5 July 2019 _Draft Provisional Agenda

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Seventy-second Session
New Delhi, India SEA/RC72/1 Rev 2
2–6 September 2019 5 July 2019
Agenda item
1. Opening of the Session
2. Credentials of Representatives
3. Election of Officebearers
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Key addresses and report on the Work of WHO
5.1 Introduction to the Regional Director’s Annual Report on the Work of
WHO in the South-East Asia Region covering the period 1 January 2018–
31 December 2018
5.2 Address by the Director-General
6. Ministerial Roundtable
6.1 Emergency preparedness
7. Programme Budget matters
7.1 Programme Budget 2018–2019: Implementation and mid-term review
7.2 Programme Budget 2020–2021
8. Policy and technical matters
8.1 Annual report on monitoring progress on UHC and health-related SDGs
8.2 Revising the goal for measles elimination and rubella/congenital rubella
syndrome control
8.3 Strengthening IHR and health emergency capacities through
implementation of national action plans
8.4 Regional Action Plan on Programmatic Management of Latent TB Infection
(LTBI) and Global Strategy for TB Research and Innovation
8.5 Regional Plan of Action for the WHO Global Strategy on Health,
Environment and Climate Change
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8.6 Accelerating the elimination of cervical cancer as a global public health
8.7 Regional Snakebite Prevention and Control Strategy
9. Progress reports on selected Regional Committee resolutions
9.1 South-East Asia Regional Health Emergency Fund (SEA/RC60/R7)
9.2 Expanding the scope of the South-East Asia Regional Health Emergency
Fund (SEARHEF) (SEA/RC69/R6)
9.3 Antimicrobial resistance (SEA/RC68/R3)
9.4 Patient safety contributing to sustainable universal health coverage
9.5 Challenges in polio eradication (SEA/RC60/R8)
9.6 Colombo Declaration on strengthening health systems to accelerate
delivery of NCD services at the primary health care level (SEA/RC69/R1)
9.7 Traditional medicine: Delhi Declaration (SEA/RC67/R3)
9.8 2012: Year of Intensification of Routine Immunization in the South-East
Asia Region: Framework for increasing and sustaining coverage
10. Governing Body matters
10.1 Key issues arising out of the Seventy-second World Health Assembly and
the 144th and 145th sessions of the WHO Executive Board
10.2 Review of the Draft Provisional Agenda of the 146th session of the WHO
Executive Board
10.3 Elective posts for Governing Body meetings (WHA, EB and PBAC)
11. Management and Governance matters
11.1 Management performance and Transformation in the South-East Asia
11.2 Evaluation: Annual report
11.3 Status of the SEA Regional Office Building
12. Special Programmes
12.1 UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and
Training in Tropical Diseases: Joint Coordinating Board (JCB) – Report
on attendance at JCB in 2019
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12.2 UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of
Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction
(HRP): Policy and Coordination Committee (PCC) – Report on
attendance at PCC in 2019 and nomination of a member in place of Sri
Lanka whose term expires on 31 December 2019
13 Time and place of future Sessions of the Regional Committee
14 Adoption of resolutions
15 Adoption of the report of the Seventy-second Session of the Regional Committee
16 Closing session