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Professor Sir Michael G. Marmot
MBBS (1969 University of Sydney), MPH, PhD (1975 Berkeley), Honorary Consultant in Public
Health Medicine (since 1980) FRCP (1989), FFPHM (1989); Knighted 2000, FMedSci, FBA (2008),
Hon Fellow RSPH 2008, Hon Fellow RCPsych 2013
Director, UCL Institute of Health Equity (since 2011)
Professor in Epidemiology & Public Health, University College London, since 1985 (Head of
Department 1985-2011)
MRC Research Professor in Epidemiology 1995 – 2013
Age: 69
Major Reports (chaired)
2012: European Review [MARMOT MG, Allen J, Bell R, Bloomer E, Goldblatt P, on behalf of the
Consortium for the European Review of Social Determinants of Health and the Health Divide. WHO
European Review of social determinants of health and the health divide. Commissioned by the World Health
2012: Breast Screening Review. [MARMOT MG, Altman D, Cameron D, Dewar J, Thompson S, Wilcox M:
the Independent Panel on Breast Cancer Screening. A report jointly commissioned by Cancer Research UK
and the Department of Health (England) October 2012.]
2010: Marmot Review [MARMOT MG, Allen J, Goldblatt P, Boyce T, McNeish D, Grady M, Geddes
I on behalf of the Marmot Review (2010). Fair Society, Healthy Lives. Strategic review of health
inequalities in England post-2010. The Marmot Review: London. Commissioned by the Department
of Health.]
2009: Diet Cancer Policy Recommendations [MARMOT MG et al, on behalf of World Cancer
Research Fund/ American Institute for Cancer Research (2009). Policy and action for cancer
prevention. Food, nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective.
Washington DC: AICR. 203p.]
2008: Commission on Social Determinants of Health [MARMOT MG on behalf of the Commission on
Social Determinants of Health (2008). Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through Action
on the Social Determinants of Health. Final report of the Commission on Social Determinants of
Health. Geneva: World Health Organization.]
2007: Diet Cancer Report [MARMOT MG et al, on behalf of World Cancer Research Fund/ American
Institute for Cancer Research (2007). Food, nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention of cancer:
a global perspective. Washington DC: AICR. 517p. ]
2004: Alcohol Review [MARMOT MG (Chair of Academy of Medical Sciences Working Group) et al.
Calling time: the nation’s drinking as a major health issue. Academy of Medical Sciences 2004.]
1995: Sensible Drinking [Alcohol and the heart in perspective: sensible limits reaffirmed. Report of a joint
working group of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, Psychiatrists and General Practitioners (Chair: MG
MARMOT). London, June 1995]
1994: COMA Report [Nutritional Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease. Report of the Cardiovascular Review
Group (Chair: MG MARMOT), Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy. Report on Health and
Social Subjects No.46, Dept of Health. HMSO, London, 1994]
