of One Health networks: a systematic analysis |
07.06.2018 |
link.springer.com |
The need for trust and safety inducing encounters: a qualitative exploration of women’s experiences of seeking perinatal care when living as undocumented migrants in Sweden |
07.06.2018. |
nexusmedianews.com |
Healthcare Starts with a Healthy Environment |
01.06.2018 |
pharmaceutical-journal.com |
UCL Fight the Fakes at the 71st World Health Assembly, Geneva |
01.06.2018 |
thehindu.com |
WHO resolution on snakebites flags the highly prevalent hazard at home |
30.05.2018 |
theindependentbd.com |
Ethical issues regarding medical research |
29.05.2018 |
daily-mail.co.zm |
What to know about medical marijuana |
28.05.2018 |
thenigerianvoice.com |
Nigerian Youth shines at the World Confab on Climate Change and Global warming in the USA |
28.05.2018 |
ama.com.au |
Queensland Government Honoured for Investing in Junior Doctors’ Health |
28.05.2018 |
ghananewsagency.org |
World Medical Association calls for vigorous response to New Ebola Outbreak |
25.05.2018 |
hhs.gov |
Readout of Secretary Azar’s Second Day of Participation at the 2018 World Health Assembly |
25.05.2018 |
mymedicalmantra.com |
Physician, leaders echo call for vigorous response to new Ebola outbreak |
23.05.2018 |
nspp.mofa.gov.tw |
Health minister earns global honor for Taiwan’s cutting-edge NHI system |
23.05.2018 |
focustaiwan.tw |
President showcases Taiwan’s health care system at WMA |
23.05.2018 |
english.president.gov.tw |
President Tsai’s video address to Universal Health Coverage Forum in Geneva |
22.05.2018 |
swissbiobanking.ch |
Evaluation REport V1 / 2017 National Consent: Mandate Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences |
22.05.2018 |
taiwantoday.tw |
Health minister earns global honor for Taiwan’s cutting-edge NHI system |
22.05.2018 |
english.ey.gov.tw |
World Medical Association leaders meet Taiwan health minister |
21.05.2018 |
focustaiwan.tw |
World Medical Association leaders meet Taiwan health minister |
17.05.2018 |
taipeitimes.com |
Delegation to leave for WHA meeting tomorrow |
15.05.2018 |
doctorportal.com.au |
Snippets: President in Good Company |
15.05.2018 |
knowyourquotes.com |
14.05.2018 |
ama.com.au |
14.05.2018 |
nairaland.com |
11.05.2018 |
Q95da.com |
09.05.2018 |
Taiwannews.com |
Taiwan expresses regret over not being invited to World Health Assembly |
08.05.2018 |
Breitbart.com |
Taiwan conveys ‘regret’ after WHO snub |
08.05.2018 |
Gaystarnews.com |
Men arrested on suspicion of being gay avoid anal exams in Cameroon |
07.05.2018 |
Bundesaerztekammer.de |
Weltärztebund fordert Verbot von Atomwaffen |
04.05.2018 |
Univadis.co.uk |
Doctors organisations urge countries to sign nuclear weapons treaty |
03.05.2018 |
Veselam.la.lv |
[Latvian]Pat Hipokrata zvērests novecojis. Saruna ar izraēliešu ārstu, Latvijā dzimušo Leonīdu Eidelmanu |
27.04.2018 |
Bitcoininsider.org |
Can a declaration on the ethical use of data be possible? |
27.04.2018 |
Thelancet.com |
25.04.2018 |
Leaderpost.com |
23.04.2018 |
medicosypacientes.com |
20.04.2018 |
Thediplomat.com |
19.04.2018 |
Thesaturdaypaper.com.au |
11.04.2018 |
Univadis.co.uk |
08.04.2018 |
arstubiedriba.lv |
06.04.2018 |
Mymedicalmantra.com |
05.04.2018 |
FirstPost |
31.03.2018 |
InfoGlitz |
22.03.2018 |
Youth Voices |
25.03.2018 |
Clinical Trials.gov |
25.03.2018 |
Kashmir Images |
24.03.2018 |
Africa Report on Business |
23.03.2018 |
hrw.org |
22.03.2018 |
forward.com |
22.03.2018 |
jme.bmj.com |
16.03.2018 |
Thelancet.com |
Life after death—surviving the attacks on civilians in Syria |
16.03.2018 |
Thelancet.com |
Good intentions do not replace ethical conduct in research |
15.03.2018 |
balcanicaucaso.org |
Turkey, hunger strikes against power |
09.03.2018 |
abovethelaw.com |
Trial And Error, Or The Problem Of Clinical Trial Data Exclusivity |
09.03.2018 |
ajph.aphapublications.org |
Prison Health Care Governance: Guaranteeing Clinical Independence |
08.03.2018 |
timesofmalta.com |
The politics of ‘life’ – Godfrey Farrugia |
05.03.2018 |
yourstephenvilletx.com |
SHS names distinguished alumni recipients |
05.03.2018 |
wired.co.uk |
Bad results from drug trials no longer have a place to hide |
01.03.2018 |
steemit.com |
Euthanasia |
01.03.2018 |
univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association urges support for doctors in Syria |
01.03.2018 |
Peaceandhealthblog.com |
Health federations call Ban Treaty a “significant forward step” toward elimination of nuclear weapons |
28.02.2018 |
refugeesmigrants.un.orgt |
The UN General Assembly requested Secretary-General António Guterres to prepare a report as an input to the zero draft of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and related intergovernmental negotiations |
