WMA Supports Move To Ban Tobacco Advertising In The Czech Republic

Following a meeting in Prague today, the World Medical Association has strongly supported the efforts of the Czech Medical Association to bring about a ban on tobacco advertising.

The WMA gave its unqualified support to a petition presented to the Czech Parliament in support of a Bill to introduce a total ban on tobacco advertising, including using the name or logo for the marketing of non tobacco products.

A delegation headed by Dr Delon Human, secretary general of the WMA and Professor Jaraslav Blahos, president of the Czech Medical Association, met Czech Parliamentarians to support the legislation currently going through the Czech Parliament.

Afterwards, Dr Human said: “Tobacco companies are clearly targeting new democracies and their youth to expand their markets ? especially a country like the Czech Republic in the heart of Europe. We must do our best to stop this terrible addiction, especially among young people, from further infiltrating Europe and the rest of the world”.