WMA Annual General Assembly

13-16 October – The Fairmont Hotel, West Georgia Street, Vancouver, Canada

The annual General Assembly of the World Medical Association will be held at The Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver from 13 to 16 October 2010.

The programme of the meeting will be:

Wednesday 13 October: Committees
Thursday 14 October: Scientific Session
Friday 15 October: Council Session
Assembly Ceremonial Session
Saturday 16 October: General Assembly

The theme of the scientific session is “Health and the Environment”, with speakers from around the world, including Professor Sir Michael Marmot, President of the British Medical Association, who will speak on Social determinants and Environmental Health and achieving improvements in health for all in a changing environment.

Among the issues on the agenda at the meeting are:

  • Environmental Degradation
  • Family Violence
  • Medical care for refugees