WMA Council Meeting, April 16-18, 2015, Oslo, Norway

World Medical Association Council Meeting, April 16-18, 2015 Oslo, Norway

The WMA will hold its 200th Council meeting at the Hotel Bristol, Oslo from April 16-18, when physician leaders from national medical associations around the world will debate a number of key issues.

Among these will be policy proposals on health data bases, the consequences for patients and doctors from the development of mobile health technology and a paper on alcohol-related harm. Delegates will hear a presentation on Norway’s experiences with a ban on alcohol advertising.

Debates will also be held on the social determinants of health, health support for street children and physicians’ well-being.

Although the meeting is not open to the media, anyone wanting more information or wishing to interview participants should contact Nigel

Nigel Duncan
WMA Public Relations Consultant
+ 44 (0) 20 8997 3653 (work)
+ 44 (0) 7984 944 403 (mobile)