International Code of Medical Ethics revision: Dedicated conference on physician conscientious objection
Start Date: July 4, 2022
End Date: July 5, 2022
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

The World Medical Association invites you to attend the International Code of Medical Ethics Dedicated Conference on Physician Conscientious Objection, which will take place on 4-5 July 2022 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Registration is now open:
Now online participation is open for all who are interested in this topic. Here is the zoom link below and the latest program.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 8944 5816
Passcode: 249702
If you are interested in presenting, please submit your abstract to
Venue information:
The Pullman Hotel at CBD Thamrin, Jakarta, Indonesia
Jalan M.H. Thamrin Kav. 59, 10350 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Adopted in 1949 by the World Medical Association’s General Assembly, the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) outlines the guidelines, norms, and central duties of the medical profession. In 2018, the WMA appointed a workgroup to begin the process of revising this seminal document.
Early in the revision process, the ICoME workgroup determined that the subject of conscientious objection should be addressed in the revised draft. Realizing that this is a topic that would require an especially nuanced and in-depth debate, the workgroup requested in October 2020 that the WMA host a dedicated conference on physician conscientious objection be held once in-person meetings were feasible. In the summer of 2021, a public consultation generated a vast amount of feedback on this subject from global medical ethics experts, thus validating the need for this important meeting.
Co-organized by Indonesian Medical Association and the WMA, the International Code of Medical Ethics Dedicated Conference on Physician Conscientious Objection will provide an arena for a focused discussion on the wording of the paragraph on conscientious objection in the current revised draft of the ICoME. Please note that this event will be held in English, and it is open to all WMA members and invited guests. The meeting will be held in person. A virtual option is not planned at this time.
Please visit the WMA website for updates about the program and speakers and contact the WMA secretariat at with any questions.
We hope to see you in Jakarta in July.