Lujain AlQodmani CV

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Lujain Alqodmani
Personal Data
Place of Birth: Kuwait
Personal E-mail
SDA Bocconi School of Management,
Milano, Italy

Master in Healthcare Management,
Economics and Policy, Global Health
Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University,

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of
Surgery MBBS
Professional Experience
2020 EAT Intiative, Oslo, Director of Global Action

• Development and execution of EAT strategy and activities
• Lead the translation of EAT knowledge into set of policies and
business practices
• Leading climate and health global portfolio
• Led the Secretariat of Action Tracks 2 of UN Food Systems Summit:
Shift to Sustainable Food Consumption and leads EAT’s
• Development and oversight of the organization’s project portfolio and
resource management
2020 World Medical Association, Council member
2019 EAT Intiative, Oslo, Special Adviser to the Executive Chair

• International relation development with global health, climate and
sustainability organizations
• Provide strategic advice to the Executive Chair.
2018 Environment Caucus, World Medical Association, Co-Chair

• Coordinated international forums on issues related to
environment and health among WMA’ members
• Reviewed WMA’s existing environmental polices
• Leading the organization’s climate and health advocacy activities
• Member of WHO Civil Society Working Group for Climate and Health on behalf
of WMA.
2017 Health Assurance Hospital Company, Kuwait, Consultant

▪ Established health care operating policies to be implemented in the Company’s
different clinics
▪ Provided consultation services to improve existing health management polices
2015 Kuwait Medical Association, Kuwait, International Relation Director

▪ Established connection with international organization e.g. World
Medical Association, Doctors’ without Borders

▪ Founded an international humanitarian program for Kuwait Medical Association
2016 Women in Global Health (WGH), USA, Membership Director
▪ Established WGH membership system

▪ Supported the development of the organization’s strategy on gender equality in
global health
Arabic, English, Italian (Basic), French (Basic)
Additional Information
Founder of Junior Doctors Society – Kuwait
Founder and National Coordinator of Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM)
Associate Member of World Medical Association
▪ The Climate/Health Nexus at COP21 Beyond
▪ Health in Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)
2012 World Health Organization

• Contributed in WHO’s Vulnerability Assessment Manual for vector borne
diseases, malnutrition and occupational health
• Completed WHO-International Federation of Medical Students Associations
(IFMSA) Climate Change video project
• Coordinated and was in charge of preparation and release of the health edition
of the Outreach magazine (a multi-stakeholder publication on climate change
and sustainable development), sponsored by the WHO
2011 –
2013 International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, Amsterdam
Regional Coordinator of Eastern Mediterranean Region (2011-2012)

• Responsible for the development of all National Member Organizations in the

• Maintained relation with different external organizations in the regional (e.g, WHO,

• Created several regional public health projects that focused on global health issues
such as climate change and diabetes
Vice President of Internal Affairs (2012-2013)
• Responsible for the development of all National Member Organizations worldwide
•Managed a team of five different regional coordinators

• Developed the Federation’s internal, communication and information-sharing
▪ Health in climate Change post COP23
▪ Symptoms of a broken system: the gender gaps in COVID-19 decision-making
▪ COVID-19 and the future of food systems at the UNFCCC
▪ The contribution of Islam to planetary health
▪ Views of health professionals on climate change and health: a multinational survey study
▪ The fight against NCDs: multi sectoral convergence as a “best buy”