WMA asks Doctors to rise to Challenges of Tackling the Root Causes of Ill Health

The World Medical Association has welcomed the global agreement on social determinants at the United Nations Conference in Rio de Janeiro last week.

The Conference followed on from the ground-breaking work by Sir Michael Marmot, from University College London, and will now lead to the work being implemented across the world.

Dr. Jose Luiz Gomes do Amaral, President of the WMA, who spoke at the conference, said that physicians had a key role in their own practices and hospitals, but they also had an advocacy role in their communities.

Dr. Mukesh Haikerwal, Chair of the WMA Council, added: ‘This is important work for the medical profession to be driving forward and the WMA and its 100 member national medical associations have confirmed their readiness to participate, coordinate and advocate for the causes of the causes of ill-health outside illness itself to be addressed coherently, collectively and comprehensively.’