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Revision of the Declaration of
Helsinki: Biobanks
Professor Alastair V. Campbell
Chen Su Lan Centennial Professor in Medical Ethics
Director, Centre for Biomedical Ethics
National University of Singapore
Biobank – Definition
“A stored collection of genetic samples in the form of
blood or tissue that can be linked with medical and
geneological or lifestyle information from a specific
population, gathered using a process of generalised
Wolf, et al., 2012
Varieties of Biobanks
•  Prospective, recruitment of volunteers
•  Linking existing data bases and tissue banks
•  Disease specific
Why are Biobanks proliferating now?
Large epidemiological cohort studies are
not new – BUT:
•  Availability of huge numbers of genetic markers,
from Human Genome Project
•  New capacity to analyse very large numbers of
biological markers
•  Modern IT facilitates large and complex follow-up
Why do Biobanks warrant unusual consideration?
»   Very broad range of potential research
»   Very broad range of future health information will be
»   Very large scale, many participants, necessarily
somewhat impersonal
»   Broad range of researchers may access the data
»   Data will be available for very long time
»   Increasing pressure to link internationally
»   Consent has to be broad as future uses cannot be
How Can Biobanks Serve the Public Good?
»   Health as an international communal enterprise
»   People not profit
»   How and who to define priorities?
Key Ethical Issues
»   Harm and Benefit
»   Consent
»   Feedback
»   Stewardship
3 types of possible harm
»   Physical
»   Psychological
»   Informational
»   Broad? Blanket? Generic? Implied?
»   Extendable and Rescindable?
»   Renewable? (How often?)
»   Levels of withdrawal
– No further contact
– No further use or access
– Total withdrawal (samples destroyed)
Feedback (1)
»   Excellent general communication essential to show
enterprise worthwhile.
»   Feedback of individual health results from baseline
tests (eg. BP) seems reasonable
»   But what of incidental findings and research results
relevant to participants?
Feedback (2)
•  Huge volume of data on each person, genetic and phenotypic,
applied to many different projects in aggregated form
•  Unethical to release data which cannot be interpreted, without
individual explanations and interpretations – genetic
•  Most data will be meaningless until research completed
•  Quality standards of testing in research setting below those of
clinical laboratories
Points against feedback of individual results later
in project
Feedback (3)
»   If findings are: analytically valid, reveal substantial
risk and clinically actionable
»   If affected person wishes
»   Relevance to others – offspring, relatives
Arguments for Selective Feedback
»   Security Mechanisms
»   Resisting Inappropriate Access
»   Best Use of Depletable Resource
Best Use of Resource
»   The main ethical issue of the future
»   How to ensure fair usage?
»   Who decides?
Governance Bodies?
Conclusions – Points to Consider in
Revision of Helsinki Declaration
»   Revision of Consent Provisions? (paragraphs 14 and
»   Governance Issues – Beyond Initial Ethics Approval
»   Appropriate Access and Fair Distribution of Benefits
»   Should Declaration Comment on Feedback?
Campbell AV. The ethical challenges of genetic
databases: safeguarding altruism and trust. King’s
Law Journal 18(2); 227-246 (2007)
Wolf, SM, et al. Managing incidental findings and
research results in genome research involving
biobanks and archived datasets. Genetics in
Medicine, 14 (2012), 361 – 384