WMA 12.7 influenza

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World Health Assembly
12.7 Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and
access to vaccines and other benefits
Honourable Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates,
Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of World Medical Association, which represents
more than 9 million physicians worldwide.
WMA welcomes the report by Director General on the Progress in the implementation of the
Review of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework. In addition to what has been achieved
since last year, we would like to draw your attention to three important areas.
1. Country specific action plans and regional partnerships will play crucial roles during an
influenza pandemic and the process will necessitate active participation of both non-state actors and
individual physicians.
2. The WMA encourages governments to involve National Medical Associations (NMAs) in
the development and implementation of national plans. We encourage physicians to monitor and
assess the implementation of said plans to ensure that as pandemic outbreaks cycle through their
natural history, health interests remain paramount. WMA also emphasize anticipation of NMAs in
different practice environments that may evolve during pandemic conditions and be prepared to
discuss ethical aspects and related issues with health authorities.
3. WMA motivates physicians via NMAs to remain involved in local pandemic planning efforts
and understand how the plan will affect the physician and to participate in local simulation
exercises. Since physicians will be on the frontlines of monitoring, reporting, and eventually
managing pandemic influenza patients, they must be closely involved in the planning process. They
must continuously provide feedback as to what is logistically possible regarding physicians’ efforts
on the ground when a pandemic is faced.
Thank you for your kind attention