28.02.2018 |
Human Harvesting |
27.02.2018 |
Jewishnews.timesofisrael.com |
World news-roundup: Dutch urged to help Iranian grandmother facing death penalty |
27.02.2018 |
deseretnews.com |
In our opinion: Delaying Utah’s .05 percent DUI law is as illogical as drinking and driving |
26.02.2018 |
Medical world Nigeria |
WMA Appeals for Immediate Release of Jailed Physician Sentenced to Death for Charge of Corruption on Earth |
26.02.2018 |
Bioedge.org |
Is the World Medical Association going to change on euthanasia? |
26.02.2018 |
The times of Israel |
500 Icelandic physicians back bill to outlaw circumcision |
23.02.2018 |
Center for bio similars |
Clinical Trial Results Reporting Tracker Launched by AllTrials |
21.02.2018 |
Medical society for climate health |
Feb 21: GCHA webinar, Health in the Paris Accord NDCs – 8:00 PM (London, GMT) |
21.02.2018 |
Medical Research and the Golden Rule |
21.02.2018 |
Catholicregister.org |
World medical body pushes back on conscience fight |
20.02.2018 |
bmj.com |
Is The BMJ the right journal for my research article? |
20.02.2018 |
Cathnews.co.nz |
Catholic Medical Association’s chief warns of threats
16.02.2018 |
Catholicbusinessjournal.biz |
16.02.2018 |
16.02.2018 |
Psychologytoday.com |
16.02.2018 |
Lifesitenews.com |
16.02.2018 |
Pressreader.com |
16.02.2018 |
The Royal Society of Medicine |
16.02.2018 |
Matercare.org |
09.02.2018 |
doctorssayno.nz |
08.02.2018 |
J MedEthics.com |
08.02.2018 |
Peaceandhealthblog.com |
08.02.2018 |
Journals.plos.org |
08.02.2018 |
Ten News |
07.02.2018 |
rcpsych.ac.uk |
07.02.2018 |
PressReader |
05.02.2018 |
Medical Dialogues |
05.02.2018 |
Dailytrust.com |
05.02.2018 |
Catholic Citizens.org |
05.02.2018 |
World Socialist Website |
05.02.2018 |
Nan.ng |
01.02.2018 |
Ahmetsaltik.net |
01.02.2018 |
Collectifmedecins.org |
01.02.2018 |
The NEWS Minutes |
31.01.2018 |
New York Dailynews |
31.01.2018 |
Deccanchronicle.com |
31.01.2018 |
31.01.2018 |
SCOOP Independent News |
31.01.2018 |
Haaretz.com |
Turkey Arrests Top Doctors for Protesting Ankara’s Assault on Syrian Kurds
31.01.2018 |
31.01.2018 |
Reuters |
30.01.2018 |
Leadership.ng |
30.01.2018 |
ijtihadnet.com |
30.01.2018 |
My medical mantra.com |
30.01.2018 |
Cambridge |
30.01.2018 |
SBS News |
30.01.2018 |
The Lancet |
18.01.2018 |
18.01.2018 |
Healthimpactnews.com |
18.01.2018 |
Flu65plus.com |
17.01.2018 |
Cardiovascularbusiness.com |
14.01.2018 |
News.journal509.com |
14.01.2018 |
Heraldgoa.in |
14.01.2018 |
Biomedical Journal of scientific and technical research |
14.01.2018 |
Heart Sisters |
11.01.2018 |
Politico Magazine |
11.01.2018 |
Docshare.tips |
10.01.2018 |
Phyisiospot.com |
09.01.2018 |
Indian Journal of Medical Ethics |
08.01.2018 |
The Wire |
The Modern-Day Hippocratic Oath Disappoints |
08.01.2018 |
Neilforbesnews.com |
AMA adopts Declaration of Geneva pledge |
05.01.2018 |
Cambridge Core |
Chaining, culture and values: ethical issues in research in middle- and low-income countries |
o4.01.2018 |
commondreams.org |
The Ethics of Warning the Public About a Dangerous President |
04.01.2018 |
today.mims.com |
2017 recap and review: Stories, headlines and highlights |
28.12.2017 |
lifenews.com |
Ten Legal Reasons to Reject Roe vs. Wade |
28.12.2017 |
himss.org |
Why End-of-the-Year Trends Articles Are the Perfect Holiday Treat |
26.12.2017 |
independent.co.uk |
‘Ethics dumping’ – the dark side of international research |
27.12.2017 |
The Japan Times |
Rural Fukuoka doctor now leading global campaign for universal health care |
22.12.2017 |
Australian Medical Association |
Christmas Message from AMA President |
22.12.2017 |
gloria.tv |
Is Pope Francis the Father of Italy’s Abominable Euthanasia Law? |
21.12.2017 |
Cardiology Associates of Dortmund |
Our Philosophy |
14.12.2017 |
Malta Today |
Medical cannabis is no ‘wonderdrug’ and should be used as a last resort – MAM |
20.12.2017 |
The Australian |
Living with the dying law: euthanasia tensions linger |
18.12.2017 |
Israel Seen |
Hanukkah Special: Israel’s Achievements and Heartwarming Stories |
18.12.2017 |
CSL Behring |
Research Practices |
18.12.2017 |
The Guardian |
Expert urges doctors to respect autonomy, sanctity of patients |
18.12.2017 |
The Tablet |
14.12.2017 |
Wikipedia |
Positions of medical organizations on electronic cigarettes |
13.12.2017 |
Die-tagespost.de |
Kampfmodus in Italien |
13.12.2017 |
Theconversation.com |
‘Ethics dumping’ – the dark side of international research |
13.12.2017 |
Chausa.org |
Pope counsels Catholics on end-of-life decisions |
11.12.2017 |
The Health Pilot |
World Medical Association Regional Meeting to Hold in Abuja |
09.12.2017 |
Daily Journal |
NMMC Salutes Dr. Ed Hill |
08.12.2017 |
E.C.M.O. |
