WMA Regional Meeting in Africa on the Revision of the Declaration of Helsinki
Start Date: février 18, 2024
End Date: février 19, 2024
Location: Sandton Convention Center, Johannesburg, South Africa

The World Medical Association invites you to attend its Regional Meeting in Africa on the Revision of the Declaration of Helsinki, which will take place 18-19 February 2024, at the Sandton Convention Centre (SCC), Johannesburg, South Africa.
Developed in 1964 by the World Medical Association’s General Assembly, the Declaration of Helsinki (DoH) is a set of ethical principles on human experimentation developed for the medical profession. In 2022, the WMA appointed a workgroup to begin the process of revising this seminal document. To encourage as much global participation in the revision process as possible, the WMA is collaborating with its members to host a series of regional meetings.
Co-organized by the South African Medical Association, the American Medical Association and the WMA, the WMA’s Regional Meeting in Africa on the Revision of the Declaration of Helsinki in Johannesburg will provide an opportunity for organizations from the African region to hear presentations and provide input on the current draft of the DoH. Please note that this event will be held in person in English and is open to all WMA members and invited guests. The final program is available here as well as the video recordings as below by sessions:
18 February 2024
- 09:00 – 11:00 Welcome / An Introduction to the DoH / Overview: the application of African indigenous values in protection of vulnerable individuals and groups in research
- 11:15 – 12:45 Contextual vulnerabilities specific to resource poor regions
- 13:30 – 15:00 The role of community consultation and engagement when safeguarding research participants
- 15:30 – 17:00 The influence of pandemics on vulnerabilities in research / Summary & Closing Remarks
19 February 2024