
Efectos para la salud del tabaquismo pasivo

El tabaco es la primera causa de muerte evitable en el mundo, produce  millones de muertes. El consumo del tabaco afecta cada  órgano en el cuerpo y es un factor de riesgo para seis de las ocho principales causas de muerte en el mundo.

WMA offers a self-study course and reading material on the Health Effects of Tobacco Secondhand Smoke: focus on Children Health A Review of the Evidence and Self-Assessment [optional] is published: November 30, 2015 by School of Policy, Government and International Affairs George Mason University Arlington, Virginia, USA – WMA Cooperating Center.

This course can help to:

  • Understand the robustness of the evidence supporting the health effects of tobacco second hand smoke (TSHS) in adults and children, and
  • Explore intervention measures and legislations to minimize TSHS exposures of infants and children.

Click here to access the self-paced study materials (updated version on 20 July 2016) and associated presentation file.

Please access MedEDirect, Inc here to register for CME credits, respond to self-assessment questions and fill out a survey. CME is offered free of charge.

  • Statement on Health Hazards of Tobacco Products
  • WMA Resolution on Plain Packaging of Cigarettes
  • WMA Resolution on implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on tobacco control
  • WMA Statement on Electronic Cigarettes and Other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems