WMA Annual General Assembly

October 14-17 World Trade Center Moscow, Russia

The annual General Assembly of the World Medical Association will be held at the World Trade Center Moscow from 14 to 17 October 2015.

The programme of the meeting will be:

Wednesday 14 October: Committees

Thursday 15 October:     Scientific Session

Friday 16 October am:  Council meeting

Assembly Ceremonial Session

Saturday 17 October:      General Assembly

The themes of the Scientific Session are “Medical Education” and “Climate Changes”. The speakers will include Professor David Gordon, President of World Federation for Medical Education, Sir Michael Marmot, President-elect of WMA, Dr. Robert Wah, Past President of the American Medical Association, Professor Kenji Matsubara, Vice President of the Japanese Medical Association and Professor Leonid Eidelman, President of Israeli Medical Association.

At the Ceremonial Session, Sir Michael Marmot, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London, will be installed as President of the WMA for 2015/16.

Among the issues on the agenda at the meeting are:

Proposed Declaration on alcohol

Health support for street children

Use of riot control agents

Proposed Statement on mobile health

Elimination of nuclear weapons

Proposed Declaration on protection of human reproductive health

Any journalists wishing to attend the Scientific Session and the Assembly sessions on Friday and Saturday should contact Nigel Duncan, WMA Public Relations Consultant, on:

+ 44 (0) 20 8997 3653 (work)

+ 44 (0) 7984 944 403 (mobile)