Modern Physician’s Pledge Approved by World Medical Association |
05.12.2017 |
Who Speaks for Doctors on Euthanasia? |
05.12.2017 |
Intellectual Takeout |
New Hippocratic Oath Calls on Physicians to Respect “Autonomy and Dignity” of Trans Patients |
05.12.2017 |
The Scientist |
Clinical Trial Reporting for Pharma-Sponsored Trials Shows Improvement |
04.12.2017 |
Daily Times |
PMA Shows Concern Over 25pc Fee Increase Recommendation |
04.12.2017 |
Vietnam Posts |
Innovation in Medical-ed Highlighted |
02.12.2017 |
Info Catolica |
La Asociación Médica Mundial actualiza el Juramento Hipocrático desprotegiendo al no nacido |
01.12.2017 |
Resus.me |
The Physician’s Pledge |
01.12.2017 |
British Medical Journal |
Global Action On The Social Determinants of Health |
01.12.2017 |
el dispreciau.blogspot.fr |
World Medical Association Updates Hippocratic Oath |
01.12.2017 |
scoop.co.nz |
The End of Life Choice bill a Poison Chalice |
30.11.2017 |
associationsnow.com |
30.11.2017 |
corrispondenzaromana.it |
Legge sul “fine vita” con il benestare della Chiesa cattolica? |
30.11.2017 |
tidsskriftet.no |
WMA har revidert Genève-erklæringen |
29.11.2017 |
genethique.org |
28.11.2017 |
blogs.bmj.com |
Why ABC’s The Good Doctor Gets (Most of it) Right |
28.11.2017 |
mercatornet.com |
World Medical Association updates Hippocratic Oath |
28.11.2017 |
spectator.com.au |
Euthanasia laws: the true implications |
27.11.2017 |
desertsun.com |
Valley Voice: The dicey dilemma of ending it all by choice |
27.11.2017 |
bioedge.org |
“Care” vs “overzealous treatment”: Pope Francis speaks on end of life issues |
27.11.2017 |
ama.com.au |
Transcript: AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, with Gareth Parker, 6PR, Monday 27 November 2017 |
24.11.2017 |
thelancet.com |
Threats to human health by great ocean garbage patches |
24.11.2017 |
scoop.co.nz |
Put a stop to bullying, says NZMA |
23.11.2017 |
lifenews.com |
Vatican Co-Hosts Event with Planned Parenthood Board Member, Euthanasia Advocates |
22.11.2017 |
ama.com.au |
AMA media release |
21.11.2017 |
worldreligionnews.com |
Pope Francis calls out inequality in healthcare |
21.11.2017 |
wire.ama-assn.org |
Global physician ethics pledge gets biggest makeover in decades |
21.11.2017 |
chinachristiandaily.com |
Pope Francis Condemns Healthcare Inequality |
20.11.2017 |
Catholic TV Network |
[VIDEO] Pope Francis addresses Europeans of World Medical Association | Catholic Newsbreak 11-17-2017 |
20.11.2017 |
catholicnewsagency.com |
End of life care must acknowledge our mortality, Francis reminds physicians |
19.11.2017 |
catholicnews.com |
Care for the dying does not mean obstinately resisting death, pope says |
19.11.2017 |
ecumenicalnews.com |
Never abandon the sick, euthanasia is always wrong, Pope Francis tells doctors |
19.11.2017 |
gloria.tv |
[VIDEO] Pope Francis addresses Europeans of World Medical Association | Catholic Newsbreak 11-17-2017 |
16.11.2017 |
italiaoggi.it |
Il Papa non ha approvato l’eutanasia |
16.11.2017 |
ansa.it |
Suspending therapy can be OK – pope |
16.11.2017 |
lastampa.it |
End-of-life, the Pope, “morally licit to discontinue therapeutic measures when disproportionate” |
16.11.2017 |
abruzzonotizie.com |
Il Papa apre all’eutanasia |
16.11.2017 |
ilmessaggero.it |
Papa sul fine vita: «Sospendere le cure se non proporzionali» |
16.11.2017 |
reggiosera.it |
Papa e fine vita: “Lecito stop alle cure se non sono proporzionali” |
16.11.2017 |
sicilianews24.it |
Fine vita no ad accanimento terapeutico, il Papa: “Non è eutanasia” |
16.11.2017 |
quotidianosanita.it |
16.11.2017 |
rainews.it |
Papa: evitare accanimento terapeutico non è eutanasia |
16.11.2017 |
quotidiano.net |
Papa: stop cure se non proporzionali |
16.11.2017 |
it.radiovaticana.va |
Papa Francesco: “mai abbandonare il malato”
16.11.2017 |
press.vatican.va |
Message of the Holy Father to the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life on the occasion of the European Regional Meeting of the “World Medical Association” on “end of life” issues (Vatican, 16-17 November 2017), |
16.11.2017 |
dailysabah.com |
Pope Francis says it may be ‘permissible’ to stop treating dying patients
16.11.2017 |
cruxnow.com |
Pope Francis calls European physicians to morally withdraw from ‘overzealous treatment’ |
16.11.2017 |
qtelegram.com |
16.11.2017 |
americamagazine.org |
Pope Francis: No to euthanasia, but we should not obstinately resist death |
15.11.2017 |
pressreleasepoint.com |
WMA Medical Ethics conference |
15.11.2017 |
catholicnewslive.com |
Vatican Conference Invites Promoters of Euthanasia |
15.11.2017 |
zenit.org |
Vatican to Host Congress on November 16-17 on End of Life |
14.11.2017 |
today.mims.com |
Key amendments reflected in newly revised Hippocratic Oath |
