WMA Annual General Assembly

Media invite

WMA Annual General Assembly

October 8-11 Durban International Convention Center, Durban, South Africa

The annual General Assembly of the World Medical Association will be held at the Durban International Convention Center, Durban, South Africa from 8 to 11 October 2014.

The programme of the meeting will be:
Wednesday 8 October: Committees
Thursday 9 October: Scientific Session
Friday 10 October am: Council meeting
Assembly Ceremonial Session
Saturday 11 October: General Assembly
The theme of the Scientific Session is “Health Determinants Beyond the MDGs”. Among the speakers will be Sir Michael Marmot (Director of University College London Institute of Health Equity), Malebona Precious Matsoso (Director General for Health, South Africa) and Diane MeIntyre (University of Cape Town, South Africa).
At the Ceremonial Session, Dr. Xavier Deau, a general practitioner from France and President of the European and International Delegation of the French Medical Council, will be installed as President of the WMA for 2014/15.
Among the issues on the agenda at the meeting are:
– International recruitment of physicians
– Millennium Development Goals
– Physicians’ wellbeing
– Health databases and biobanks
– Aesthetic procedures for minors
Any journalists wishing to attend the Scientific Session and the Assembly sessions on Friday and Saturday should contact Nigel Duncan, WMA Public Relations Consultant, on:
+ 44 (0) 20 8997 3653 (work)
+ 44 (0) 7984 944 403 (mobile)