FPL 207:JDN Report:Oct2017

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FPL 207/JDN Report/Oct2017 Original:
Title: Report of the Junior Doctors’ Network
(JDN) (May – September 2017)
Destination: Finance and Planning Committee
Council Session
WMA General Assembly, Chicago 2017
Renaissance Downtown Hotel
Chicago, United States

11-14 October 2017
To be
The following is the JDN report for the period extending from the WMA Council Meeting 2017
until September 15th
, 2017.
During the reporting period, on the internal front, two new working groups were started to tackle
Working Conditions as well as Mental Health of Junior Doctors. These issues have been of
continued interest to the membership since the inception of the JDN and with an increasing concern
over patient safety as well as physician’s wellbeing in many countries, these two topics will be
revisited in depth. The next steps are currently being planned by the members and chairs of both
groups in coordination.
Additionally, the working group on Global Medical Exchanges is working on surveying the
membership on interest and mapping existing initiatives. The survey is currently at its pilot stage.
The working group on Antimicrobial Resistance continued its work and published an article in the
World Medical Journal on Antimicrobial Stewardship. The group will also work towards another
AMR social media campaign in collaboration with the WMA secretariat to promote the WMA
policy and AMR course during Antibiotic Awareness Week in November.
The Climate Change working group has worked to refine the proposed policy based on comments
received from NMAs during the Council meeting in April.
As part of a revision of the internal processes of the network, new terms of reference for the JDN
elections are now in place, and those will be implemented in the next round of elections at the JDN
Chicago meeting.
Since the beginning of this term, we have implemented monthly management team meetings in
addition to the general membership teleconference to ensure coordination of activities and
appropriate follow up. We have also put in place a reporting system with half yearly reports
submitted by the JDN officers in April, and end of year reports submitted in September. JDN
working groups as well will start reporting on their activities twice yearly. The first report is due
prior to the start of the October meeting.
September 2017 FPL 207/JDN Report/Oct2017
In May, we organized the Pre-World Health Assembly JDN meeting in Ferney-Voltaire. Around 25
Junior Doctors were in attendance. The topics discussed mirrored those of the World Health
Assembly including Non-Communicable Diseases and Obesity, Antimicrobial Resistance, Human
Resources for Health and others. Twelve JDN members attended the World Health Assembly as
We have planned our JDN meeting in Chicago with the support of the AMA under the theme of
Antimicrobial Resistance. World renowned experts and academicians will be joining us for the first
day of the meeting for an all-day workshop. A panel of speakers from NMAs as well as the WFME
president will join us for a session on the second day of the meeting.
JDN continues to support regional collaborations. The JDN chair supported the Junior Doctors of
Africa-Francophone meeting. There is an active group of Junior Doctors in Latin America which
continues to evolve and new members from the Eastern Mediterranean are joining the network.
JDN is also working on establishing close collaboration with the European Junior Doctors EJD, on
several topics of mutual interest.
With regards to Medical Education, JDN continues its collaboration with the World Federation for
Medical Education, and the network was represented at the WFME meeting by the JDN Chair, Dr
Caline Mattar. The meeting took place in Ferney-Voltaire in May.
The JDN continues to foster its partnership with the IFMSA through continued collaboration and
Since the last meeting, we have seen an increasing number of Junior Doctor representatives of
National Associations join the network. We highly value close collaboration with NMAs in order to
continue to increase participation of young physicians from the national organizations.
This report was prepared by Dr Caline Mattar, Chair of the Junior Doctors Network.