14.11.2017 |
palliumindia.org |
Geneva declaration revised |
14.11.2017 |
Morningconsult.com |
Step Therapy Reform Will Help Physicians Put Patients First |
14.11.2017 |
whatsupdoc-lemag.fr |
13.11.2017 |
Observer.ug |
Defiant doctors ‘maintain strike’ despite govt order |
13.11.2017 |
Medicalworldnigeria.com |
World Medical Association Urges Immediate Release of Jailed Physician |
10.11.2017 |
thelancet.com |
Threats to human health by great ocean garbage patches |
10.11.2017 |
today.mims.com |
Addressing burnout among doctors |
10.11.2017 |
asahi.com |
PARADISE PAPERS: Medical device maker offered stock options to doctors, hospital |
09.11.2017 |
masscitizensforlife.org |
A New Hippocratic Oath Removes Protection of Life “From Conception” |
09.11.2017 |
Bioedge.org |
New Hippocratic Oath for doctors approved |
09.11.2017 |
Patientsrightsaction.org |
09.11.2017 |
Greaterkashmir.com |
One world, One Health, and One Medicine |
07.11.2017 |
Cmaj.ca |
World Medical Association updates ethical code for physicians |
07.11.2017 |
Paneuropeannetworks.com |
Challenges and opportunities |
07.11.2017 |
Cfms.org |
Medical students applaud World Medical Association statement on bullying and harassment within the profession |
06.11.2017 |
Medsocietiesforclimatehealth.org |
World Medical Association (WMA) revised policy on climate change and health (2017) |
06.11.2017 |
Medicalworldnigeria.com |
Physicians Pledge: World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva (Amended October 2017) |
06.11.2017 |
Bioedge.org |
New Hippocratic Oath for doctors approved |
03.11.2017 |
junkee.com |
I’m Not “Better Off Dead”: The Problem With Assisted Suicide Legislation |
03.11.2017 |
nzconservativecoalition.org.nz |
World Medical Association reiterates strong opposition to physician assisted suicide |
01.11.2017 |
deathrattlesports.com |
Modern edge to Hippocratic Oath |
31.10.2017 |
genethique.org |
31.10.2017 |
behavioral.net |
Create a new oath for behavioral healthcare organizations
31.10.2017 |
nationalrighttolifenews.org |
World Medical Association reiterates strong opposition to physician assisted suicide and to Australian bill |
31.10.2017 |
cfms.org |
Medical students applaud World Medical Association statement on bullying and harassment within the profession |
30.10.2017 |
wire.ama-assn.org |
World physician leaders set standard for assuring quality med ed |
30.10.2017 |
newvision.co.ug |
Why medics are striking |
30.10.2017 |
alexschadenberg.blogspot.fr |
World Medical Association speaks out against euthanasia bill in Australia |
30.10.2017 |
youtube.com |
Call for climate change health funding |
30.10.2017 |
doctorportal.com.au |
Euthanasia: an emphatic no from this GP |
30.10.2017 |
telegraph india.com |
Dr Noose? Spare us- Doctors want no part in hangings
30.10.2017 |
samedical.org |
Emergency funding needed to combat climate change – WMA |
28.10.2017 |
cathnews.com |
World Medical Association condemns assisted dying bill |
28.10.2017 |
hehappymd.com |
A Quadruple Aim update for the Hippocratic Oath |
28.10.2017 |
pressreader.com |
The right to ask for release |
28.10.2017 |
bioedge.org |
Vic euthanasia bill hangs in balance as World Medical Association intervenes |
27.10.2017 |
observer.ug |
We need health care reforms as a collective endeavour |
28.10.2017 |
orderclomid.info |
Dox Responds: The Updated Physician’s Pledge |
27.10.2017 |
all.org |
Clamoring for Hippocrates |
28.10.2017 |
läkartidningen.se |
WMA tar starkt avstånd från läkarassisterat självmord |
28.10.2017 |
ama.com.au |
Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide |
27.10.2017 |
medicalworldnigeria.com |
World Medical Association Reiterates Strong Opposition To Physician Assisted Suicide And To Australian Bill |
27.10.2017 |
online.isentiallink.com |
World Medical Association calls on Victorian MPs to reject euthanasia bill |
26.10.2017 |
ama.com.au |
Historic change to Declaration of Geneva |
27.10.2017 |
ngstudentforum.com.ng |
JOHESU Response to call by NMA to FG not to appoint consultants in other fields |
27.10.2017 |
Huffingtonpost.in |
The Morning Wrap: Mamata Banerjee’s Aadhaar Rebellion; US Making Renewal Of H1-B Tougher |
25.10.2017 |
Fiercehealthcare.com |
The Hippocratic Oath gets an update with new language about physician well-being, respect and patient autonomy |
25.10.2017 |
Indiatoday.intoday.in |
Don’t force doctors to be part of executions, says Indian Medical Association |
25.10.2017 |
Bmj.com |
Examining the role of healthcare professionals in the use of solitary confinement |
25.10.2017 |
Thehindu.com |
Doctors’ participation in executions violates medical ethics: IMA |
24.10.2017 |
Mdmag.com |
Revised Declaration of Geneva Could Replace Hippocratic Oath |
