spanish flu event geneva

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Health Security
100 Years after the Spanish Flu Pandemic
Wednesday, 23 May 2018, 12-2pm Humanitarium of the International Committee of the Red Cross
17 Avenue de la Paix,1202 Geneva
Food and drinks will be served.
During the 71st World Health Assembly, join the World Medical Association, the International Federation of Red Cross
Red Crescent Societies and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations in their event to
mark the centenary of the deadly 1918 influenza pandemic. An expert panel will raise the issue of the ever-present threat of
an influenza pandemic to global health security:
Are we prepared for another pandemic?
What are the lessons learned?
How can global health stakeholders avert another
deadly influenza pandemic?
This event will be featuring an in-depth panel discussion with flu experts, leaders from biopharmaceutical industry, health
professionals and governmental leaders.
You are cordially invited to attend this event. A detailed program will be shared shortly.
Please let us know if you can make it by confirming at this link: