Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

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World Health Assembly
Item 11.8 Follow-up to the high-level meetings of the United Nations General Assembly on
health-related issues – Prevention and control of NCDs
Honorable Chairperson, Distinguished delegates,
Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the World Medical Association (WMA), which
represents more than 9 million physicians from over 110 countries across the globe.
We would like to thank WHO for the report of the third High level meeting on the Prevention and
Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), whereas it encompasses all the aspects of scaling
up the multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder responses, in the context of meeting target 3.4 of the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG3).
The WMA agrees with the report’s recognition that the world has yet to fulfil its promise of
implementing at all levels, accelerating the progress and broadening the scope of its commitments.
The voice of doctors is important in raising awareness on prevention and on the individual
behaviours and risk factors. Additional physicians play an important role in addressing the social
and economic circumstances that give rise to premature ill health, throughout the life course. The
WMA notes that it can gather examples of good practice from its members and promote further
work in this area. In this respect, strong and balanced health workforce has the pivotal role in the
delivery of the SDG3.
We recognize the need for strengthening health systems, tackling with the lack of health
professionals and enabling safe working conditions, as a key component of national health plans in
the delivery of SDG3. Furthermore, we identify the need for strong supply chains of procurement
that increase access to essential medicines needed for control of NCDs.
Therefore, we call upon the WHO and Member States to consider the need of many countries for
catalytic funding to accelerate this work, although domestic resources should be the mainstay of
action on NCDs, as in many societies, the burden of NCDs follows the social gradient.
Thank you