24.10.2017 |
Blogs.bmj.com |
There’s a New Declaration of Geneva! |
24.10.2017 |
Painnewsnetwork.org |
Why Human Suffering Should Bother You |
23.10.2017 |
Medical World Nigeria |
Emergency Funding Needed To Combat Climate Change, Says WMA |
23.10.2017 |
Alexschadenberg.blogspot.fr |
Australian Medical Association (AMA) opposes bill to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. |
23.10.2017 |
Theaustralian.com.au |
Euthanasia fails doctors’ code |
23.10.2017 |
Deccanchronicle.com |
Physician’s role is of a healer |
20.10.2017 |
Kkaggarwal.com |
WMA policy statement on participation of doctors in executions should be implemented |
20.10.2017 |
Mymedicalmantra.com |
WMA: Climate change poses health risks, emergency funding needed to combat it |
19.10.2017 |
Univadis.co.uk |
World Medical Association questions evidence for medicinal cannabis |
18.10.2017 |
Business.scoop.co.nz |
NZMA policy on bullying adopted by World Medical Association |
17.10.2017 |
Jpost.com |
16.10.2017 |
JamaNetwork.com |
The Revised Declaration of GenevaA Modern-Day Physician’s Pledge |
16.10.2017 |
Thehealthpilot.org |
World Medical Association approves new Physicians’ Oath |
16.10.2017 |
Vanguardngr.com |
World Medical Association okays new Physicians’ Oath |
16.10.2017 |
MercoPress.com |
Cannabis as medicine: more research is needed says World Medical Association |
16.10.2017 |
Bonsue.tv |
14.10.2017 |
The Japan Times |
Japan’s Yokokura to head World Medical Association |
14.10.2017 |
My Medical Mantra |
Strike: The World Medical Association supports Poland’s junior doctors |
12.10.2017 |
The Lancet |
Treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons: towards safeguarding humanity |
12.10.2017 |
Managed Health Care Connect |
12.10.2017 |
NZ Herald |
Local doctor to make history with Hippocratic Oath |
06.10.2017 |
ModernGhana |
KNUST vet students to vaccinate 1000 cats, dogs against rabies |
03.10.2017 |
Crux |
Academy for Life: “We must always, any way and anywhere be pro-life” |
03.10.2017 |
Ventura County Star |
A dangerous illusion
02.10.2017 |
Peace And Health Blog |
Health federations call Ban Treaty a “significant forward step” toward elimination of nuclear weapons |
02.10.2017 |
Australian Medicine |
World Medical Association calls for more nations to sign treaty against nuclear weapons |
02.10.2017 |
Brytfmonline |
Rabies kills 10, 500 cases recorded so far |
02.10.2017 |
ModernGhana |
Dog-transmitted Rabies To Be Eliminated By 2030 |
29.09.2017 |
UN News Centre |
On World Day, UN announces global initiative to end deaths from dog-transmitted rabies by 2030 |
29.09.2017 |
Ghana News Agency |
Elimination of dog-transmitted rabies by 2030 target |
28.09.2017 |
Royal Society |
Good publication practice standards |
28.09.2017 |
24.09.2017 |
OutInPerth |
Health Minister will look at legislation around “gay conversion therapy” |
22.09.2017 |
ABC.net.au |
‘Ludicrous practice’ of gay conversion therapy to be scrutinised |
21.09.2017 |
Univadis |
World Medical Association marks Medical Ethics Day |
21.09.2017 |
MedAct |
Health federations call Ban Treaty a “significant forward step” toward elimination of nuclear weapons |
20.09.2017 |
WMA marks its 70th anniversary on World Medical Ethics Day |
20.09.2017 |
Pressenza |
Ban treaty is a “significant forward step” toward elimination of nuclear weapons |
19.09.2017 |
Univadis |
Doctors call for increased supports for refugee health |
19.09.2017 |
NewMatilda |
Tomorrow The World Is Going To Try And Ban Nuclear Weapons. Australia Wants To Keep Them. |
19.09.2017 |
19.09.2017 |
PressReleasePoint |
WMA marks its 70th anniversary on World Medical Ethics Day |
19.09.2017 |
My MedicalMantra |
WMA celebrates its 70th anniversary on medical ethics day |
19.09.2017 |
World Medical Association marks 70th anniversary on Medical Ethics Day |
15.09.2017 |
KoreaBioMed |
Herb doctors’ use of medical device will hurt public health’ |
11.09.2017 |
Forward |
Israeli Doctors Warn Foreigners Not To Force Feed Palestinian Hunger Strikers |
08.09.2017 |
Lexology |
Telemedicine and its effects on healthcare |
08.09.2017 |
Daily Trust |
Medical doctors: Between Hippocratic Oath and right to strike |
08.09.2017 |
The Spectator |
Myth and reality and assisted suicide |
08.09.2017 |
Pressenza |
John Loretz, IPPNW: Strengthening the message about the consequences of nuclear weapons |
08.09.2017 |
GB Times |
Pros & cons: Should doctors help patients die? |
06.09.2017 |
MethodSpace |
The Great Unknown: The Impact of Academic Conferences |
06.09.2017 |
Battlegrounds Tv |
Health care in danger: launch of a common core on ethics |
06.09.2017 |
International Law Office |
Telemedicine and its effects on healthcare |
28.08.2017 |
Gisborneherald |