Honours and distinctions
2014-17 Visiting Harvard and Lown Professor, Harvard University
2014 Commendador de la Orden Daniel A Carrion, Peru
2014 Chair, International Advisory Board, Cancer Research UK/Bupa Fdn Cancer Prevention Initiative
2014 Doctorate Honoris Causa KU Leuven
2013 Honorary Doctor of Civil Law, University of Newcastle
2013 Geoffrey Rose Memorial Lecture, Imperial College
2013 Doctor Honoris Causa Middlesex University
2013 Irish Cancer Society, Charles Cully Lecture & Memorial Award
2013 Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists
2013 Honorary Member, Swiss Academy of Humanities & Social Sciences
2013 President, British Lung Foundation
2012 Doctor Honoris Causa Malmo University
2012 Annual Balzan Lecture
2012 Doctor of Science Honoris Causa Northumbria University
2012 Trustee, Early Intervention Foundation
2012 Ferguson-Glass Oration, Australasian Fac. Occupational & Environ. Med.
2012 Priscilla Kincaid Smith Oration, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
2012 Lifetime Award Fellowship Eur Academy of Occupational Health Psychology
2012 Founder member, Council for Defence of British Universities
2012 Patron of Medsin-UK
2012 European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Fellowship
2011 Green Templeton College Foundation Dinner, guest speaker
2011 Ambuj Nath Bose Prize, Royal College of Physicians
2011 Doctor Honoris Causa, Ghent University – nominated
2011 Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Peruana Cayetano
2011 Medal of City of Lima, awarded by Mayor of Lima
2011 The Glasgow Lecture, University of Glasgow
2011 Sir Liam Donaldson Lecture and Medal, Health Protection Agency
2011 Ernestine Henry Lecture, Faculty of Occupational Medicine, UK
2011 Malcolm Peterson Honor Lecture, Society of General Internal Medicine, USA
2011 Doctor Honoris Causa, Trinity College Dublin
2011 Fellow, Association for Psychological Medicine
2011 Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians
2011 Honorary Member, International Association for Dental Research
2011 Corresponding Member, Belgian Royal Academy of Science (KAGB)
2011 Avedis Donabedian International Foundation Award
2010 Manchester Doubleday Award, Manchester School of Medicine
2010 Jenner Medal, Royal Society of Medicine
2010 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Stockholm
2010 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Helsinki
2010 Distinguished H. Lyman Hooker Visiting Professor, McMasters University
2010-11 President, British Medical Association
2009 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Montreal
2009 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Athens
2009 Sir George Pickering Lecture, British Hypertension Society
2009 Francisco Balmis Lecture, National Inst. of Public Health, Mexico
2008 Honorary Fellow, British Academy
2008 Honorary Fellow, Royal Society for Public Health
2008 Tore Andersson Award in Epidemiological Research, Karolinska Institutet,
2008 Doctor Honoris Causa, Université Libre de Bruxelles
2008 Honorary Fellow, British Academy
2008 William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research
2008 Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada McLaughlin-Gallie Visiting Professor
2007-8: Johns Hopkins, Associate, Health Policy & Management
2007 Lewis A. Conner Memorial Lecture, American Heart Association
2007 Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Foundation Hero Award
2007 Charles C. Shepard Science Awards Ceremony (CDC, Atlanta)
2007 Royal College of Physicians DARE lecture
2007 R. C. Geary Lecture, Economic and Social Research Inst, Dublin
2007 John F Wilkinson Memorial Lecture, Manchester Medical Society
2006 Guest Lecturer The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
2006 Winner BMA Book Awards 2006 (Public Health)
2006 Jorma Rantanen Lecture and Award, Helsinki
2006 Harveian Oration, Royal College of Physicians
2006 Harold Hatch Lecture, International Longevity Centre
2006 Doctor of Medicine honoris causa, University of Sydney
2005 Visiting professorship, Case University, Ohio
2005 Marjorie Coote lecture, University of Sheffield
2005 Honorary Member, British Cardiac Society
2004 Balzan Prize for Epidemiology
2004 Alwyn Smith Prize Medal for distinguished service to public health, Faculty of Public Health
2004 St Cyres Lecture, British Cardiac Society
2004 Bisset Hawkins Trust Medal, Royal College of Physicians
2003 Visiting Fellow Commoner, Trinity College, Cambridge
2003 Beveridge Lecture, Royal Statistical Society
2003 Frederick H. Epstein Memorial Lecture, 43rd
American Heart Association Conference, Miami
2002 Decade of Behaviour Distinguished Speaker, Gerontological Society of America
2002 Foreign Associate Membership, IOM, National Academy of Sciences
2002 Visiting Fellow, National Centre for Social Research
2002 Patricia B Barchas Award, American Psychosomatic Society
2002 The Charles M. & Martha Hitchcock Professorship, University of California, Berkeley
2001 29th
Annual Thomas Francis Jr Memorial Lecture
2000 Samuel Their Lecture, Yale School of Medicine
2000 Knighted by Her Majesty The Queen for services to epidemiology
2000 Lord Rayner Lectureship
2000 Alumnus of the Year Award, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
2000 Medal of the European Society of Cardiology, for contribution to cardiovascular science and
Population Science Lecture
2000 Redfern Oration, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
1999 Sol Levine Lecture, Harvard School of Public Health
1998 Distinguished Lecturer, Kansas Health Institute
1998 Foundation Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences
1998 Fellowship, Academia Europaea
1997 First Geoffrey Rose Memorial Lecture
1995 Awarded Medical Research Council Research Professor
1989 Duncan Lectureship, University of Liverpool
1976: University of Texas, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Health
See separate document for full list of over 1000 publications, including :
Whitehall II Study of British Civil Servants (230)
English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (7)
Social determinants of health (49)
Inequalities in health (26)
Health equity (20)
Commission on Social Determinants of Health (11)
Global health (29)
Health policy (25)
Breast cancer screening (9)
Hapiee Study (10)