CD61 Note Verbal NSAs (Eng.)

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525 23rd
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The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau has the honor to invite your
institution to participate as an observer at the 61st Directing Council of the Pan American
Health Organization (PAHO), 76th Session of the Regional Committee of the World
Health Organization (WHO) for the Americas, to be held from 30 September to
4 October 2024 at PAHO’s Headquarters in Washington, D.C., United States of America.
… A copy of the provisional agenda is enclosed for your information.
Meeting registration can be completed electronically by visiting the following
website: After completing the online registration,
please inform the name, title and e-mail address of the person who will
represent your institution.
The working documents for the session can be accessed online, in the four official
languages of the Organization, on the Governing Bodies page of the PAHO website: as they become available.
Should a non-State actor wish to present a statement during the Council, please
refer to Rule 28 of the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council.
Nongovernmental organizations in official relations with the Organization or the
World Health Organization, and other invited organizations, may attend sessions of
the Council, but without the right to vote. By leave of the President, they may make
a brief statement of an expository nature on an item before the session and may be
invited to make a brief additional statement for the purpose of clarification.
If your institution is interested in delivering a statement, please advise by 20 September. Statements should be no longer than 300 words.
Washington, D.C., 8 August 2024
… Enclosure
61st Directing Council
76th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO
for the Americas
Washington, D.C., 30 September–4 October 2024
Provisional Agenda Item 2.5
27 June 2024
Original: English
1. Opening of the Session
2. Procedural Matters
2.1 Appointment of the Committee on Credentials
(Rule 31, Rules of Procedure)
2.2 Election of Officers
(Rule 16, Rules of Procedure)
2.3 Establishment of a Working Party to Study the Application of Article
6.B of the PAHO Constitution
(Rule 34, Rules of Procedure)
2.4 Establishment of the General Committee
(Rule 32, Rules of Procedure)
2.5 Adoption of the Agenda
(Rule 10, Rules of Procedure)
(Resolution CE174.R16 [2024])
3. Constitutional Matters
3.1 Annual Report of the President of the Executive Committee
(Article 9.C, PAHO Constitution)
3.2 Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American
Sanitary Bureau
(Article 9.C, PAHO Constitution)
3.3 Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the
Expiration of the Periods of Office of Argentina, the Plurinational State
of Bolivia, and Jamaica
(Articles 9.B and 15.A, PAHO Constitution)
CD61/1 2
4. Program Policy Matters
4.1 Report of the End-of-biennium Assessment of the PAHO Program
Budget 2022–2023/Second Interim Report on the Implementation
of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025
4.2 Strategy and Plan of Action to Decrease the Burden of Sepsis
in the Region of the Americas through an Integrated Approach
(Resolution CE174.R2 [2024])
4.3 Policy for Strengthening Equity-Oriented Health Sector Action
on Climate Change and Health
(Resolution CE174.R15 [2024])
4.4 Plan of Action for Strengthening Information Systems for Health
(Resolution CE174.R3 [2024])
4.5 Policy on Long-term Care
(Resolution CE174.R4 [2024])
4.6 Strategy for Strengthening the Essential Public Health Functions
to Accelerate Health Systems Transformation 2024–2034
(Resolution CE174.R5 [2024])
4.7 Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control
in the Region of the Americas 2025–2030
(Resolution CE174.R7 [2024])
4.8 Strategy on Integrated Emergency, Critical and Operative Care
(Resolution CE174.R6 [2024])
4.9 Strategy on Epidemic Intelligence for Strengthening Early Warning
of Health Emergencies 2024–2029
(Resolution CE174.R8 [2024])
5. Administrative and Financial Matters
5.1 Report on the Collection of Assessed Contributions
(Resolution CE174.R1 [2024])
and Add. I
5.2 Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor
for 2023
CD61/1 3
5. Administrative and Financial Matters (cont.)
5.3 Programming of the Budget Surplus
(Resolution CE174.R11 [2024])
5.4 Update on the Status of the Latin American Center for Perinatology,
Women and Reproductive Health
(Resolution CE174.R9 [2024])
5.5 Report on the Charge Assessed on the Procurement of Public Health
Supplies for Member States
(Resolution CE174.R10 [2024])
6. Selection of Member States to Boards and Committees
6.1 Selection of Two Member States from the Region of the Americas
Entitled to Designate a Person to Serve on the Policy and Coordination
Committee (PCC) of the UNDP/UNFPA/ UNICEF/WHO/World Bank
Special Program of Research, Development and Research Training in
Human Reproduction
6.2 Election of Three Members to the Advisory Committee
of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health
Sciences Information (BIREME)
7. Awards
7.1 PAHO Award for Health Services Management and Leadership 2024
(Resolution CE174.R12 [2024])
8. Matters for Information
8.1 Roadmap for Developing the Strategic Plan of the Pan American
Health Organization 2026–2031
8.2 Report on Strategic Issues between PAHO and WHO CD61/INF/2
8.3 Regional Consultation on the Programme Budget 2026–2027
of the World Health Organization
8.4 Implementation of the International Health Regulations CD61/INF/4
8.5 Plan of Action on Entomology and Vector Control 2018–2023:
Final Report
(Resolution CD56.R2 [2018])
CD61/1 4
8. Matters for Information (cont.)
8.6 Plan of Action for the Sustainability of Measles, Rubella,
and Congenital Rubella Syndrome Elimination in the Americas
2018–2023: Final Report
(Resolution CSP29.R11 [2017])
8.7 Plan of Action for Strengthening Information Systems for Health
2019–2023: Final Report
(Resolution CD57.R9 [2019])
8.8 Plan of Action of Human Resources for Universal Access to Health
and Universal Health Coverage 2018–2023: Final Report
(Resolution CD56.R5 [2018])
(Resolution CSP29.R15 [2017])
8.9 Access and Rational Use of Strategic and High-cost Medicines
and Other Health Technologies: Final Report
(Resolution CD55.R12 [2016])
8.10 Progress Reports on Technical Matters:
A. Addressing the Causes of Disparities in Health Services Access
and Utilization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans (LGBT)
Persons: Progress Report
(Resolution CD52.R6 [2013])
B. Roadmap for the Digital Transformation of the Health Sector
in the Region of the Americas: Progress Report
(Resolution CD59.R1 [2021])
C. Strategy on Health-related Law: Progress Report
(Resolution CD54.R9 [2015])
8.11 Resolutions and other Actions of Intergovernmental Organizations
of Interest to PAHO:
A. Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly CD61/INF/11(A)
B. Fifty-fourth Regular Session of the General Assembly
of the Organization of American States
C. Subregional Organizations CD61/INF/11(C)
9. Other Matters
10. Closure of the Session