Euthanasia is a dangerous, unwise policy |
23.08.2018 |
The Conversation |
Why boxing and cage fighting should be banned – but won’t be |
18.08.2017 |
The JAMA Network |
The Nuremberg Code 70 Years Later |
10.08.2017 |
Springer |
Medical oath: use and relevance of the Declaration of Geneva. A survey of member organizations of the World Medical Association (WMA) |
07.08.2017 |
NZ Herald |
Opinion: Dangerous bill must be defeated |
07.08.2017 |
NoEuthanasia |
Medical Professionals: Euthanasia Hurts Both Patient And Doctor |
01.08.2017 |
Hepbum Advocate |
Euthanasia would undermine doctors’ role as healers | OPINION |
27.07.2017 |
PR Newswire |
26.07.2017 |
My Medical Mantra |
Online Continuous Medical Education, soon a reality in India |
20.07.2017 |
Springer |
Euthanasia: Global Scenario and Its Status in India |
20.07.2017 |
Merco Press |
World Medical Association urges Venezuela to immediately address health situation |
19.07.2017 |
Observatorio De Bioetica |
La “Internacional Association For Hospice & Palliative Care (IAHPC)” se declara en contra de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido |
14.07.2017 |
The BMJ Opinion |
Kathleen Thomas: Hospital bombardment—the new weapon of war? |
12.07.2017 |
Medact |
Response from BMA to Medact letter re: Palestinian hunger strikes in Israeli prisons and detention centres |
12.07.2017 |
Howlingpixel |
Assisted suicide |
06.07.2017 |
Laws — Open Access Journal |
Victims of Violence: The Forced Sterilisation of Women and Girls with Disabilities in Australia |
06.07.2017 |
Dissident Voice |
Marwan Barghouti and the Battle of the Empty Stomachs |
27.06.2017 |
Anthropology News |
The Voice of Hunger, Part 2 |
26.06.2017 |
SCOOP Politics |
David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill |
21.06.2017 |
Independent Catholic News |
Christian peace organisations urge UK participation in UN Nuclear Weapon Ban talks |
20.06.2017 |
Banmuang |
ติวเข้มสถานพยา บาลไทยให้บริการสุขภาพมาตรฐานสากล (Thai Nursing Clinic provides universal health services) |
20.06.2017 |
CorrectionalNurse.net |
Book Review: Humane Health Care for Prisoners |
19.06.2017 |
Health Inequality: TB, trauma and technology |
09.06.2017 |
South Florida Hospital News |
Summary of Major Actions of the Annual American Medical Association House of Delegates, June 10-14, Chicago, Illinois |
09.06.2017 |
Defend Democracy Press |
Get the facts on Palestinian hunger strike |
08.06.2017 |
The New England Journal of Medicine |
Whose Data Are They Anyway? Can a Patient Perspective Advance the Data-Sharing Debate? |
06.06.2017 |
Hindustan Times |
World Medical Association highlights attacks on Indian doctors: Report |
06.06.2017 |
PPAR Signaling |
The contraction in doses distributed in EURO can clearly be noted |
05.06.2017 |
Becker’s Hospital Review |
Millennial physicians opting out of the Hippocratic Oath in favor of alternatives |
03.06.2017 |
Right to Life New Zealand |
Belgian Doctor Advocate for Culture of Death Descends on New Zealand |
03.06.2017 |
The New York Times |
Choosing When and How to Die |
02.06.2017 |
Advanced Drivers of North America |
The Crash-Risk Argument for a Limit of 0.05% Blood-Alcohol Concentration rather than 0.08% |
02.06.2017 |
ilTrentino |
“Social injustice is killing on a grand scale” by Michael Marmot |
02.06.2017 |
PLOS Journals |
The outcomes and controversies of transplant tourism—Lessons of an 11-year retrospective cohort study from Taiwan |
02.06.2017 |
Times of India |
2 women doctors promote female genital mutilation, may face action |
31.05.2017 |
Bizcommunity |
Good or bad, medical research funders promise to publish clinical trial results |
30.05.2017 |
Impakter |
How to stop climate change and reverse global warming |
28.05.2017 |
Normangee Star |
UN Calls on Israel to Solve Palestinian Prisoner Crisis |
23.05.2017 |
Medical Dialogues |
Violence against Indian Doctors reverberates at World Medical Association meet |
23.05.2017 |
Hindustan Times |
World Medical Association highlights attacks on Indian doctors: Report |
23.05.2017 |
Global Research |
Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike as Drumpf Visits Israel |
23.05.2017 |
My Medical Mantra |
Include Doctor’s Protection Act in Police Syllabus, says IMA president of Maharashtra |
23.05.2017 |
Merco.Press |
WMA leader warns about growing violence against physicians and healthcare |
19.05.2017 |
CNN Point |
Major end of life conferences organized by World Medical Association |
19.05.2017 |
SCOOP Politics |
International Health Community Rejects TPP Revival |
19.05.2017 |
The Star Online |
GP practices need protection |
18.05.2017 |
Major research funders and international NGOs to implement WHO standards on reporting clinical trial results |
