WHA2017_WHPA_Health Migrants-item 13.7

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World Health Assembly

Provisional agenda item 13.7
Promoting the health of migrants

Honorable Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates,

I am speaking on behalf of the World Medical Association, supported by the World Health
Professions Alliance (WHPA), representing over 26 million nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists,
dentists, and physicians in over 130 countries

It is estimated that there are more than 250 million international migrants, representing about 3.5%
of the world’s population. Ensuring health and preventive services for physical and mental health, as
well as aid, is a strong priority.

We welcome the draft Framework of Priorities and Guiding Principles to promote the health of
refugees and migrants developed further to the 140th
Executive Board decision. We wish to highlight
that late or denied treatment is discriminatory and contravenes a fundamental human right. Refusing
to provide healthcare is not only ethically wrong, it poses a serious public health threat. Therefore,
we consider it critical to ensure full access to quality healthcare as well as safe and adequate living
conditions for all, regardless of migration status.

We urge WHO to provide assistance to Member States to implement the priorities, in particular the
development of migrant-sensitive health policies and of legal and social protection agreements with
the inclusion of healthcare benefits. Furthermore, the development of a global migration and health
strategy now emerges as a priority given the increasing trend in numbers of migrants, refugees, and
displaced people (MRDPs).

We wish to highlight that health professionals have a duty to provide appropriate healthcare,
regardless of the civil or political status of the individual. The right to receive medical care should be
based on need and health professionals must be allowed adequate time and sufficient resources to
assess the physical and psychological condition of MRDPs.

We will continue to actively encourage health professionals to support and promote the right of all
people to receive healthcare and speak out against legislation and practices that are in opposition to
this fundamental right.

Thank you