Tentative Programme for th RC

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Tentative Programme for the Seventieth Session of the
Regional Committee, Maldives, 6—10 September 2017
29 June 2017 Rev. 1
Date Morning Afternoon
06 Sep 2017
09:00 am–11:30 am
Inauguration of the Seventieth Session of the
Regional Committee
Group photograph followed by tea/coffee
02:00 pm–5:00 pm
Opening of the Session (Item 1)
• Election of officebearers (Item 3)
• Adoption of the Agenda (Item 4)
Key addresses and report on the work of WHO
(Item 5) (Plenary)
• Introduction to the Regional Director’s Annual Report on
the Work of WHO in the South-East Asia Region covering
the period 1 January—31 December 2016 (Item 5.1)
• Address by the Director-General (Item 5.2)
07 Sep 2017
09:00 am–11:30 am
Ministerial Roundtable
Building health systems resilience to climate change (Item
11:30 am–12:30 pm (Plenary)
• Credentials of Representatives (Item 2)
Governing Body matters (Item 10)
• Elective posts for Governing Body meetings (WHA, EB
and PBAC) (Item 10.3)
Management and Governance matters (Item 11)
• Status of SEA Regional Office Building (Item 11.1)
02:00 pm–5:00 pm
Policy and technical matters (Item 8)
• Hepatitis (Item 8.1)
• TB: ‘Bending the Curve’ (Item 8.2)
• Access to Medicines (Item 8.3)
08 Sep 2017
09:00 am–12:00 pm (Plenary)
Programme Budget matters (Item 7)
• Programme Budget 2016–2017: Implementation and
mid-term review (Item 7.1)
• Programme Budget 2018–2019 (Item 7.2)
• Transparency, accountability, monitoring and
evaluation (Item 7.3)
02:00 pm–5:00 pm (Plenary)
Policy and technical matters (Item 8)
• SDGs and progress towards Universal Health Coverage
(Item 8.6)
i. Strengthening PHC and health workforce
ii. Annual progress monitoring of UHC and SDGs
• Vector Control (Item 8.4)
• Road Safety (Item 8.5)
Date Morning Afternoon
09 Sep 2017
09:00 am–12:30 pm
Progress reports on selected Regional Committee
resolutions: (Item 9)
• Expanding the scope of the South-East Asia regional
health emergency fund (SEARHEF) (SEA/RC69/R6)
(Item 9.1)
• Challenges in polio eradication (SEA/RC60/R8)
(Item 9.2)
• Measles elimination and rubella/congenital rubella
syndrome control (SEA/RC66/R5) (Item 9.3)
• Antimicrobial resistance (SEA/RC68/R3) (Item 9.4)
• Patient safety contributing to sustainable universal
health coverage (SEA/RC68/R4) (Item 9.5)
• South-East Asia regional action plan to implement
global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol
(2014-2025) (SEA/RC67/R4) (Item 9.6)
• Capacity building of Member States in global health
(SEA/RC63/R6) (Item 9.7)
• Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and
Development (CEWG): Financing and Coordination
(SEA/RC65/R3) (Item 9.8)
Governing Body matters (Item 10)
• Key issues arising out of the Seventieth World Health
Assembly and the 140th and 141st Sessions of the
WHO Executive Board (Item 10.1)
• Review of the Draft Provisional Agenda of the 142nd
Session of the WHO Executive Board (Item 10.2)
02:00 pm–5:00 pm (Plenary)
Special Programmes (Item 12)
• UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for
Research and Training in Tropical Diseases: Joint
Coordinating Board (JCB) – Report on attendance at JCB
in 2017 (Item 12.1)
• UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special
Programme of Research, Development and Research
Training in Human Reproduction (HRP): Policy and
Coordination Committee (PCC) – Report on attendance at
PCC in 2017 and nomination of a member in place of
Indonesia whose term expires on 31 December 2017
(Item 12.2)
• Time and place of future sessions of the Regional
Committee (Item 13)
10 Sep 2017
09:00 am–12:30 pm
• Adoption of resolutions (Item 14)
• Adoption of the report of the Seventieth Session of the
Regional Committee (Item 15)
• Closing of the Session (Item 16)
Lunch interval: 12:30 to 2:00 pm daily except on Friday 08 September 2017 the lunch break will be from 12:00 to 2:00 pm
Tea/Coffee breaks will be usually from 10:30 to 11:00 am and from 3:30 to 4:00 pm daily.
Physical Activity sessions from 06:45 to 7:15 am on 07 September 2017(Thursday), 08 September 2017 (Friday), 09 September
2017(Saturday) and 10 September 2017 (Sunday).
Other sessions: Following sessions will also be held:
Side events on:
• Public Health Achievements in the Region on Thursday, 07 September 2017 immediately before lunch interval
• International Health Regulation (IHR) on Thursday, 07 September 2017 during lunch interval
• Public Health Excellence Awards on Thursday, 07 September 2017 in the evening
• Global Fund and Roll Back Malaria Partnership on Friday, 08 September 2017 during lunch interval
• GAVI, Saturday, 09 September 2017 during lunch interval