12.05.2017 |
Puls Medycyny |
WMA o udzielaniu pomocy podczas lotu samolotem (WMA on providing medical assistance during a plane flight) |
10.05.2017 |
Univadis |
World Medical Association proposes changes to modified Hippocratic Oath. |
10.05.2017 |
Truthout |
Israel Resorts to Psychological Warfare to Try to Break Palestinian Hunger Strike |
09.05.2017 |
Penang Trails |
Dato’ Seri Dr T.P. Devaraj |
09.05.2017 |
Right to Life New Zealand |
Ontario Demands Doctors Refer for Euthanasia, Forcing them to Leave Medicine or Abandon Their Ethical Principles |
08.05.2017 |
Australian Medicine |
The world view of health |
05.05.2017 |
ModernGhana |
Female Genital Circumcision In Ghana? |
05.05.2017 |
i24NEWS |
Israel mulls using foreign doctors to force feed Palestinian prisoners: report |
04.05.2017 |
Policy options of IRPP |
Physicians, conscience and assisted dying |
04.05.2017 |
The Independent |
Pregnant women and children are not getting enough medical attention |
01.05.2017 |
ICT&Health |
Europese artsenkoepel wil gedragscode ethisch gebruik medische data (European doctors will conduct the ethical usage of medical data) |
01.05.2017 |
Handicapnieuws |
Europese artsen zetten eerste stap gedragscode gebruik gegevens medische databanken (European doctors take first step towards code of conduct in medical databases) |
01.05.2017 |
Bolsafinanzas |
Palestinians injured in West Bank clashes with Israeli troops |
29.04.2017 |
SSPX news & events |
The Pope says “No” to Atomic Weapons |
27.04.2017 |
Tennews |
#IMA leaders attend the 206th WMA Council Meeting in #Zambia |
26.04.2017 |
The NEJM |
Whose Data Are They Anyway? Can a Patient Perspective Advance the Data-Sharing Debate? |
26.04.2017 |
Medicinska nyheter |
Death of a sibling increases risk of death by 71 per cent |
26.04.2017 |
Univadis |
L’Association médicale mondiale s’attaque au harcèlement généralisé sur le lieu de travail des professionnels de santé |
26.04.2017 |
Dr K. K. Aggarwal Blog |
New AAN-AES guidelines on sudden unexpected death in epilepsy |
26.04.2017 |
Emedinews |
New AAN-AES guidelines on sudden unexpected death in epilepsy |
25.04.2017 |
Legeforeningen |
Høynivåmøte mot vold mot barn |
25.04.2017 |
The New York Times |
Doctors at an Execution? Medical Ethics Says No |
25.04.2017 |
ovimagazine |
Physician Leaders Urge Immediate Release of Jailed Turkish Doctor |
24.04.2017 |
La référence en ligne des professionnels de santé |
L’Association médicale mondiale condamne la détention d’un médecin turc |
24.04.2017 |
A Trusted Medical Reference |
World Medical Association condemns detention of Turkish doctor |
22.04.2017 |
OVI Magazine.com |
Physician Leaders Urge Immediate Release of Jailed Turkish Doctor |
22.04.2017 |
State House Press Office – Zambia Facebook |
WMA council session |
21.04.2017 |
Dünya Tabipler Birliği: Dr. Küni serbest bırakılsın (World Medical Association: Dr. Küni You are free) |
21.04.2017 |
sendika.org |
Dünya Tabipler Birliği’nden, Dr. Serdar Küni için harekete geçme çağrısı (From the World Medical Association, Call for action for Serdar Kuni) |
21.04.2017 |
bianet |
Sağlık hizmeti tehlikeye sokuluyor (Health care is in danger) |
21.04.2017 |
Human Rights Foundation of Turkey |
Dr. Serdar Küni İçin Dünya Tabipler Birliği Konseyi Tarafından Oybirliği ile Alınan Karar (Dr. Serdar Küni receives a unanimous decision by Council of the World Medical Association) |
21.04.2017 |
Sjukhusläkaren (Hospital Doctor) |
Heidi Stensmyren vald till ordförande för WMA:s etikkommitté (Heidi Stensmyren elected Chairman of the WMA Ethics Committee) |
21.04.2017 |
Sjukhusläkaren (Hospital Doctor) |
Debatt om läkares medverkan vid utvisningar(Debate on medical involvement in expulsions) |
21.04.2017 |
IOSR Journal |
Ethical Disaster or Natural Disaster? Importance of Ethical Issue in Disaster Management |
21.04.2017 |
We’re transforming health Sector |
20.04.2017 |
TimesofMalta.com |
In sickness and in health |
20.04.2017 |
iono.fm |
Podcasts, 19 Apr Doctors meet |
19.04.2017 |
Chanel Africa |
Doctors gather for World Medical Association Council Meeting |
18.04.2017 |
Läkartidningen (Medical Newspaper) |
Läkarförbundet får kritik för uttalande om utvisningar(The Medical Association receives criticism for statements about expulsions) |
15.04.2017 |
The Herald Scotland |
Call for smacking ban to protect Scotland’s youngsters |
13.04.2017 |
The New American |
Swedish Court: Midwives Must Perform Abortions or Lose Job |
07.04.2017 |
Wikipedia |
Margaret Mungherera |
05.04.2017 |
The Event Chronical |
Seventh-Day Adventists and Project Whitecoat |
05.04.2017 |
Brookings |
Amid growing need, refugee health workers could fill key gaps |
25.03.2017 |
ResearchGate |
