WMA Welcomes Recognition Given to Health in New Climate Deal

Commenting on today’s climate change agreement, Dr. Xavier Deau, Immediate Past President of the World Medical Association said:

‘Today’s ambitious agreement gives us hope that the world’s governments now recognise the serious consequences for health as a result of climate change and the urgent need for global climate action. The final Paris agreement establishes an unprecedented framework to transition away from our carbon-intensive economies and towards protecting health from the devastating effects of climate change.

‘We particularly welcome recognition in the agreement that governments should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights and the right to health of the whole population.

‘It is now vital that the global community works to strengthen health systems. Tackling social inequalities in health, particularly in the developing world, and tackling climate change must go hand in hand. Physicians around the world will continue to support action on climate change to ensure that governments are held accountable to today’s promises.’