Declaration of Lisbon 2005

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c. All identifiable patient data must be protected. The protection of the data must be
appropriate to the manner of its storage. Human substances from which identifi-
able data can be derived must be likewise protected.
9. Right to health education
Every person has the right to health education that will assist him/her in making
informed choices about personal health and about the available health services. The
education should include information about healthy lifestyles and about methods of
prevention and early detection of illnesses. The personal responsibility of everybody
for his/her own health should be stressed. Physicians have an obligation to participate
actively in educational efforts.
10. Right to dignity
a. The patient's dignity and right to privacy shall be respected at all times in medical
care and teaching, as shall his/her culture and values.
b. The patient is entitled to relief of his/her suffering according to the current state
of knowledge.
c. The patient is entitled to humane terminal care and to be provided with all avail-
able assistance in making dying as dignified and comfortable as possible.
11. Right to religious assistance
The patient has the right to receive or to decline spiritual and moral comfort including
the help of a minister of his/her chosen religion.