Public Health, Preparedness and the World Health Organisation Response To Swine Flu in 2009 |
25.03.2017 |
The Lancet |
The Need to Revise the Helsinki Declaration |
25.02.2017 |
The Lancet |
Margaret Mungherera |
23.03.2017 |
4-traders.com |
Contact Energy: Euthanasia Unethical For Doctors |
22.03.2017 |
The BMJ |
Margaret Mungherera |
20.03.2017 |
Free Republic |
Dana Loesch Counters Argument True Conservatives Must Support Women´s Right To Seek Abortions |
20.03.2017 |
Journals Plos |
Ethical Problems In An Era Where Disasters have become a Part Of Daily Life: A Qualitative Study Of Healthcare Workers In Turkey |
20.03.2017 |
PsychiatryAdvisor |
Ethical Concerns With Non-Reporting of Negative Clinical Trial Results |
19.03.2017 |
LinkedIn |
Euthanasia – Types, Arguments For and Against |
17.03.2017 |
Wikipedia |
Concussion |
17.03.2017 |
Physicians For Social Responsibility |
Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty Negotiations Begin at UN |
28.02.2017 |
Daily Maverick |
Cricket: ICC’s baffling reluctance to act on concussion |
27.02.2017 |
Daily Times |
PMA demands trauma centres across country |
24.02.2017 |
Energy live News |
PhD student goes hungry to protest fossil fuel investment |
24.02.2017 |
PLOS one |
Lung Cancer Specialist Physicians´ attitudes towards e-cigarettes: A nationwide survey |
22.02.2017 |
OXFORD Academic |
Neuro – Oncology |
21.02.2017 |
PLOS Biology |
Putting Placebos To The Test |
20.02.2017 |
Dragon Claw |
Who We Are |
19.02.2017 |
Stat Pathway |
Also, researches who obtain unwelcome data from a particular sub#mce_temp_url# |
18.02.2017 |
The Lancet |
A Declaration to the UN on Wars in the Middle East |
16.02.2017 |
Cricket Network |
Sub rule puts fill-in’keepers at risk: Finch |
15.02.2017 |
New Vision |
MPs Push For Increased Funding For Health |
15.02.2017 |
New Vision |
Dr. Mungherera: Civil society’s tribute to “our hero” |
15.02.2017 |
YallAfrica |
Uganda: Dr Mungherera Is an Icon of Selfless Service |
14.02.2017 |
Vatican Conference Spreads Misinformation About Organ Harvesting in China |
14.02.2017 |
Prime Minister Rugunda Tribute to Dr Mungherera |
13.02.2017 |
Mulerasfireplace |
Yes, honor Dr. Margaret Mungherera in Parliament |
13.02.2017 |
ResearchGate |
Why Should the World Medical Association not Change its Policy towards Euthanasia? |
12.02.2017 |
Jamaica Observer |
Ethics Committees Crucial For Health Research |
10.02.2017 |
The Media Express |
Iran’s Human Rights Violations Continues to Escalate |
07.02.2017 |
Better Information |
Dr. Mungherera’s body to arrive this afternoon, Burial is set for saturday |
07.02.2017 |
New Vision |
Doctors Receive Mungherera’s body |
07.02.2017 |
WatchDog New |
Ministry of Health releases Burial program for Dr. Margaret Mungherera |
04.02.2017 |
Business Guide Africa |
DR. Margaret Mungherera dies at 59 after loosing her battle against cancer |
03.02.2017 |
Mercury |
Talking Point: We need a healthier perspective on urban planning schemes |
01.02.2017 |
wn.com |
World Medical Association Urges Iran to Stop Denying Medical Care to Prisoners |
31.01.2017 |
Newsmp.com (Korean: Euiyak News) |
Critisiam raised on appointment of World Medical Association Council Member from KMA (in Korean) |
30,01,2017 |
Citeulike |
Emerging Ethical Issues Regarding Digital Health Data. On the World Medical Association Draft Declaration on Ethical Consideration Regarding Health Databases and Biobanks. |
26.01.2017 |
Washington Examiner |
Religion is Keeping Abortion Legal |
24.01.2017 |
International News |
All set for GB, Punjab Music Festival Next Month |
20.01.2017 |
The Solidarity and Health Neutrality of Physicians in War and Peace |
18.01.2017 |
Univadis |
World Medical Association Seeks Doctors Support On Climate Change |
17.01.2017 |
Trials and tribulations |
16.01.2017 |
Houston Chronicle |
Dr. Joseph Thomas Painter M.D. |
16.01.2017 |
Wikipedia |
Organ Transplantation |
12.01.2017 |
Ethics and Health Law News |
Revised CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Health – Related Research Involving Humans |
11.01.2017 |
ACSblog |
Guantanamo: Fifteen Years and Counting |
09.01.2017 |
Shadowproof |
Obama’s Legacy: No Justice For Torture |
07.01.2017 |
Medact |
World Medical Association Calls on Health Sector to Divest – Will You ask Your Royal College? |
05.01.2017 |
Climate for Health |
Speaking Through Your Spending: Fossil Fuel Divestment & The Health Care Field |
04.01.2017 |
Univadis |
World Medical Association sets out its priorities for 2017 |
04.01.2017 |
Pressreader |
Physicians’2017 |
04.01.2017 |
Yali Creatives |
Medical Law and Ethics |
03.01.2017 |
GlobeLife Deaths |
A Life Devoted To The Arts |
03.01.2017 |
Medscape |
The Growing Threat of Nuclear War and the Role of the Health Community |