WHPRC 2016

Start Date: May 1, 2016
End Date: May 2, 2016
Location: Geneva

World Health Professions Regulation Conference 2016

Health professional regulation faces many challenges in a world characterized by political, social, economic and technological change. Widespread reform of health professional regulation reflects policy initiatives by many governments to ensure sustainable, efficient and effective health service delivery. But what are the implications, and how do we ensure the public’s best interests are met?

Scheduled to run over 1.5 days, immediately before the World Health Organization’s World Health Assembly in Geneva, the fifth World Health Professions Regulation Conference will provide participants with insights, perspectives and discussion on current challenges in health professional regulation.

Key speakers will explore health professions and trade agreements in terms of protecting the public versus facilitating commerce; balancing regulation of individual health professions and health services; and the Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030 and WHO Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030 – implications for Health Regulation. 

Be part of the global community of health professionals who are interested in regulation, and discover effective ways of moving forward in Geneva in May 2016.

More details and registration are available here.